《Spring rain》是一篇比较简单的英语作文,又是一篇优秀作文。为什么这么说呢?因为这篇文章都是短句,可是却只是寥寥几笔就将春雨的特点写出来了。更多有关2014中考英语作文的信息可登录出国留学网英语作文频道,欢迎收藏本站(CTRL+D即可收藏)!
Spring comes.lt's getting warmer and warmer.Everything is dry, trees, fields and even the air. Just then, it rains. lt's as soft as silk. It washes the dirty of the earth and waters the plants and the fields. lt also waters people's hears. Farmers stand in the spring rain and smile.Spring rain is as dear as oil. They seem to see the harvest time in autumn. Spring rain brings water to the air. It also brings hope to people.
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