
Snoring can be pretty disturbing to people who sleep in the company of snorers, as well as to the snorer himself or herself, though she may not realize it. For instance, some snorers have a condition called obstructive sleep apnea. Their airways become obstructed various times while they’re sleeping, and each time this happens the snorerbriefly stops breathing.
What’s more, obstructive sleep apnea has been shown to affect the cognitive abilities and behavior of children with the condition. They demonstrate difficulties with language and attentiveness, and they score lower on overall tests of intelligence.
Until now it has not been known whether children who snore, but do not have obstructive sleep apnea, are at risk, too, for these cognitive and behavioral problems. However, recent research shows that many children without this particular condition, but who nonetheless snore, do test significantly lower than do non-snorers in these same areas of cognition and behavior. Which children who snore are at risk and which are not is not clear yet and will require further research.
In the meantime, if your child snores frequently and he or she seems to experience learning and/or behavioral problems, you might consult a sleep specialist to find out whether or not your child has obstructive sleep apnea. There are various causes of frequent snoring and obstructive s...
Don‘t wash those fossils!
Standard museum practice can wash away DNA.
1.Washing,brushing and varnishing fossils — all standard conservation treatments used by many fossil hunters and museum curators alike — vastly reduces the chances of recovering ancient DNA.
2.Instead,excavators should be handling at least some of their bounty with gloves,and freezing samples as they are found,dirt and all,concludes a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences today.
3.Although many palaeontologists know anecdotally that this is the best way to up the odds of extracting good DNA,Eva-Maria Geigl of the Jacques Monod Institute in Paris,France,and her colleagues have now shown just how important conservation practices can be. This information,they say,needs to be hammered home among the people who are actually out in the field digging up bones.
4.Geigl and her colleagues looked at 3,200-year-old fossil bones belonging to a single individual of an extinct cattle species,called an aurochs. The fossils were dug up at a site in France at two different times — either in 1947,and stored in a museum collection,or in 2004,and conserved in sterile conditions at -20 ºC.
5.The team’s attempts to extract DNA from the 1947 bones all failed. The newly excavated fossils,however,all yielded...
1. You are a university student who is living in the accommodation at the campus. One day you find something wrong with your accommodation. So you write a letter to the House Officer to tell them what happened, the reason you think, what you decide to do, and whether if it is right.
2. It is wrong that our government pay more money to the artist projects, for instance, there are more and more paintings and sculptures appearing at the public places, because there are more important thing to do. What's your opinion? Do you agree or disagree with it?
3. Writing to an English speaking college about qualification, accommodation, fee, what courses do you want to choose and why.
4. Participating in a sport is as important for psychological health as it is for physical condition and social development.
5. You have left college. But you didn't say goodbye to your friend who live in the room with you because he had a course at that time. Write a letter to him to apology and tell him how you spend that days before you leave and how you get home. Then invite him to visit you.
6. Some people say the parents should accept school to conduct their children's behavior and tell them what is 'right' or 'wrong'. Others say schools should take this responsibility. Please give your point about it.
那么首先我们要解决一个问题,何谓快速阅读(fast reading)?
1. 按照意群浏览,而不是一个单词接一个单词地看,以减少眼球的移动。我们来看下面四个句子:
World science/is dominated today/by a small number of/languages。
World science is dominated today/by a small number of languages。
World science is dominated today by a small number of languages。
2. 紧抓段落的主题句。抓住主题句就等于掌握了段落大意,略去细节不读,以求得略读速度。

For those of us lucky enough to always have enough food and water, it may be hard to imagine living through a drought. A drought occurs when for a variety of reasons, usually including a lack of rainfall and warm temperatures. Soil moisture severely dwindles. Why and how do these meteorological events occur?
As air swirls around the earth, it rises and sinks over different areas of the globe. When air rises it cools and loses moisture. When air sinks, it grows warmer and absorbs moisture, drying out the land. Sinking air helps to form deserts, such as the Sahara Desert in Africa.
Warm, sinking air can hamper cloud formation, which results in less rain and lower overall humidity. When these conditions occur in an area that normally receives enough rain to allow plants to grow and keep water sources replenished, a drought can ensue. The Dust Bowl that affected the prairie regions of the United States was one infamous drought. An equally severe drought occurred in the United States in the summer of 1988. Rainfall over the mid-west, Northern Plains, and the Rockies was fifty to eighty-five percent below normal.
Sometimes over-farming and soil erosion contribute to drought, but there are also natural disasters that can occur even when soil is carefully preserved. And when a drought hits, there’s ...