《自然杂志》分为中国的自然杂志和英国的Nature,是一本内容涵盖自然科学各个领域的学术性和知识性、动态性相结合的综合刊物 , 是北京大学图书馆等机构审定的自然科学总论类国家中文核心期刊 , 也是我国多种检索和光盘版的全文收录源刊物。
Double threat for Tibet
Climate change and human development are jeopardizing the plateau’s fragile environment.
A comprehensive environmental assessment of the Plateau of Tibet has found that the region is getting hotter, wetter and more polluted, threatening its fragile ecosystems and those who rely on them.
Seals brought TB to Americas
Icelandic volcano shakes ominously
Neanderthals: Bone technique redrafts prehistory
The plateau and its surrounding mountains cover 5 million square kilometres and hold the largest stock of ice outside the Arctic and Antarctic; the region is thus often referred to as the Third Pole. And like the actual poles, it is increasingly feeling the effects of climate change, but...