本次考试难度较低,小作文中出现的柱图难度很低:本图中没有出现时态变化,同时数据本身可以有多种途径完成分析。同学们在写作中仍然需要关注小作文中的逻辑一致性,尽量避免将趋势和对比融在一起写。大作文题目是一道老题(20140621原题重现),同时和2018年6月7号考试题目非常类似,但是注意在第一问中限定条件young 不复存在而第二问中出现了限定条件society:如果这些点没有体现在写作中,那么最终作文是不合格的。
Task 1
The charts below show the precentage of males and females who were overweight in Australia between 1980 and 2010.
Task 2
题目An increasing number of people are changing careers during their working life.
What are the reasons for this? Does it have a positive or negative development for society?
参考范文Relatively frequent change of job and career in youngsters is becoming increasingly common. There are several reasons to explain this trend, and generally I believe the society would benefit from it.
The reason of this development is not complicated: information is becoming more accessible, act...