

雅思考试 雅思口语 雅思备考



  ① The reason why I (admire him/like the place…) is that +从句

  ② The most important thing is that+从句

  ③ Another thing is that+从句

  ④ What I mean is that + 从句

  ⑤ What I’d like to say is that +从句


  The reason why I admire Yaoming is that he is a legend and also a great guy. The most important thing is that he is one of China’s most recognizable athletes. What I mean is, his image can be seen everywhere, he is a household name. Another thing is that Yao has also participated in many charity events during his career. What I’d like to say is that he not only donated money to relief work, but also created a foundation to help those in need.


  ① (名词或代词) is the kind of (person/place/thing…) who (which/that) is…

  ② (名词或代词) is a (person/ place…) who (which) gives you the impression of being…

  ③ (名词或代词)is one of the most (形容词) (名词) I have ever seen/met/known.

  ④ (地点名称) is a place where you can do sth.

  ⑤ (时间名词) is a day (occasion/the time) when you do sth.

  说明:雅思口语话题频繁涉及人物,地点,物品,事件四大类,上表中的原句是在回答此类问题时多数考生使用的句型。其缺陷是过于简短,一不能体现语法优势,二不能凑字数争取时间。而套用句型后的表达效果就明显不一样了。可见,定语从句的使用在口语中可以起到“包装”作用。 雅思口语高分句型一、名词性从句经典系列

  ① The reason why I (admire him...



雅思口语面试高分句子 雅思口语高分句型 雅思口语



  "I need to learn English, which is very important because it’ll help me get a good job in international trade, which I'm studying right now."


  "I work in a software company as a computer programmer, which is quite a challenging job because our clients usually want us to write programs in a short period of time."


  "Watching films, especially comedy, is my favorite pastime although (or, but) I don’t like films with a lot of violence or horror films."


  "I don’t ride my bicycle very often because (or, since) it’s faster to take the bus to university although (or, but) I do use it on the weekends when I have no classes."


  "Yes, Chinese people do like growing flowers but since(or, but because) many people live in apartments in cities it’s not easy to grow flowers although people who have a balcony, especially retired people, sometimes grow flowers on their balcony."




雅思口语高分 雅思口语句型 雅思口语备考



  ① (名词或代词) is the kind of (person/place/thing…) who (which/that) is…

  ② (名词或代词) is a (person/ place…) who (which) gives you the impression of being…

  ③ (名词或代词)is one of the most (形容词) (名词) I have ever seen/met/known.

  ④ (地点名称) is a place where you can do sth.

  ⑤ (时间名词) is a day (occasion/the time) when you do sth.



  ① The reason why I (admire him/like the place…) is that +从句

  ② The most important thing is that+从句

  ③ Another thing is that+从句

  ④ What I mean is that + 从句

  ⑤ What I’d like to say is that +从句


  The reason why I admire Yaoming is that he is a legend and also a great guy. The most important thing is that he is one of China’s most recognizable athletes. What I mean is, his image can be seen everywhere, he is a household name. Another thing is that Yao has also participated in many charity events during his career. What I’d like to say is that he not only...



雅思口语高分句型 雅思口语句型 雅思口语



  ① (名词或代词) is the kind of (person/place/thing…) who (which/that) is…

  ② (名词或代词) is a (person/ place…) who (which) gives you the impression of being…

  ③ (名词或代词)is one of the most (形容词) (名词) I have ever seen/met/known.

  ④ (地点名称) is a place where you can do sth.

  ⑤ (时间名词) is a day (occasion/the time) when you do sth.



  ① The reason why I (admire him/like the place…) is that +从句

  ② The most important thing is that+从句

  ③ Another thing is that+从句

  ④ What I mean is that + 从句

  ⑤ What I’d like to say is that +从句



  The reason why I admire Yaoming is that he is a legend and also a great guy. The most important thing is that he is one of China’s most recognizable athletes. What I mean is, his image can be seen everywhere, he is a household name. Another thing is that Yao has also participated in many charity events during his career. What I...



英语口语 雅思口语 雅思口语高分句型

  雅思口语拿高分不容易,但也有高分的句型套用技巧。从初中开始学语法的时候,我们就已经大概知道英语中的三大从句各有用途:定语从句起修饰或包装的作用;名词性从句提供信息;状语从句补充说明的作用,增加额外信息量。使用从句就使你的口语变得更灵活,更丰富,层次更高一些。那么这三种从句是否也可以用在口语中并且发挥同样的用途呢? 下面,由出国留学网为您准备了《从语法角度来提高雅思口语高分的句型套用技巧》


  ① (名词或代词) is the kind of (person/place/thing…) who (which/that) is…

  ② (名词或代词) is a (person/ place…) who (which) gives you the impression of being…

  ③ (名词或代词)is one of the most (形容词) (名词) I have ever seen/met/known。

  ④ (地点名称) is a place where you can do sth。

  ⑤ (时间名词) is a day (occasion/the time) when you do sth。



  ① The reason why I (admire him/like the place…) is that +从句

  ② The most important thing is that+从句

  ③ Another thing is that+从句

  ④ What I mean is that + 从句

  ⑤ What I’d like to say is that +从句


  The reason why I admire Yaoming is that he is a legend and also a great guy. The most important thing is that he is one of China’s most recognizable athletes. What I mean is, his image can be seen everywhere, he is a household name. Another thing is that Yao has also participated in many charity events ...



雅思口语 雅思口语高分句型


  1.I’m an office worker. 我是上班族。

  2.I work for the government. 我在政府机关做事。

  3.I’m happy to meet you. 很高兴见到你。

  4.I like your sense of humor. 我喜欢你的幽默感。

  5.I’m glad to see you again. 很高兴再次见到你。

  6.I’ll call you. 我会打电话给你。

  7.I feel like sleeping/ taking a walk. 我想睡/散步。

  8.I want something to eat. 我想吃点东西。

  9.I need your help. 我需要你的帮助。

  10.I would like to talk to you for a minute. 我想和你谈一下。,

  11.I have a lot of problems. 我有很多问题。

  12.I hope our dreams come true. 我希望我们的梦想成真。

  13.I’m looking forward to seeing you. 我期望见到你。

  14.I’m supposed to go on a diet / get a raise. 我应该节食/涨工资。

  15.I heard that you’re getting married. Congratulations.听说你要结婚了,恭喜!

  16.I see what your mean. 我了解你的意思。

  17.I can’t do this. 我不能这么做。

  18.Let me explain why I was late. 让我解释迟到的理由。

  19.Let’s have a beer or something. 咱们喝点啤酒什么的。

  20.Where is your office? 你们的办公室在哪?







雅思备考 雅思口语备考 雅思口语高分句型




  In my opinion

  In my point of view

  As far as I am corcerned,…..

  As for me……

  Attitude towards it varies a lot,I think….

  Frankly speaking,(to be frank)

  To be honest


  To tell the truth….

  I agree with ….

  I side with those people who……

  I think(don’t)think…

  It depends,different people have different …..

  Yes I think so.(no,I don’t think so)……..

  Of course,……



  Oh.it is difficult.for me to make a choice(tell the diffrences),you know……(on one hand…….on the other hand…….)

  Well,it is an interesting(tough)question ,(because….),let me think,en……..

  You know,I am not much of a …….,so I know little about….but I guess……

  (it 可以用具体的东西替换,比如实物,也可以用doing something, to do something,具体看你怎么说)





