

雅思口语翻译 雅思口语 流行句式的翻译


  1. 你们城里人真会玩。

  (1)This isn't a real-life in the country!

  (2)City folks have a real-life!

  2. 吓死本宝宝了。

  (1)I wasn't born yesterday, but you scared me to death. ( I wasn't born yesterday. 我已经不是小孩子了。)

  (2)I am just a kid but I am watching a thriller. (thriller 惊悚片)

  3. 具有学习能力的人,必须敏感,对一切和自己专业相关的事物有持续关注的热情。学习能力还包括给自己创造学习的机会,让别人给自己学习的机会。

  Individuals capable of learning are easily influenced and constantly interested in anything related to their profession. Moreover, the overall learning ability is to create and allow as many opportunities as possible for learning.

  4. 在不顺的时候,运用美国人的智慧,将复杂的事情简单化;在顺利的时候,运用中国人的智慧,将简单的事情复杂化。

  标准版:When you're going through up times, follow Chinese wisdom to make things complex; during down times, borrow from the American tendency to make things simple.

  简版:If it goes well, simplify it like Americans; it doesn't, make it complicated as Chinese.

  5. 你现在过着多少人羡慕不来的生活。你所羡慕的人或许也在羡慕你。

  标准版:Many admire you for the life you lead. The one you are admiring may be admiring you now.

  口语版:There's a list of people you admire, but they admire you for what you got.

  销魂版:You think the grass is greener on their side of...

