

雅思口语高分要素 雅思口语范文解析 雅思口语




  在第二部分开始前,考官会先说明题目要求,例如:“And now here’s your topic. I’d like you to talk about a news story that interested you.”


  nuclear disaster (核灾难) safety (安全)

  radiation – vegetables – traces (辐射——蔬菜——痕迹)

  contamination (污染) wind (风)

  ocean (海洋) tsunami (海啸)

  media (媒体)

  A news story that real ly impressed me in 2011 was about the nuclear disaster in Japan, in Fukushima. Um, I remember very clearly that night, when the news came out, I was at a bar in Shuang jing, and we started getting news. People were receiving news on their phones. Some people were trying… onto the net. They were going online, and I know my first reaction was to call my mum and to ask her to close the windows in the house and also I remember texting my best friend who has a young brother and, you know, sort of saying to her, “Hey, you need to check out what’s happening online. Maybe there’s a nuclear disaster happening in Japan.” And in fact here in China we were lucky. I mean the wind blew a lot of the, um, the radiation into the...

