

雅思听力时态考点 雅思听力考点 雅思听力



  剑桥11 test 2 section 2 中13/14题

  Which Two facilities does the theatre currently [1] offer to the public?

  A. rooms for hire

  B. backstage tours

  C. hire of costumes

  D. a book shop

  E. a cafe


  Which Two workshops does the theatre currently [2] offer?

  A. sound

  B. acting

  C. making puppets

  D. make-up

  E. lighting

  剑桥8 test 1 section 2中19/20题

  Which Two activities can students do after the tour at present?[3]

  A. build model dinosaurs

  B. watch film

  C. draw dinosaurs

  D. find dinosaur eggs

  E. play computer games

  剑桥8 test 2 section 2中19题

  What can you see in the park at the present [4] time?

  A. the arrival of wild birds

  B. fruit tree blossom

  C. a demonstration of fishing

  剑桥7 test 4section2中12题

  theoriginal [5] buildings on the site were

  A. leisure

  B. apartment blocks

  C. a sports center

  从这些题中我们可以看出,前两道题都出现了currently, 第三,第四道题at present, 第五道出现original,它们都是表示时间的词,都是选择题中题干出现的限定词,也是这些题中的考点词。

  比如说第一道题which Two facilities does the theatre currently offer to the public?哪两个设施是theatre 目前提供给公众的?那我们要选择选项中包含现在...



雅思听力时态考点 雅思听力时态 雅思听力考点



  剑桥11 test 2 section 2 中13/14题

  Which Two facilities does the theatre currently [1] offer to the public?

  A. rooms for hire

  B. backstage tours

  C. hire of costumes

  D. a book shop

  E. a cafe


  Which Two workshops does the theatre currently [2] offer?

  A. sound

  B. acting

  C. making puppets

  D. make-up

  E. lighting

  剑桥8 test 1 section 2中19/20题

  Which Two activities can students do after the tour at present?[3]

  A. build model dinosaurs

  B. watch film

  C. draw dinosaurs

  D. find dinosaur eggs

  E. play computer games

  剑桥8 test 2 section 2中19题

  What can you see in the park at the present [4] time?

  A. the arrival of wild birds

  B. fruit tree blossom

  C. a demonstration of fishing

  剑桥7 test 4section2中12题

  theoriginal [5] buildings on the site were

  A. leisure

  B. apartment blocks

  C. a sports center

  从这些题中我们可以看出,前两道题都出现了currently, 第三,第四道题at present, 第五道出现original,它们都是表示时间的词,都是选择题中题干出现的限定词,也是这些题中的考点词。

  比如说第一道题which Two facilities does the theatre currently offer to the public?哪两个设施是theatre 目前提供给公众的?那我们要选择选项中包含现在时间词的选项,录音中可能还会出现将来时间进行干扰,所以计划,打算,不久将开放的就是干扰项。

  根据录音:so we ...

