答好雅思口语Part3, 关键要有很强的论证性,因为Part3题目的特点就在于泛围大而广,并且具有一定的深度。比如说Part3有这样一题:How to keep the balance between developing the tourism industry and protecting the environment? 可见,要想在Part3有较好的表现,掌握一定的论证原则是必要的。
雅思口语论证技巧1 使用连接词,保证逻辑性
区分英语说写好坏的标准之一就是连接词的使用,一个英语学习者会不会使用连接词,将直接决定其英语的地道程度和逻辑性,写作中如此,口语中更是这样。不少学生不习惯使用逻辑词,是因为在汉语中,有时并不需要使用太多的逻辑词。例如,汉语中我们常说“你去,我就去。”但英语中一般不说“You go, I go.”而是要加入适当的假设连接词,说成“If you go, then I will go.”,显然更符合英语的表达习惯。可见,要想提高雅思口语Part3的论证性,就要从转变汉语中不常使用连接词这一语言习惯做起。专家总结认为,英语中的连接词可分为两大类:句子内部连接词和句群之间连接词。
1)类比和对比:although, though, even though, while, whereas
2)原因和结果:since, so that, because, as
3)时间:after, when, until, whenever, before
4)可能性:if, as if, whether, unless
5)地点:wherever, where
1)逻辑顺序:firstly, secondly, thirdly, next, last, finally, in addition, furthermore, also, at present
2)重要性先后:most/more importantly, most significantly, above all, primarily, it is essential
3)类比和对比:similarly, likewise, also, however, on the other hand, on the contrary, in comparison, in contrast
4)原因和结果:the cause of, the reason for, as a result, as a consequence, therefore, thus, consequently, hence
5)强调:undoubtedly, indeed, obviously, generally, admittedly, in fact, in particular, especially, clearly, impor...