雅思7.5(W/R 7, L/S 8)
Early Childhood Philosophy and Pedagogy (4) 早期幼儿教育
Health and Well-being in Early Childhood (4) 幼儿健康与全面发展
Early Childhood Development (4) 幼儿发展
Early Childhood Professional Practice 1 (4) 幼儿教育职业实习
Families in Context (4) 家庭对幼儿的影响
Issues in Early Childhood Policy and Pedagogy (4) 幼儿教育话题
Language and Literacy in Early Childhood (4)幼儿语言与读写能力
Early Childhood Development Research and Practice (4)早期幼儿发展研究与实践
Leading and Managing Early Childhood Settings (4)领导与管理幼儿
Learning Through Mathematics, Science and Technology in Early Childhood Settings (4) 幼儿数学、科学、技术学习
Creativity and the Arts: Contemporary Perspectives (4) 创造力与艺术
Early Childhood Postgraduate Internship (8) 早期幼儿实习
Early Intervention: Theory and Practice (4)早期干预:理论与实践
Pedagogical Approaches to Early Childhood Curriculum (4) 幼儿教育方法
Contemporary Approaches to Infant and Toddler Theory and Practice (4)婴幼儿现代教育理论与实践
Child Development in Context (4) 幼儿发展
Introduction to Educational Research (4) 教育研究导论