剑桥大学(University of Cambridge),简称剑桥,是一所位于英国剑桥市的世界顶级研究型大学。始创于1209年,亦是英语世界里第二古老的大学。剑桥大学和牛津大学合称为“牛剑”(Oxbridge),除了两所大学在文化和现实上的协作已成为英国社会史的一部分外,两所大学长久以来一直存在竞争。并经常和牛津大学争夺全英最佳学府的声誉。
A Welcome from the Vice-Chancellor
“I am delighted that you are considering applying to Cambridge for graduate study. This is a truly remarkable place, with expertise across a very wide range of disciplines, and the superb academic and pastoral support that comes with membership of College communities. Our 800-year history supports our present excellence and future aspirations.As a graduate student here, you will be working with academic staff who are leaders in their fields; academics who are committed to seeing you succeed and will help you to develop your ideas, knowledge and understanding.Cambridge is not just a home for research and education, however, outstanding as these are. When I was a Fellow at Wolfson College in the 1980s I was tremendously impressed by the interchange of ideas between students, academic staff and the frequent visiting lecturers; and also by the opportunities for every kind of sporting and leisure activity.I hope you will find on this website inspiration to apply.”
Graduate Prospects
Cambridge graduates are highly sought after in the job market, and even in the current economic climate they enjoy strong employment prospects. The table below shows the career destinations of the 2013 cohort of MPhil and PhD graduates.
Industry 行业 | MPhil Graduates 哲学硕士 | PhD Graduates 博士研究生 | ||
Number 从事该行业的人数 | % of total employed 所占百分比 | Number 从事该行业的人数 | % of total employed 所占百分比 | |
Accountancy and tax 会计与税务 | 5 | 1.1% | 1 | 0.2% |
Acturial and insurance 精算与保险 | 2 | 0.5% | 2 | 0.4% |
Arts and recreation 艺术和娱乐 | 18 | 4.1% | 13 | 2.3% |
Banking and investment 银行与投资 | 52 | 11.9% | 19 | 3.4% |
Communications business 通信 | 8 | 1.8% | 4 | 0.7% |
Health 卫生医疗 | 17 | 3.9% | 18 | 3.2% |
IT sector 信息技术 | 18 | 4.1% | 19 | 3.4% |
Legal sector | 1 | 0.2% | 6 | 1.1% |
Management consultancy 管理咨询 | 63 | 14.4% | 25 | 4.5% |
Manufacturing industry, utilities, power: business 制造业、公共事业、能源:商业方向 | 14 | 3.2% | 7 | 1.3% |
Manufacturing industry, utilities, power: technical 制造业、公共事业、能源:技术方向 | 11 | 2.5% | 30 | 5.4% |
Public service 公共服务 | 33 | 7.5% | 18 | 3.2% |
Publishing and media 出版与媒体 | 12 | 2.7% | 8 | 1.4% |
Research: science 研究:科学 | 11 | 2.5% | 172 | 30.7% |
Research: social science/humanities 研究:社会科学与人文 | 22 | 5% | 71 | 12.7% |
Social, community and charity 社会、社区与慈善 | 10 | 2.3% | 8 | 1.4% |
Teaching/lecturing 教育/演说 | 28 | 6.4% | 96 | 17.1% |
Other service industries 其它服务行业 | 42 | 9.6% | 19 | 3.4% |
Other/insufficient data 其它行业行业的不完全统计数据 | 71 | 16.2% | 24 | 4.3% |
Total 总计 | 438 | 100% | 560 | 100% |
可申请入学学期 | 秋季 |
申请开始时间 | 每年9月1日 |
申请截止日期 | 每年10月15日 |
申请推荐日期 | 每年9月20日 |
特殊专业截止日期 | 每年10月15日 |
录取放榜日期 | 次年1月初 |
本科生申请需要选择自己理想的学院,必须通过UCAS申请。申请截止日期是每年的10月15日,到时UCAS申请表必须递到UCAS。你不得同时申请牛津和剑桥。在申请表递上去之后,需在填写一份额外补充问卷。此问卷的底线一般为10月22日。所收到Conditional Offer的条件取决于相应的专业,老师的预估分等等因素,从A*A*A-A*AA不等。