

英  语  试  题
第二卷14页。满分1 50分。考试时间120分钟。

1.How often does the woman’s son play football?
A.Three times a week.     B.Four times a week.  C.Every day.
2.What is the man having?.
   A.Fast food.       B.Home cooked food   C.Chinese food
3.What does the woman suggest the man do?
A.Meet Stella.   B.Continue eating.     C.Lose weight.



高三英语试题  第1页  (共14页)
4.How does the woman feel?
A.Excited.   B.Doubtful.   C.Calm.
5.Where does the conversation most probably take place?
A.In a bank.   B.In a restaurant. C.In a college.
6.Why hasn’t the man finished the report?
A.Terry lost a match.   B.James made mistakes.C.Mark didn’t do well.
7.What is James going to do ?
A.Do Terry a favor.   B.Tell an old story.  C.Hand in the report.
8.When is the man most likely to hand in the report?
A.March 8.     B.March 1O.   C.March 12.
9.How many people live in the man’s apartment at home?
A.Three.      B.Five.    C.Eight.
1O.What can we know about the man?
A.He was raised by his parents.B.He is now in America. C.He lives a difficult life.
11.What can we learn from the conversation?
A.The man is calling the woman.
B.The woman is angry with the man.
C.The speakers are going to have a meal.
12.Which matters most in writing according to the man?
A.Providing good information.
B.Writing in needed number.
C.Making change s and rewriting.





高三英语试题  第2页  (共14页)
13.What’s the man’s tip on writing a paper?
A.Put away the paper and forget it.
B.Go on a vacation before writing.
C.Review the paper through different eyes.
14.What is the third step of writing?
A.Inventing.    B.Polishing.    C.Publishing.
听第9段材料,回答第1 5至1 7题。
15.What is the conversation mainly about?
A.Experimenting new technology.
B.Developing computer skills.
C.Helping the disabled.
16.What’s the woman’s attitude towards driving without arms?
A.Uncertain.    B.I Confident.    C.Disapproving.
17.Why are the scientists still doing the research?
A.It’s hard to find brain waves on the skin.
B.It’s difficult to Sort out accurate orders.
C.It’s  promising to make breakthroughs.
18.What are the speakers going to do next weekend?
A.Meet a new friend.  B.Visit a restaurant.    C.Make an ice cream.
19.Who will go shopping?
    A.Dad.     B.Victor.     C.Ellen.
20.What will Anthony do on Sunday?
A.Hit the market.   B.Give a performance.     C.Go swimming.
第二部分  英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
第一节   单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child _____ he or she wants.
A.however   B.whatever   C.Whichever      D.Whenever





高三英语试题  第3页  (共14页)
21.Although the experiment turned out to be
A.不填;the  B.a;a    C.不填;a    D.a;the
22.The 31st Olympic Games,_____in the summer of 2016,will take place in Brazil.
A.to schedule     B.being scheduled  C.scheduling   D.scheduled
23.On her birthday she received a present from her friend ____a note was attached ,saying “Wish you happy and healthy! ”
A.to whom   B.to which   C.on which   D.on whom
24.I came across Mr.Johnson on the Ferry Square yesterday.We didn’t talk much because he
______to catch the bus.
A.had rushed     B.is rushing  C.was rushing   D.will rush
25.Your good friends don’t______ agree with you in everything,for they can have their Own
A.really   B.approximately    C.eventually   D.necessarily
26.---What impressed you most in President Xi Jinping’s New Year Speech?
---______ he gave the Chinese people a thumbs-up.
A.That    B.When    C.What    D.Whether
27. One_____ not read too much especially when it comes to learning a language.
A.must    B.can     C.should    D.will
28.---Laura,together with her teammates,_____the drama these days.
---I bet they will give US a great performance at the graduation ceremony.
A.have been prepared      B.have been preparing
C.has been preparing     D.has been prepared
29.---We should help and learn from each other as a group.
---I can’t agree more.______you are strong,I am weak.
A.where   B.Though   C.As    D.While
30.---That’s a lovely dress.You look good ______it .
---Really?Thank you.
    A.on     B.at     C.with    D.in
31.---_____is always sorry for what she has said?
---Cathy.It is just like her.
A.Who it is that   B.Who is it that   C.Is it that who  D.Is it who that




高三英语试题  第4页  (共14页)

32.As a volunteer,he fully_____the importance of his j ob,teaching disabled children,and
devoted all his time to it.
A.adopted   B.ignored    C.impressed   D.appreciated
33.Had we not had a flat tyre an hour ago,we____ at the concert now.
A.would have been  B.were    C.would be   D.are
34.His_____ of what he had experienced in the mountainous village appealed to the audience.
A.account   B.impact    C.curiosity  D.instruction
35.---l am going to buy a wireless mouse at Taobao.
---_____?I have a spare one.
A.How come      B.So what    C.Why bother     D.What for
第二节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
An old Spanish proverb states,“Tomorrow is often the busiest day
of the week”.How many   36   have we put off our dreams until
tomorrow ?I’d say,too many.Our dreams should not,and cannot wait.
We have to go for them now !Here’s   37   .
1.Tomorrow is not   38 
Nobody likes to talk about death,but the   39   is-everybody is going to die   40  .
None of us know the day,or the hour.  41   today is all we have.Make the decision to go after
every dream,big or small,right now.
2.The world is    42   your gift
You were born into the world with a    43   gift,which nobody on this earth can copy.Sure,
other people may be able to sing,but they’11 never be able to sing   44   like you .Sure ,other
people can write,but they’ll never be able to write from the same  45 in which you write .Don’t
deprive(剥夺)the world of your gift.It’s the oxygen that we need to   46   .Thus, it is your
responsibility to  47  exactly what your gift is,and use it to 48 your life and the lives of
those    49  you .
3.You can’t let fear win
One of the biggest dream   50   is fear.Many people could have achieved amazing things
 51 they weren’t afraid.Just think about all the things you’ve wanted to do,but allowed fear to




高三英语试题  第5页  (共14页)

  52  you that you were not good,or   53  enough .Never let fear stop you from achieving
your dreams.
    4.You will be much happier if you go for it
Imagine how much happier you will be if you’re living the life you   54   dreamed about
The only thing that is stopping you is you.   55   you own happiness .Don’t keep your drdams
waiting.Go after them today !
36.A.days    B.times    C.weeks    D.nights
37.A.how     B.why     C.what    D.when
38.A.promised   B.acquired   C.treasured   D.occupied
39.A.result    B.problem    C.feature    D.reality
40.A.on the spot   B.for a while   C.at one point  D.in a hurry
41.A.Therefore     B.Otherwise     C.Instead    D.Besides
42.A.presenting   B.evaluating  C.praising   D. expecting
43.A.traditional   B.valuable   C.unique    D.significant
44.A.possibly   B.exactly    C.correctly   D.fluently
45.A.angle    B.direction   C.sense    D.case
46.A.escape    B.handle    C.relax    D.survive
47.A.account for     B.show off   C.figure out   D.go through
48.A.treat    B.better    C.access    D.harm
49.A.against    B.beside    C.beneath    D.around
50.A.killers    B.inventors   C.observers   D.candidates
51.A.unless    B.till    C.if     D.though
52.A.convince   B.guarantee   C.warn    D.remind
53.A.practical   B.polite    C.capable    D.curious
54.A.hardly    B.occasionally  C.always    D.seldom
55.A.Keep pace with   B.Take control of  C.Look forward to  D.Speak highly of
第三部分  阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
My dad was magic.He served as a large animal vet(兽医)for more than 40 years. He
travelled from farm to farm every day,helping and healing.He seemed to know everything



高三英语试题第6页  (共14页)

about everything.He could make a comer store appear out of nowhere.
That was summer for me.The smell of dust and animal waste,hot on a summer breeze,
pushed fast through the windows as we drove down winding roads.Even now,and I know how
awful it sounds,the smell of animal waste makes me think of my dad.For years I have enjoyed
that smell,and breathed it deeply,whenever I ran into it.It transports me back to those summer
days-days with my dad.
Dad could make magic happen.  
On a snowy night,Dad took me out to work when 1 was 6.Nothing could be seen at a11.We
had to park the car at the side of the road,waiting.But 1 was unconcerned because with my
father I knew nothing bad would happen.Out of the darkness,1 watched with open-mouthed
wonder as a horse.drawn sleigh(雪橇)drew up beside US.
In time,my dad let me be magic.
While he treated the animals chatting with the farmers,1 was allowed to run around.I
would run after cats everywhere,trying to catch just one so that I could pet it .I would returnto
where my dad was working,carrying one with pride.Unavoidably,the farmer would glance over,
do a double-take andsay:“That cat’S near on wild.No one has been able to pet that one in
forever.”1 would hold it a little tighter happily,then let it go.
Even after I became an adult,my dad was magic.
He and my mother were very progressive in their way of raising me,encouraging me to get an
education and career,and then think about a husband and family.But they let me choose my own
way to get there,and didn’t say a lot when I chose a different order of achieving those things.
And now that his days are over,1 wish I had thanked him more.For being my father.For
giving me so many memories.For being magic.
56.What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Dad Was Magic      B.What A Large Animal Vet
C.Dad Made Me Magic    D.What A Magical Experience
57.The detailed description in Paragraph 2 mainly indicates that the writer____.
A.has got accustomed to the smell of animal waste
B.had unforgettable summer days with her dad
C.was taken to the countryside in a vehicle
D.10ves hot summer in the countryside




高三英语试题  第7页  (共14页)

58.What does the underlined phrase“do a double—take’’probably mean?
A.Look at someone again surprisingly. B.Refuse to talk to someone.
C.Take care of someone.    D.Glare at someone.
59.It can be inferred from the passage that the writer______.
A.depends on her parents too much
B.holds a positive view on marriage
C.iS forbidden to make her own choice
D.thinks well of her parents’way of raising her
Some of the best known works of a11 time
were painted by the Dutch Post-Impressionist
artist,Vincent Willem Van Gogh(1858—1890).
And Irises(1889)is among the most recognized
of his pieces.
    On May 8,1889,Van Gogh was admitted
to the mental hospital at Saint Paul-de-Mausole,
France.During his stay he painted some 130
paintings with the surrounding gardens and clinic becoming his main subjects for painting.
Among these were the famous The Starry Night and Irises.
Inspired by the nature surrounding him,Van Gogh began his work on Irises within the first
week of his stay at the hospital.Like many artists of his time Van Gogh was influenced by
Japanese woodblock(木刻)prints which began in the 17th century.The use of black outlines in
Irises is a typical feature of the Japanese works.It helped to strengthen the expressive power of
the painting.Irises is the one of Van Gogh’s paintings that has a stillness and beauty not seen in
many of his later works.
    The technique of Japanese artist Hokusai was used by Van Gogh with precision.The use
of blue and violet(紫色)bring the flowers to life.This also created a sense of movement and
depth to the flowers.Van Gogh placed the irises unevenly(不均衡地)on the page,making the
flowers the focus.These are all techniques taken from Hokusai.Van Gogh added to his work his
own style,however,by placing orange marigolds carefully in the background.The position of a
 single white iris begs many questions from the viewers that are still open for interpretation(解



高三英语试题  第8页  (共14页)

Currently one of the most expensive paintings,Irises shows Van Gogh’s ability to use his
surroundings to paint images that have depth and character.Although it was painted during a
time of suffering for Van Gogh,he was able to channel that energy into turning bright colors,
deep outline and flat paint into works of art.His influence is forever felt among admirers and
artists alike.
60.From the passage we can learn that Van Gogh_____.
A.painted about 130 paintings all his life   B.admired many artists of his time
C.painted Irises at Saint Paul-de-Mausole   D.was a French Post-Impressionist artist
61.According to the passage,Irises_____.
A.is a typical woodblock print
B.reflects some techniques of Hokusai
C.shows Van Gogh’s pessimistic view of life
D.resembles many of Van Gogh’s later works
62.Van Gogh chose blue and violet so that the flowers could
A.1ook lively    B.be the focus    C.be moving   D.1ook uneven
63.Which of the following is true about the single white iris?
A.People share the same view on it.  B.Its position inspires viewers to think.
C.Van Gogh painted it in a strange way. D.It serves as the background of the painting.
This challenging 1 1-month,full—time masters program focuses on advanced economic
theories and reasoning,econometrics skills,and the application of these tools used to produce a
research project and/or policy analysis in an international setting.
   Studying in Washington,D.C.,students move through the program and choose to specialize
in Macroeconomics and International Finance or International Trade and Development.In
addition.the sch001 allows students to add additional international affairs courses to their
M.I.E.F.curriculum(课程).School of Advanced International Studies(SAIS)is currently
recruiting(吸收)candidates for the 2015-2016 school year.



高三英语试题  第9页  (共l4页)

The Students
 the SAIS student body represents approximately 75 nations, promoting a diversity that enriches
academic life .
The Staff
SAIS staff have a passion for teaching and are appreciated for their expertise(能力).Students in the
M.I.E.F. program are given opportunities to do communication one—on—one with world famous experts in the
International Economics program.
Recent Speakers
   John Lipsky,Former Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund
   Carmen Reinhart,Professor of Economics,Harvard University
Gain a Career-Building Edge
Economics knowledge.analytical abilities and the ability to apply economic analysis to real-world
problems give our students a distinct professional advantage.Whether you are interested in pursuing a
career in international finance,public policy,economic development ,or research ,the M.I.E.F.program
provides students with a firm grasp 0f the theory and tools of international economics and finance and the
functioning of the International economic system.
Career Services
Students in the M.I.E.F.program work with staff in the International Economics department and Career
Services professionals to help them explore careers and set goals and develop a network of professional
contacts.This is acquired through:
Group and individual assessments and counseling to help students develop focused career goals
Job.hunting workshops and employment fairs
   Professional skills courses designed to strengthen specific professional skills,such as presentation
    techniques and consulting skills
   Introduction and networking opportunities through the SAIS Economics Alumni(校友)Network
_____________________________________________________________ ____________
A Global Alumni Community
   As an SAIS graduate,you will join a 16,000一strong lifetime community of friends and colleagues around
the world.Our distinguished alumni are leaders in government,business,journalism and nonprofit groups in
more than 140 countries.
64.The passage is written in order to_____.
A.discuss the diversity of SAIS  B.analyze the M.I.E.F.program
C.display the advantages of SAIS   D.attract students to the M.I.E.F.program
65.What helps students in the M.I.E.F.program improve their presentation techniques?
A.Networking opportunities.   B.Job-hunting workshop.
C.Professional skills courses.  D.Group and individual assessments.
高三英语试题  第10页  (共14页)
66.The students in the M.I.E.F.Program stand out because
A.they come from around 75 nations
B.their curriculum is a lot more challenging
C.they join the 16,000一strong lifetime global alumni community
D.they are able to apply economic analysis to real—world problems
    You may have experienced the frustration of receiving a
parking fine or finding your car towed away(拖走)after leaving
it parked for a couple of minutes.
    But now a high—tech car sticker could help motorists avoid
such a situation—by allowing a traffic warden(管理员)to get in
touch with them.Car owners can buy the sticker and place it inside their car’s windscreen,
having set it up with vital information,such as their phone number.The slim design will include
a sensor that will send a text message warning a driver about a coming fine when touched by a
traffic warden.The message will ask them to move their car immediately.The driver could then
type a reply for the warden using their smartphone ,which will appear on the sticker’s screen.
They may choose to write something along the lines of “back in two minutes”in a bid to avoid a
fine.Frankfurt.based IT consultant,Daniel Kalliontzis,came up with the idea and is raising
funds on Indiegogo to put his   sticker into production.
    The smart sticker system will rely on the good will of traffic wardens and critically,a
German law.The law states:“An officer has to choose the most efficient and inexpensive way
for the car owner to remove the vehicle.” It could be cheaper for the authorities to contact the
driver than to tow his car.
    At the time of writing,Mr Kalliontzis has raised just over E3,000 of his C50,000 goal on
Indiegogo.If he manages to raise the money,the stickers will be shipped in June 2015.But it
appears that car owners using the smart system could get some unnecessary warning messages,
because anyone could touch the smart sticker.
67.The first paragraph is intended to____.
A.highlight an awkward situation    B.complain about a parking fine
C.introduce the topic of the passage  D.remind motorists of the parking risk
68.What may probably contribute to the application of the TowStop sticker in Germany?
A.The sticker’s low cost.    B.The mass production.
C.The law of the country.     D.The goodwill of motorists.



高三英语试题  第11页 (共14页)
69.What can be concluded from the last paragraph about the TowStop Sticker?
A.It takes time and efforts to put it to use。
B.Only traffic wardens can touch the sticker.
C.All car owners will use the sticker in 2015.
D.Kalliontzis is experienced in raising money.
70.What’s the right order of the following statements according to the passage?

①A message is sent by the sensor.
②The sticker is put inside a car’s windscreen.
③A traffic warden touches the smart sticker.
④The sticker is set up with vital information.
⑤The motorist sends a message.

A.②④⑤③①      B.④②③①⑤    C.④②③⑤①  D.②④①③⑤
I am convinced that reading the news is worse than not reading anything at a11.There is no
proof that it makes us wiser,better decision makers,better informed;nothing  if anything,
entirely the opposite.If you are anything like me,you’ve already stopped consuming news.
I write about this topic because I got discouraged with that guy who thinks he is very
cultured just because he reads the newspaper.And with that girl who is very surprised to hear I
don't know about the leaked photos of Jennifer Lawrence.But mostly,because I’ve benefited
from it.Since I freed myself from the news I feel more in control of my attention,I have better
reading habits,and I’m more optimistic.S o I decided to do some research about it and was
 astonished to find more than enough reasons to back up my feeling.
    Unlike the limited attention we have to spend on long,deep,intelligent ,and quiet content
(which is actually important and requires thinking),our brains are excited to pay attention to the
flashy,loud,and dramatic.This is the reason why we can swallow limitless quantities of news
flashes.We see news all the time on Facebook and Twitter,each post screaming to get our
attention.Information is no longer rare.But attention is.Why give it away so easily?
    It is worrying that we are spending SO much time skimming through headlines.With so
 much inf-011nation,our brain has to form shortcuts to deal with the overload and the distractions,
because on top of that,we consume news while multitasking.We read the newspaper while
 having breakfast;we listen to the news while driving.News breaks our concentration and thins



高三英语试题  第12页  (共14页)
our comprehension and the more we consume it,the more we reinforce(强化)this habit.
Above all,we do not recognize the effect that pessimistic content can have on the
individual.When you’re exposed to too much negative information it’s easy to see why people
say things like“it’s a messed up world out there.”Why make an effort when everything seems
out of your control ?
You might be thinking that news keeps US informed about the world.But has any piece of
news changed your life in a way that if you hadn’t read it,your personal or professional life
would have been different?
Make a conscious choice about what you consume.
71.What does the author think of reading news?
A.Beneficial.     B.Harmful.     C.Inspiring.  D.Dishonest
72.The underlined“it’’in Paragraph 2 refers to the fact that the author_____
A.has stopped reading news   B.had no idea about Jennifer’s photos
C.got discouraged with the guy  D.knows little about the present world
73.The third paragraph shows that_____
A.news flashes are significant and exciting
B.people like to focus on long,deep materials
C.news flashes easily attract people’s attention
D.1acking information is people’s main concern
74.We can infer from the passage that_____.
A.dipping into headlines is time—saving
B.multitasking promotes comprehension
C.Facebook provides good reading materials
75.The author may agree that_____.
A.people should not read blindly
B.people needn’t try hard in the messy world
C.news keeps us informed about the world
D.news is SO important as to change people’s life





高三英语试题  第13页  (共14页)

英  语  试  题
第二卷  (非选择题共35分)
第四部分  写作(共两节,满分35分)
  It was Perry’s 32nd birthday.His wife,Amanda,had promised him something(76)s    .
Perry couldn’t imagine what it might be.(77)W    she was going to give him,it was
definitely going to be a(78)______ (惊奇), because he had given no signs suggesting that he was
hoping(79)____ something . In fact,his plan was simply to watch TV and ignore the event.
There seemed to(80)_____ nothing interesting or exciting about(81) t     thirty-two .
    When he got(82)_____ (家)from work,Amanda gave him a kiss and a brightly packed
box with a big blue bow on it.Perry wondered whether it was a book or a CD and made several
(83)g    ,yet didn’t get it right.
“Well,you’ve got me,”Perry said,looking(84)_____(困惑).Then Amanda told him
to open the box.After he opened it,(85)_____that he found was a little rubber doll.
“What is this?”he asked.“It is our first baby.Silly !I am pregnant!”replied Amanda
    参考词汇:规矩rules and regulations
    Dear Franklin,
I am deeply impressed by your love for learning Chinese culture______________________




高三英语试题  第14页  (共14页)



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