2019年9月28日雅思考试预测 | |
1 | 2019年9月28日雅思听力考试预测 |
2 | 2019年9月28日雅思口语考试预测 |
3 | 2019年9月28日雅思阅读考试预测 |
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2019年9月28日雅思考试预测 | |
1 | 2019年9月28日雅思听力考试预测 |
2 | 2019年9月28日雅思口语考试预测 |
3 | 2019年9月28日雅思阅读考试预测 |
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In order to attract more tourists, the government could either improve safety by hiring more police or improve its appearance by repairing old buildings and streets. Which way do you think is more effective?
Public museums and art galleries are not needed because people could see historical objects and works by using computers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Shops should not be allowed to sell any food and drinks that has been scientifically proved to be bad for people's health. Agree or disagree?
The international community must act immediately to ensure that all countries reduce their consumption of fossil fuels, such as gas and oil. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people think that governments should do more to make their citizens eat a healthy diet. Others believe that individuals must take responsibility for their own diet and health. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
In developing countries, some people think governments should introduce new technology for people in order to improve quality of life, while others believe governments should offer free education. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Governments are encouraging industries and businesses to move from large cities to regional areas. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
It is important for all towns ...
1.Do you often use maps?
Yeah! Of course. I'm always using a map while traveling in Shanghai basically because Shanghai is too big and complicate for me to find the right place. Usually, I would install a map app in my mobile phone previously.
2. When do you use a map?
When I was traveling outside my hometown, I used the map frequently. Not only from the map can I know the destination but also I can have a rough picture of the city.
3.Who taught you how to use a map?
Well, my friend Tommy taught me how to use the map. Before that, I could be totally lost when I am traveling by myself. I learnt how to read map fast because he was a good teacher and was really master of using maps.
4.Do you prefer to use electronic maps or those made of paper?
I prefer to use electronic maps to those made of paper not only because the former is more convenient and easier to carry than the latter, but also because electronic ones c...
Section One
场次 20150618 20110118 2007
场景 学校咨询
题型 填空 10
内容概述 介绍一所小学,咨询学校
填空 10
1. from 8:10 to 9:00am
2. school will contact parents on the emails/phone
3. parents can attend art course with their kids
4. next gathering for parents: July
5. new gym next to the canteen and sport fiddle in the back
6. need not wearing uniform that with name on the coats,comfortable shoes
do not wear boots.
7. Activities: cooking, music and chess
8. day trip: 8 summer camp in Countryside
9. a professional dentist emergency took place
10. Students when they ride bike to school wear bright clothes and a helmet.
场次 NEW
场景 Sports
题型 单选 6,配对 4
雅思阅读文章题目 The importance of being playful
重复年份 20150129 20140426 20130110
雅思阅读题材 人文社科
雅思阅读题型 段落信息配对6+填空3+人名观点配对3
雅思阅读文章大意 自由游戏。开篇讲free play的general idea。然后讲了小孩free play的好处,之后由相关的动物实验以及4个从动物实验中得出的理论和观点。
15. 实验 第四段
16. Free play 倒数第二段
17. Comparison 倒数第三段
18. 玩可以提高创造力 倒数第二段
19. 没有adult陪伴 最后一段
第一个实验 rat闻到cat的气味,减轻anxiety
第三个实验 rat推动ball 得到treat
verbal skill
free play
isolated play
Section One
场次 20150618 20110118 2007 场景 学校咨询
题型 填空 10
内容概述 介绍一所小学,咨询学校
填空 10
1. from 8:10 to 9:00am
2. school will contact parents on the emails/phone
3. parents can attend art course with their kids
4. next gathering for parents: July
5. new gym next to the canteen and sport fiddle in the back
6. need not wearing uniform that with name on the coats,comfortable shoes
do not wear boots.
7. Activities: cooking, music and chess
8. day trip: 8 summer camp in Countryside
9. a professional dentist emergency took place
10. Students when they ride bike to school wear bright clothes and a helmet.
Section Two
场次 20160813 2011097 20110813 20100520 20091205 2006
文章题目 Ocean power
重复年份 20150829A 20091024
题材 能源
题型 选择 3+配对 5+句子填空 5
文章大意 本文介绍了各种海洋资源,包括了潮汐能、洋流能、波浪能和海底热能。。
在海洋中建立 Tidal power plant 的 positive effects?
A. A range of sea shore
B. cost of establishing a tidal power plant
C. it is helpful to establish transportation system
D. effect of fish and some other sea life around
文章题目 Paper money
重复年份 20140927 20120412 20060429 20050115 20041127 20040522
题材 发展史
题型 段落信息配对题 5+多选题 2+判断题
文章大意 介绍了纸币的发展史,纸币是如何从硬币发展成纸币的,以及历史上的一些
第一段:古代人们是怎么交易的,提到了 Sumerian 人用 barter(物物交换)的方式交易.(此段
有一道 T/F/NG 题,专考 barter 这个词)
第二/三段:coin 的出现,coin 由重到轻,上面刻东西。
第四段:纸币的出现,money paper。有提到宋朝的交子,怎么 print 的什么,没有很多
第五段:讲制造 money paper 的三个要素:ink, paper,和 engrave。这一段就讲 ink 提到
ink fade,【后面有一道是非题关于这个的就是 5 选 2 的。问 money paper 的缺点是什么,有 economic problem,有 ink fade, paper produce cost, foreigner】
第六段是讲 paper,怎么制造,有个人名,还有公司的名字
第七段:讲 engraving 对纸币的重要性
第九段开始提到 money paper 的缺点,有仨,first 么是容易被伪造,second 是一个词不认识,第三个是一个短语,后面有注释,不法商人 authority、issue 会大量发生纸币什么的。这里也有考点。
第十一段:纸币的未来是 electronic currency
Section One
场次 20150618 20110118 2007
场景 学校咨询
题型 填空 10
内容概述 介绍一所小学,咨询学校
填空 10
1. from 8:10 to 9:00am
2. school will contact parents on the emails/phone
3. parents can attend art course with their kids
4. next gathering for parents: July
5. new gym next to the canteen and sport fiddle in the back
6. need not wearing uniform that with name on the coats,comfortable shoes
do not wear boots.
7. Activities: cooking, music and chess
8. day trip: 8 summer camp in Countryside
9. a professional dentist emergency took place
10. Students when they ride bike to school wear bright clothes and a helmet.
场次 NEW
场景 Sports
题型 单选 6,配对 4
内容概述 运动中心开业
purpose for this activity/new course? ----- C. celebrate the opening of dance studio
2. What day is the most popular day for this center? ----- B. weekdayevenings
can guest get a discount? ----- A. book in advance
is the special offer? ----- A. free training hour with acoach
did they win a award? ----- C. offering professional advisers
did some guest finallyquit? ----- B. did not share experience among friends
A. release stress
B. the leg strength