Without actions, determinate can only be remote dreams generated from my mind. I said to myself silently, only when I take actions can the dreams become closer to facts. For instance, I should be more focused when having science class, should take some inventive extracurricular activities, should know more about lifetime stories of renowned inventors should be an active observer, should suggest others to act. Through these ways, the dreams are more likely to become less remote and the pitiful "Made in China" are more likely to diminish.
Unconsciously, I think of the abstract word "patriotism". Some "patriots" resist the consumption of Japanese products. Some "patriots" damage Japan manufactured cars. Some "patriots" make humiliating GIFs about Japan. Some "patriots" attack countries that do not admit the China's sovereignty of Diaoyu Island. The examples are endless. At their points of view, these are demonstrations of patriotism. Nonetheless, these actions may be too impulsive. Probably, it is a better way that we can earn respect from foreign nations via making China a more powerful country in terms of economics politics.
中国梦演讲稿 | 祖国在我心中演讲稿 | 国庆节演讲稿 | 爱国演讲稿 | 不忘国耻振兴中华演讲稿 |
中国梦演讲稿 | 祖国在我心中演讲稿 | 国庆节演讲稿 | 爱国演讲稿 | 不忘国耻振兴中华演讲稿 |