-a sum of cash:一笔钱
-an amount of time:大量时间
-a large quantity of goods:大量货物
-a wide range of challenges:很多挑战
-a choice of opportunities:很多机会
-a segment of population:很多人口
-a wealth of information:很多信息
-a combination of statistics:一组数据
-a proportion of interviewees:一定比例的受访者
-a rich selection of goods:很多商品
-a galaxy of geniuses:很多人才
-a host of problems:很多问题
-a motorcade of vehicles:很多机动车辆
-a fleet of vessels :很多渔船
-make a chain of plans:很多计划
-a block of buildings:很多建筑物
-a mushroom growth of cities:很多城市
2) either of them/neither of them/some..., while others...., some few.../one..., while the other...
2)Neither of them is confident.(你也不...我也不...)
3)None of them+动词(三者以上都不...)
4)Some+动词,while others+动词,some few doing(现在分词)(一些..., 另一些,还有几个...)
5)one+动词,while the other+动词(一个...而另一个...)
比如在多人图画描述中就可以用以上的结构,解决主语贫乏、总写people, some people, we, someone的问题,2005年的图画描述中,如果你想表达"三个儿子和一个女儿围着他们可怜的父亲,把他象足球一样踢来踢去,因为谁也不想照顾自己的父亲"这个意思的时候,就可以写成There stands three sons and a daughter in the picture above. Some of them are surrounding their father, while others kick him back and forth like a football, because none of them is willing to take care of him.
比如2006年图画描述的时候,如果想表达"一个年轻人把足球明星的名字写在脸上,而另一个年轻人为了贝克汉姆的发型就花了300块钱。"这个意思,就可以用One of them paints on his face the name of a football star, while the other pays as much as 300 RMB for Beckham's hairstyle.
再比如2007年的图画描述也出现过这样的问题,在表达"他们两个人都不自信"这个意思的时候,用中文结构套写英语,写成了Both of them are not confident.这个句子的意思其实是"并不是他们两个人自信",这样的写法绝逃不过老师的"法眼",其实这个句子很简单,"他们两个都不"其实是 neither of them,只要写成Neither of them is confident就可以了。
再比如2008年的图画描述,图画中的两个年轻人都不怕困难,就可以写成but neither of them is afraid of difficulty. 他们肩并肩向前走,就可以写成both of them are walking forward, shoulder to shoulder. 如果是做完形填空,相信大家都能通过上下文猜出either的后面用or,或者neither of them的后面用动词单数形式,可是在写作的时候由于不注意搭配,却用不出这些搭配,很简单的东西,在写作考试中发挥不出来,这是值得注意的。
再比如2009年考得也是多人图画描述,如果你想表达"图画中的年轻人有的在打电脑游戏,有的在网上聊天,还有的在搜集信息"这个意思的时候,就可以套写some+动词,while others+动词,some few doing的结构,利用句式多变,解决描述单一的问题,这样写就好得多,Some are playing computer games, while others are chatting on line, some few searching for information. 如果图画中是双人或者双物,那么用both of them, neither of them, one, while the other的可能性就很大了,没有这几个词汇,主语就不好安排。
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