

雅思考试 雅思口语 雅思口语范文


  Describe a mistake you once made.

  You should say:

  what it was

  how you made this mistake

  when it was

  and explain how it affected you.





  The biggest mistake in my life was falling in love with the wrong girl who had a completely different view of life, love and relationship. I was hardly 17 years old when I fall hard for this girl.

  Initially, we were classmates and then became friends. In a year I started to feel something about her that was quite extraordinary and hard to explain. I guess people call this 'love'. My whole world started to shift and I was surrounded by a mirage for this whole time. Not a single moment had passed when I didn't think about her. She was the centre and power source of my universe. When I proposed her, she expressed her boundless joys and acted as if I should have proposed her earlier. So far, this is a sweet and innocent love story of a teenager and I was happy to have her in my life.

  However, it took me only a few months to realise that she was not serious about our relationship. When she was my whole world, I was her just another temporary boyfriend. The relationship ended in ten months and I was so broken-hearted that I could not concentrate on a...



雅思考试 雅思口语 雅思口语范文



  Where is it?

  How do you know this place?

  How does it look like?

  And explain how do you feel about this place?




  Well, I would like to start by saying that I dwell in a beautiful city XXX and there are various places which are crowd-puller. Here, I would like to talk about a place where individuals go to listen to music.

  It is a restaurant named “vivaan” which is housed in heart of the city. I visit this place frequently with my near and dear ones. Honestly speaking, this place is really famous for its food and music. They play different genres such as unplugged, acoustic especially they soft and soothing music. They invite various artists and music bands on weekends for live music. The most interesting thing is that local community people are also given chances to sing in front of others in order to demonstrate their talent. The restaurant is designed as per modern architecture and is very eye-catching. At night, it becomes a happening place because a lot people visit it for listening to music as well as for enjoying the delicious cuisines.

  I feel this place is awesome because of different reasons. first of all, as it...



雅思考试 雅思口语 雅思口语范文



  Describe a place where people listen to music

  Where is it?

  How do you know this place?

  How does it look like?

  And explain how do you feel about this place?


  2.主题:Ha Noi大街


  One of the most interesting and well-known places where people can go to listen to the music in Ha Noi is definitely the Walking street, which is near Ho Guom lake on Hai Ba Trung district.

  When coming to this street, you can have chances to listen to various genres of music, ranging from pop and rock music to folk songs free of charge. A lot of amateur musicians and singers have their music performances there without caring about how much money other people will voluntarily give them. They sing and play musical instruments mainly because they want to arouse their passion and be the centre of attention.

  My friends and I usually wander around the Walking street on the weekend and we all blow my mind by how talented and skillful the artists are. Another thing that I love about this place is it can help me to get closer to the nature around Ho Guom lake and get a sense of transquility. Especially in the spring, when the weather is bree...



雅思口语 雅思作文 雅思口语范文



  Describe a book you want to read again想再读的书。

  You should say:

  What the book is about

  Why you read it

  What you learned from this book

  And explain why you would like to read it again.


  Ok, well after a bit of thought, I’ve decided that the book I’d like to talk about is one called Think Like DaVinci, as it's definitely a book I would like to read again at some point, for reasons I'll come on to shortly. But firstly though, with regard to what the book’s about, well in a nutshell, it basically explains how all of us have thecapability and potential to become a genius, like DaVinci. And it outlines a few various things that he used to do, which we can also get into the habit of doing. So essentially, it puts forward some ideas on how we can all live to our full potential. Anyway, as for what made me read it, well if my memory serves me correctly, I wasbrowsing around in my local bookshop one day, and the book's cover kind of just caught my eye when I saw the name DaVinci written in bold letters. So I read a few pages to see if it was any good, and ended up buying it.

  I should also mention the fact that I'm quite a big fan of self-help books, because on the whole, I tend to learn quite a lot from them, and this bo...



雅思口语part2范文 雅思口语范文 雅思口语


  口语难题:描述一个你喜欢的家庭( 各位要注意中西方的价值观的不同,老外比较看重家庭的communications, discoussions, mutually supportive 等) 要尽量围绕西方人的观点去讲,分数会更高一些。

  Describe a family (not your own) that you like.

  You should say:

  where this family lives;

  who the members of thefamily are;

  how you got to know them;

  and explain why you likethis family.

  关键词: 好同学, 父母以身作则, 相亲相爱, 广泛听取意见(包括小孩的意见),孩子被鼓励尝试新东西,不断积累经验。

  Beginning , Well, I would like to talk about the family of Vicky, one of my students. Her parents sent her to Shanghai, studying TOEFL andSSAT. The first time I met her parents, I was totally attracted by the grace of her mother and the easy-going of her father.

  The parents set and keep standards of behavior (keeping them by example first).

  The parents are loyal to, supportive of, and affectionate with each other. The kids grow up seeing mom and dad holding hands, laughing together, and building their relationship.

  By extension, the family as a whole is loyal, mutually supportive, and loving with each other. Family members spend time together, play together, work together on family projects, and enjoy each others'company. Parents are available for each other and for the kids, and the family commonly eats meals together.

  Wide-ranging discussions are common. Parents and kids listen to and learn fromeach other. They share...



雅思口语part2范文 雅思口语范文 德州雅思考试


  雅思范文part2范文:Describe an artist

  Well, you know, when we are pursuing a more fashionable life, various kinds of arts are being created. However, compared to the achievements and levels of those artists in our history, it is hard to find out one who is more outstanding. Therefore, to describe an artist, I would like to talk about Qi baishi. One of the ten top artists in the 20th century in China, and also well-know through out the world.

  I became to know him when I was in the middle school, when my father, one day, came back home very excitedly, because he successfully got one painting of Qibaishi. However, a week later, my father was disappointed because the painting turned out to be a fake. Later, I am quite interested in gathering all possible information about this artist and his art works.

  Under his brush, each flower, bird, fish and even an insect is amazingly vivid, while the hills, the waters and the figures are all perfect, showing the wisdom and philosophy of life and thus moving the readers directly. In his 80s, he was especially famous for his talents in drawing shrimps. He was so hard working that in his life time, he had produced more than 30000 paintings and 3000 poems.

  He is a great artist because of his profound achievement in the filed of paintings, calligraphies, poems and seals, because of his combination of the folk...



雅思口语part2范文 雅思口语范文 滨州雅思考试


  雅思范文part2范文:Describe an artist

  Well, you know, when we are pursuing a more fashionable life, various kinds of arts are being created. However, compared to the achievements and levels of those artists in our history, it is hard to find out one who is more outstanding. Therefore, to describe an artist, I would like to talk about Qi baishi. One of the ten top artists in the 20th century in China, and also well-know through out the world.

  I became to know him when I was in the middle school, when my father, one day, came back home very excitedly, because he successfully got one painting of Qibaishi. However, a week later, my father was disappointed because the painting turned out to be a fake. Later, I am quite interested in gathering all possible information about this artist and his art works.

  Under his brush, each flower, bird, fish and even an insect is amazingly vivid, while the hills, the waters and the figures are all perfect, showing the wisdom and philosophy of life and thus moving the readers directly. In his 80s, he was especially famous for his talents in drawing shrimps. He was so hard working that in his life time, he had produced more than 30000 paintings and 3000 poems.

  He is a great artist because of his profound achievement in the filed of paintings, calligraphies, poems and seals, because of his combination of the folk ar...



雅思口语part2范文 雅思口语范文 济宁雅思考试

  今天出国留学网小编就为各位雅思考生带来的雅思口语part2高分范文解析。虽然这个话题比较普通,但是取得高分也不是很容易,今天出国留学网小编就和大家系统地讲一讲相关的雅思口语part 2范文及解题思路。

  雅思范文part2范文:Describe an artist

  Well, you know, when we are pursuing a more fashionable life, various kinds of arts are being created. However, compared to the achievements and levels of those artists in our history, it is hard to find out one who is more outstanding. Therefore, to describe an artist, I would like to talk about Qi baishi. One of the ten top artists in the 20th century in China, and also well-know through out the world.

  I became to know him when I was in the middle school, when my father, one day, came back home very excitedly, because he successfully got one painting of Qibaishi. However, a week later, my father was disappointed because the painting turned out to be a fake. Later, I am quite interested in gathering all possible information about this artist and his art works.

  Under his brush, each flower, bird, fish and even an insect is amazingly vivid, while the hills, the waters and the figures are all perfect, showing the wisdom and philosophy of life and thus moving the readers directly. In his 80s, he was especially famous for his talents in drawing shrimps. He was so hard working that in his life time, he had produced more than 30000 paintings and 3000 poems.

  He is a great artist because of his profound achievement in the filed of paintings, calligraphies, poems and seals, because of his c...



雅思口语part2范文 雅思口语范文 临沂雅思考试

  今天出国留学网小编就为各位雅思考生带来的雅思口语part2范文解析解析。虽然这个话题比较普通,但是取得高分也不是很容易,今天出国留学网小编就和大家系统地讲一讲相关的雅思口语part 2范文及解题思路。

  雅思范文part2范文:Describe an artist

  Well, you know, when we are pursuing a more fashionable life, various kinds of arts are being created. However, compared to the achievements and levels of those artists in our history, it is hard to find out one who is more outstanding. Therefore, to describe an artist, I would like to talk about Qi baishi. One of the ten top artists in the 20th century in China, and also well-know through out the world.

  I became to know him when I was in the middle school, when my father, one day, came back home very excitedly, because he successfully got one painting of Qibaishi. However, a week later, my father was disappointed because the painting turned out to be a fake. Later, I am quite interested in gathering all possible information about this artist and his art works.

  Under his brush, each flower, bird, fish and even an insect is amazingly vivid, while the hills, the waters and the figures are all perfect, showing the wisdom and philosophy of life and thus moving the readers directly. In his 80s, he was especially famous for his talents in drawing shrimps. He was so hard working that in his life time, he had produced more than 30000 paintings and 3000 poems.

  He is a great artist because of his profound achievement in the filed of paintings, calligraphies, poems and seals, because of his c...



雅思口语part2范文 雅思口语范文 淄博雅思考试


  雅思范文part2范文:Describe an artist

  Well, you know, when we are pursuing a more fashionable life, various kinds of arts are being created. However, compared to the achievements and levels of those artists in our history, it is hard to find out one who is more outstanding. Therefore, to describe an artist, I would like to talk about Qi baishi. One of the ten top artists in the 20th century in China, and also well-know through out the world.

  I became to know him when I was in the middle school, when my father, one day, came back home very excitedly, because he successfully got one painting of Qibaishi. However, a week later, my father was disappointed because the painting turned out to be a fake. Later, I am quite interested in gathering all possible information about this artist and his art works.

  Under his brush, each flower, bird, fish and even an insect is amazingly vivid, while the hills, the waters and the figures are all perfect, showing the wisdom and philosophy of life and thus moving the readers directly. In his 80s, he was especially famous for his talents in drawing shrimps. He was so hard working that in his life time, he had produced more than 30000 paintings and 3000 poems.

  He is a great artist because of his profound achievement...

