1.3 依据本协议条款,甲方将其拥有的北京幸运南方餐饮管理有限公司100%的股权,作价 万元人民币转让给乙方。
1.3 Subject to the terms of this Agreement, the total purchase price for the Transferred Equity Interest shall be RMB (the “Purchase Price”).
1.4 各方承认并同意此转让价格为受让方在本协议项下应向转让方支付的唯一价格,受让方及其任何关联企业就本股权转让不承担任何将来的或额外的支付义务。
1.4 The Parties acknowledge and agree that the Purchase Price is the sole amount to be paid by Transferee to the Transferor, and Transferee and any of its Affiliated Companies shall not be responsible for any future or additional payment to the Transferors with respect to the Equity Interest Transfer under this Agreement.
1.5 价款支付 1.5 The price payment