Gifts 礼物这个雅思口语话题已经延续了一段时间了,问题也不是很难,基本上就是在询问我们什么时候会送礼物啊,送的话大概都送什么啊,甚至是为啥要送礼物等等。基本上在想内容上大家不会浪费太多的时间,但是可能会有很多生词大家是不会表达的,譬如说女生喜欢的化妆品,手链啊之类的,男生可能就是一些电子产品,模型之类的。建议大家都收集一些相关词汇,这样不仅能让你的答案变得与众不同,也能一定程度上丰富你的内容。话不多少,我们学起~
1. How often do you buy others gifts?
2. Do you like to send expensive gifts?
3. What kinds of gifts are popular in your country?
4. Why do people send gifts?
5. Do you think it is important to send gifts?
6. When did you get a gift last time?
7. Do you send gifts to others during their birthday time?
我们重点解决三个问题,第二题 Do you like to send expensive gifts?,你喜不喜欢送贵重的礼物,这个问题没有什么准确答案,完全因人而已,我们来看下应该怎么说。
expensive or cheap
这样才能显示我们之间的关系好啊:getting her or him an luxury gifts represent our incomparable friendship
但也不会刻意的送, I would not purposely buy expensive gifts every time, unless it is necessary or appropriate
if he or she likes it very much ,then the price may not matter in some cases.
几个朋友一起凑钱买: chip in for it with some others friends
我是不会送的: sending pricy gifts is not my thing
礼物只是用来表达感情或是祝福的: presents are just a way of expressing feelings or affections and giving your wishes
实用的 practical
不实用的 uneconomic
第三题 What kinds of gifts are popular in your country? 首先一看到country这么大的词就是知...