Established on 1 October 2001, Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (referred to as Bank of China (Hong Kong) or BOCHK) is a locally incorporated licensed bank. It has combined the businesses of ten* of the twelve banks in Hong Kong originally belonging to the Bank of China Group. In addition, it holds shares in Nanyang Commercial Bank Limited and Chiyu Banking Corporation Limited, both of which are incorporated in Hong Kong, as well as BOC Credit Card (International) Limited.
Bank of China (Hong Kong) is a leading listed commercial banking group in Hong Kong in terms of assets and customer deposits. With over 270 branches and 510 ATMs and other distribution channels in Hong Kong, BOCHK and its subsidiaries offer a comprehensive range of financial products and services to retail and corporate customers. BOCHK is one of the three note issuing banks in Hong Kong. In addition, BOCHK Group (comprising BOCHK, Nanyang Commercial Bank and Chiyu Banking Corporation) and its subsidiaries have 24 branches and sub-branches in the Mainland of China to provide cross-border banking services to customers in Hong Kong and the Mainland. BOCHK is appointed by the People's Bank of China as the Clearing Bank for Renminbi business in Hong Kong. On 13 July 2010, BOCHK was authorised as the Clearing Bank of RMB cashnotes business for Taiwan.
BOC Hong Kong (Holdings) Limited (the Company) was incorporated in Hong Kong on 12 September 2001 to hold the entire equity interest in BOCHK, its principal operating subsidiary. After a successful global IPO, the Company began trading on the main board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong on 25 July 2002, with stock code "2388", ADR OTC Symbol "BHKLY".
* Ten banks include Bank of China Hong Kong Branch, the Hong Kong branches of the seven banks incorporated in the Mainland of China (The Kwangtung Provincial Bank, Sin Hua Bank Limited, The China & South Sea Bank Limited, Kincheng Banking Corporation, The China State Bank Limited, The National Commercial Bank Limited and The Yien Yieh Commercial Bank Limited), as well as two locally-incorporated banks, Hua Chiao Commercial Bank Limited and Po Sang Bank Limited.
中银香港(控股)有限公司 传真: (852) 28105830 香港花园道 1 号中银大厦 52 楼 电话: (852) 28462700 网址: | 中银国际融资有限公司 香港花园道 1 号中银大厦 26 楼 电话: (852) 22308888 传真: (852) 21479065 电子邮件: |
中国银行(香港)有限公司 香港花园道 1 号 SWIFT : BKCH HK HH 电传: 73772 BKCHI HX 电话: (852) 28266888 传真: (852) 28105963 网址: | 中银国际期货有限公司 香港英皇道 1111 号太古城中心一座 16 楼 1601 - 7 室 电话: (852) 28676600 传真: (852) 21970290 电子邮箱: |
南洋商业银行有限公司 香港中环德辅道中 151 号 电话: (852) 28520888 传真: (852) 28153333 网址: 电子邮件: | 中银国际英国保诚资产管理有限公司 香港花园道 1 号中银大厦 27 楼 电话: (852) 22808000 传真: (852) 21510968 网址: 电子邮箱: |
集友银行有限公司 香港中环德辅道中 78 号 电话: (852) 28430111 传真: (852) 28104207 网址: 电子邮件: | 中银国际英国保诚信托有限公司 香港花园道 1 号中银大厦 27 楼 电话: (852) 22808000 传真: (852) 25166757 网 址: 电子邮箱: |
中银信用卡(国际)有限公司 香港干诺道西68号中银信用卡中心20楼 电话: (852) 28538888 传真: (852) 25415415 网址: | 中银集团保险有限公司 香港中环德辅道中71号永安集团大厦9楼 电话: (852) 28670888 传真: (852) 25221705 网址: 电子邮箱: |
中银国际控股有限公司 香港花园道 1 号中银大厦 26 楼 电话: (852) 22308888 传真: (852) 21479065 网址: 电子邮件: | 中银集团人寿保险有限公司 香港中环德辅道中 134 - 136 号 中银保险大厦 13 - 21 楼 电话: (852) 28629898 传真: (852) 28660938 网址: 电子邮箱: |
中银国际亚洲有限公司 香港花园道 1 号中银大厦 26 楼 电话: (852) 22308888 传真: (852) 25226797 电子邮件: | 中银集团投资有限公司 香港花园道 1 号中银大厦 23 楼 电话: (852) 22007500 传真: (852) 28772629 网址: 电子邮箱 |
中银国际证券有限公司 香港花园道 1 号中银大厦 20 楼 电话: (852) 28676333 传真: (852) 25247327 电子邮件: 香港皇后大道中181号新纪元广场18楼 电话: (852) 27189888 传真: (852) 27189966 电子邮件: | 中国银行澳门分行 澳门苏亚利斯博士大马路中银大厦 SWIFT : BKCHMOMX 电传: 88231 BKCHI OM 电话: (853) 28781828 传真: (853) 28781833 网址: |
中银国际研究有限公司 香港花园道1号中银大厦2 楼 电话: (852) 28676333 传真: (852) 21479513 网址 电子邮件 |