墨尔本大学作为澳洲八大名校(Group of Eight)的核心成员,是一所建立于1853年的公立大学,该大学综合排名和雇主声誉常年领跑全澳第一。那么这种高等学府其收费情况怎么样呢?尤其是针对国际学生,那么接下来就由出国留学网(m.liuxue86.com)为大家详细介绍2014-2015年墨尔本大学国际学生预计课程入学费用。
Estimated course fees for international students commencing in 2014 and 2015
The fees below provide an estimate of the course tuition fees for international students commencing an undergraduate course in semester one 2014 or semester one 2015. As far as possible, the fees provided in this table show the typical tuition fees that a student will pay for the first year of the course. As a guide, a typical total course fee is also shown.
For most courses the typical tuition fees are based on subject enrolments normally undertaken by students in the course, and reflect the discipline band of the subjects comprising the degree. For the some degrees a typical fee range is shown, due to the wide range of variables that may affect the course structure, and subjects taken.
Please note that:
· The fees provided are indicative only and may vary depending on the number of subjects undertaken, their credit point value and the discipline band for each subject undertaken during your enrolment.
· The typical course fee shown provides an estimate of the tuition fees for the first year of the course in 2014 or 2015. This estimate assumes a full-time study load, commencing semester one.
· The typical total course fee shown provides an estimate of the tuition fees for the whole course. This estimate is based on typical subject enrolments in each year of the course, with indexation of the 2015 international undergraduate subject fees at five per cent per annum for every additional year of study after 2015. The amount shown assumes students complete no more than the course duration indicated.
· 所提供的费用仅限于参考且可能随着所选科目的数量,学分值,以及在你注册期间,所选择的每个科目的学科带而变化。
· 典型的课程费用展示提供了一个2014或者2015年第一年课程的大概学费。此预估假定了一个全日制学习任务,在第一学期开始。
· 典型的总课程费用展示提供了整个课程的大概学费。这个预估是基于每年的课程典型科目注册的,在2015年之后,每年的学习费用是在以2015年国际本科生科目费用为指数的基础上,以每年5%的基数增长的。这个显示的数据假定了学生完成了仅仅作为参考的课程时间。(本段由出国留学网(m.liuxue86.com)翻译,仅供参考!)