The first year of college is usually a time to learn andhave fun. Many young people enjoy the freedom ofliving away from home for the first time. For youngwomen in the United States, however, it is a timewhen they are at high risk of experiencing a sexcrime.
The U.S. Justice Department reports that American women age 18 to 24 had the highest rate ofsexual assault. The study also found that university students were less likely to report suchcrimes than non-students. Among college women, nine out of ten knew the person whosexually assaulted them.
How Colleges Deal with Sexual Assault in Canada
In Canada, three universities recently ran a program to train female students to avoid sexualassault while in college. The two-year program was available at universities in Calgary, Alberta,and Windsor and Guelph in Ontario, Canada.
The program involved women in their first year at the schools. The students spent 12 hourslearning how to judge risks, deal with emotions, and use self-defense.
The program taught students to be especially on guard at parties and other high-risk campussocial events. The training taught students to attend such events together. If separated, theyshould check on each other periodically. They should also take extra care in their use ofalcohol. At least half of the sexual assaults among college women involve drinking.
About 450 students received the training. A group of about the same size received only writteninformation and a brief meeting with the trainers. The group that received the 12 hours oftraining saw an almost 50 percent drop in risk of rape.
Study investigators said there were limitations in their research. They noted that the study wasdesigned for women. They wrote that effective interventions that target men's behavior arealso needed.
American response to campus sexual assault
In the U.S., Harvard, Rutgers and several other universities have also developed "bystandertraining." This means students offer help if they see someone in danger of being assaulted. Thetraining helps students, both men and women, decide when it is safe to personally interveneand when to call the police.
Last year, President Barack Obama ordered the establishment of a task force on sexualviolence at universities. The investigative group's report advised universities to take severalmeasures. They include methods for researching the sex crime "climate" of the university andimproving systems for reporting crimes as well as prevention programs.
The White House task force said one in five women experiences sexual assault in her collegeyears. It has started a web site called Not Alone to give schools and students information onhow to react to and prevent sexual assault.
白宫工作组称,每五个女生中就有一个会在大学期间遭受性侵,该工作组还成立了名为Not Alone的网站,给学校和学生提供如何应对和预防性侵的信息。
President Obama spoke about the issue of campus sexual assault in one of his weeklybroadcasts in January.
"Perhaps most important, we need to keep saying to anyone out there who has ever beenassaulted: you are not alone. You will never be alone. We have your back. I've got your back."
Schools or educators can learn more about preventing sexual violence from the NationalSexual Violence Resource Center.
I'm Jill Robbins.