雅思口语自从采用半分制以来,考生口语成绩确实出现略微下滑(2007年5.26,2008年5.25),其中原因不乏考生平均年龄的下降和考生总体样本的扩大。当然,雅思口语中对于语音要求的提高也是不可忽略的因素。在此,特别公布官方雅思口语语音评分标准,并在以后的文章中加以分析。 The New 9-Band Marking Criterion for IELTS Speaking Pronunciation Band 9 uses a full range of pronunciation features with precision and subtlety sustains flexible use of features throughout is effortless to understand Band 8 uses a wide range of pronunciation features sustains flexible use of features, with only occasional lapses is easy to understand; L1 accent has minimal effect on intelligibility Band 7 shows all the positive features of band 6 and some; but not all the positive features of band 8 Band 6 uses a range of pronunication features with mixed control shows some effective use of features, but this is not sustained can generally be understood througout, though mispronunication of individual words or sounds reduces clarity at times。 Band 5 shows all the positive features of band 4 and some, but not all the positive features of band 6 Band 4 uses a limited range of pronunication features attempts to control features, but lapses are frequent mispronunciations are frequent and cause some difficulty for the listener Band 3 shows al lthe positive features of band 2 and some, but not all the positive features of band 4 Band 2 speech is often unintelligible Band 1 no communication possible no rateable language Band 0
雅思口语自从采用半分制以来,考生口语成绩确实出现略微下滑(2007年5.26,2008年5.25),其中原因不乏考生平均年龄的下降和考生总体样本的扩大。当然,雅思口语中对于语音要求的提高也是不可忽略的因素。在此,特别公布官方雅思口语语音评分标准,并在以后的文章中加以分析。 The New 9-Band Marking Criterion for IELTS Speaking Pronunciation Band 9 uses a full range of pronunciation features with precision and subtlety sustains flexible use of features throughout is effortless to understand Band 8 uses a wide range of pronunciation features sustains flexible use of features, with only occasional lapses is easy to understand; L1 accent has minimal effect on intelligibility Band 7 shows all the positive features of band 6 and some; but not all the positive features of band 8 Band 6 uses a range of pronunication features with mixed control shows some effective use of features, but this is not sustained can generally be understood througout, though mispronunication of individual words or sounds reduces clarity at times。 Band 5 shows all the positive features of band 4 and some, but not all the positive features of band 6 Band 4 uses a limited range of pronunication features attempts to control features, but lapses are frequent mispronunciations are frequent and cause some difficulty for the listener Band 3 shows al lthe positive features of band 2 and some, but not all the positive features of band 4 Band 2 speech is often unintelligible Band 1 no communication possible no rateable language Band 0