piece of cake 小菜一碟
The math test was a piece of cake. 数学测试很简单。
to go bananas 抓狂,歇斯底里
He went bananas. 他神经错乱了。
bring home the bacon 养家糊口
My husband brings home the bacon. 我丈夫赚钱养家。
have bigger fish to fry 另有要事
I couldn't attend the meeting, I had bigger fish to fry. 我没有出席会议,因为我有更重要的事。
That's the way the cookie crumbles. 预料之中
like two peas in a pod 形影不离,一模一样
They are like two peas in a pod. 他们整天腻在一起。
as red as a cherry 像樱桃一样红
Her cheeks were as red as cherry. 她的脸红的像樱桃。
eat like a horse 食量大如牛
My baby eats like a horse. 我的孩子吃得很多。
walk on eggshells 小心翼翼(不伤害某人)
I've been walking on eggshells around my boyfriend. 我一直小心翼翼地维护和男朋友的感情。
hard nut to crack 难以对付的事或人
He is a hard nut to crack. 他是一个很难相处的人。
cut from the same cloth 如出一辙
My son and I are cut from the same cloth. 我儿子跟我长得如出一辙
with a fine-toothed comb 严密的审查
We went over the flat with a fine-toothed comb. 我们去了公寓并对它进行了严密的审查。
fit like a glove 完全相合
That dress fits you like a glove. 这条裙子很适合你。
to lose one's shirt 失去所有的钱
I lost my shirt in a poker game. 我在打扑克中输得精光。
roll up one's sleeves 准备大干一场 (别问我为啥是一卷卫生纸)
It's time to roll up your sleeves a...