Song作为雅思口语话题,在Part 1和Part 2都是经常露脸。之前考过童年时代听过的歌曲,对你有特殊意义的歌曲,你喜欢的歌曲等等。当然,这个歌到底存不存在,一点儿都不重要,如果大家是讲故事小能手,完全可以自由发挥!不过,用已有的歌曲,尤其是英文歌曲做素材,也可以为大家省去不少力气呢,下面就给大家推荐几首,特别适合作为该话题素材的英文歌:
1. Hey, Jude by The Beatles
这首歌是当年的Paul McCartney为John Lennon与前妻Cynthia的儿子Julian所创作的,以此来鼓励他积极乐观勇敢地面对现实(有关他daddy和小野洋子的故事,大家都知道的哦)。
大家可以从里面的一句lyrics入手:Take a sad song and make it better. 就是鼓励大家虽然情况很糟,不过我们也有能力可以make the best of it (to accept a bad or difficult situation and do as well as you can). 然后再瞎编一个自己当年低落的故事,Voila!搞定!
2. Three things by Jason Mraz
如果大家嫌上面一句歌词太少,占不了多少时间,这首歌就是你的最佳选择!因为它的第一句歌词是:There are three things I do when my life falls apart. 然后就开始娓娓道来了…… 然后在结合自己的经历,联系歌词,一个文艺范儿的答案就这么诞生了!下面把可能会用到的歌词部分分享给大家:
Number one, I cry my eyes out and dry up my heart
Not until I do this will my new life start
The second thing I do is I close both of my eyes
And say my “thank yous” to each and every moment of my life
Gathering new strength from sorrow
I’m glad to be alive
And things are looking up
I know above the clouds the sun is shining
Love is still the answer I’m relying on
The third thing that I do, now, when my world caves in
Is I pause, I take a breath and bow and I let the chapter end
I design my future bright, not by where my life has been
And I try, try, ...