仁荷大学成立于1954年,是一所私立大学。环境优美,师资雄厚,拥有以高科技作保证的研究环境和艺术教育基础设施。目前,仁荷大学被教育部和人力资源部评定为韩国最好的大学之一,其排名也在国内名列前茅。想申请仁荷大学的研究生,需要提交哪些材料呢?下面是出国留学网 m.liuxue86.com 为大家整理的仁荷大学研究生申请材料,供大家参考。
Required Documents for all applicants 所有申请者需提交材料
No. | Document | Form | Note |
1 | Application form | | - Print out after completing online application.
(Application for Admission & Scholarship) - Put your signature on each application.
2 | Resume | (download) | - Designated form with photo
- Type this by computer in English.
3 | Photo | 3 | - Size : 3 cm (Width) x 4 cm (Length)
- Two for an application and a resume each.
One for its own sake |
4 | Official certificates of degree(graduation) | Original | [Degree from Korea] Original certificate with the degree number [Degree from foreign countries] Issued or translated in English and ①Apostilled or ②Notarized by Korean consulate(embassy) in your home country or ③Notarized by Foreign consulate(embassy) in Korea. Alternatively Chinese applicants can submit both 敎育部學歷證書電子注冊備案表 and (學位)認證報告. - Chinese applicants have to submit certificates of both degree and graduation translated in English and notarized.
- Applicants in Korea from 21 countries under special control of Ministry of Justice, Korea should submit two certificates of degree.
- Applicants should submit the certificate of degree translated in English and apostilled or notarized by Korean/foreign consulate(embassy) apostilled
- Applicants for doctoral program must submit certificates of both Bachelor and Master's degree program.
- Degree from Pakistani applicants have to submit the certificate of degree with the confirmation seal of the HEC(Higher Education Commission) of Pakistan.
- Applicants in the last semester of Bachelor or Master's program must submit the anticipated graduation certificate mentioning the exact date of graduation along with a transcript of all completed semesters. ⇒ The final degree certificate should be submitted before entrance after getting admission.
5 | Official transcripts | Original | - Original or notarized certificate in English or Korean
(Submitting transcripts apostilled or notarized by Korean/foreign consulate(embassy) is strongly recommended) - Applicants for doctoral program must submit certificates of both Bachelor and Master's degree program.
- Transcripts must contain credits and obtained scores(marks) of each subject, GPA or percentage of applicant's total grade, and the cumulative score of all courses or C.G.P.A.(cumulative grade point average).
- If it is difficult to submit transcripts with C.G.P.A. based on 100 points system or 4.0/4.3/4.5 scales, original transcripts with converted scores from WES(World Education Services,http://www.wes.org) or Foreign Credits(http://www.foreigncredits.com) are accepted for C.G.P.A. calculation. Please submit these transcripts additionally with official transcripts issued by the university. The converted version of transcripts should be based on the course-by-course type.
- Applicants who have a record of transferring into the university should submit additionally their enrollment and GPA records from their previous collage/university.
- Applicants achieved a degree from Pakistan have to submit transcripts with the confirmation seal of the HEC(Higher Education Commission) of Pakistan.
6 | Letter of recommendation | Original | - From a professor of your former university
- With contact information(designation, address, phone number and e-mail) and original signature
7 | Personal statement | (download) | - Typed in English or Korean by computer
8 | Study plan | (download) | - Typed in English or Korean by computer
- Put your signature and date on the bottom
9 | Certificate of bank balance | Original | - More than USD 13,000 deposited more than one month prior to application
- A/C holder : applicant's name or parents' name
- Local currency should be converted into USD
- Valid until early August in pertinent year or early February in following year
- If applicants stay in Korea, the certificate from the bank in Korea is acceptable.
10 | Identification | | - a copy of passport (For all applicants)
- a copy of foreign registration ID card (Only for applicants who stay in Korea)
11 | Certificate for Language Proficiency * English : TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS, TEPS * Korean : TOPIK | Original | - Submitting language certificate is mandatory
- Only valid certificates are acceptable.
- It is mandatory to submit level 3 or above of TOPIK for some departments and majors. (Check the admission guideline)
- Please refer to each department in the guideline
- TOEFL(IBT)/IELTS : Original certificate directly sent from ETS/British Council(IELTS)
- TOEIC/TEPS : Original certificate
- TOPIK : Original certificate of internet issued version with 16 numbers in the upper right corner
(Visit http://www.topik.go.kr) - IELTS(Academic Module) will be acceptable only. (General Training Module X) TOEFL(ITP) will be rejected.
- Homepage of English/Korean language proficiency test
- TOEFL : http://www.ets.org/toefl
- IELTS : http://www.ielts.org
(In Korea : http://eng.ieltstest.or.kr) - TOEIC : http://www.ets.org/toeic
(In Korea : http://exam.ybmsisa.com/toeic) - TEPS : http://www.teps.or.kr
- TOPIK : http://www.topik.go.kr
12 | Letter of Consent (for degree verification) | (download) | - Typed in English by computer
- Put your signature and date
- Separate ones for Bachelor & Master's program
13 | Certificates of parents' nationality | Original | - Official documents which prove ①relationship between the applicant and his/her parents and ②their nationality respectively
- Submit translated in English and notarized version
- Certificate of birth or notarized family records book can be accepted to show relationship
- Copies of both parents' valid passports will be accepted to show their nationality only.
- Only for Chinese applicants, notarized certificate of 親屬(親族)關係證明書 will be accepted.
- Pakistani applicants should submit the document issued by NADRA(National Database and Registration Authority), Pakistan.
- Applicants in Korea from 21 countries under special control of Ministry of Justice, Korea should submit two certificates of parents' nationality apostilled or notarized by Korean/Foreign consulates(embassy)
Students of Korean Government Scholarship Program do not need to submit the original bank certificate, but they have to submit the certificate of KGSP.
Applicants who stay in Korea have to submit a copy of foreign registration ID card.
No. | 文件 | 形式 | 备注 |
1 | 申请表 | | -
在完成网上报名后打印出来。 (入学及奖学金申请) - 在每份申请上签名。
2 | 简历 | (下载) | |
3 | 照片 | 3 | - 尺寸: 3 厘米 (宽) x 4 厘米 (长)
- 1张用于申请表,1张用于简历.
1张备用 |
4 | 学位证 (已毕业) | 原件 | [韩国学位]学位证原件及证件号 [外国学位]英文版(原版或翻译件)并且 ① 认证的或 ② 由在你的国家的韩国领事馆 (大使馆)公证 或 ③ 由在韩国的外国领事馆 (大使馆)公证。 中国申请者可提交教育部学历证书电子注册备案表和(学位)认证报告. |
5 | 官方成绩单 | 原件 | -
英语或韩语原件或公证件 (强烈建议提交由韩国/外国领事馆 (大使馆)认证/公证的成绩单) - 博士课程的申请人必须提交学士和硕士学位证。
- 成绩单必须包含学分和每个科目的分数、 GPA 或申请人总分的百分比,和所有课程的累计分数或C.G.P.A.(累积平均成绩点数)。
如果很难提交成绩单的C.G.P.A.100分或者 4.0/4.3/4.5评分标准,原始成绩单的WES 转换分数(世界教育服务,http://www.wes.org) 或外国信用 (http://www.foreigncredits.com) 都可以被认为是 C.G.P.A.。请提交这些成绩单加上大学颁发的正式成绩单。成绩单的转换版本应该课程与课程相对应。 有转学记录的申请者应提交注册证明和 之前学校的GPA 记录。 申请人取得巴基斯坦学位,须提交巴基斯坦高等教育委员会确认盖章的成绩单 |
6 | 推荐信 | 原件 | - 你之前大学的教授
- 联系信息 (名称、 地址、 电话号码和电子邮件) 与亲笔签名
7 | 个人陈述 | (下载) | |
8 | 学习计划 | (下载) | |
9 | 银行存款证明 | 原件 | - 申请最少一个月前的高于13,000美金存款。
- 账户持有人: 申请人的姓名或其父母的名字
- 当地货币应换算成美元
- 有效期至当年8 月初或在次年的二月初
- 如果申请人在韩国,韩国银行的证明也可
10 | 身份证明 | | - 护照复印件(所以申请者都需要)
- 外国人注册卡复印件 (仅限在韩国的申请人)
11 | 语言证书 * 英语 : TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS, TEPS *韩语: TOPIK | 原件 | - 强制要求提交语言证书
- 只接受有效的证书
- 特定专业和系,需提交TOPIK 3 级或以上证书(查询入学指南)
- 请参阅每个系的指南
- 托福 (IBT) / 雅思: 直接从 ETS/英国委员会(雅思) 发送的原始证书
- 托业考/双程: 原始证书
- 韩语语言测试:互联网版本的原始证书发布和右上角的16 位数字在
- 只接受雅思(学术模块) 。(一般培训模块 X)托福 (ITP) 将被拒绝。
- 英文/韩文语言水平测试主页
- TOEFL : http://www.ets.org/toefl
- IELTS : http://www.ielts.org
(In Korea : http://eng.ieltstest.or.kr) - TOEIC : http://www.ets.org/toeic
(In Korea : http://exam.ybmsisa.com/toeic) - TEPS : http://www.teps.or.kr
- TOPIK : http://www.topik.go.kr
12 | 同意书 (学位验证用) | (下载) | - 在电脑上用英文填写
- 签名并写日期
- 学士及硕士课程分开
13 | 父母国籍证明 | 原件 | -
证明 ① 申请人和其父母之间的关系和 ② 其分别的国籍的证明文件 - 英语翻译和公证
- 出生证明或经公证的家庭记录书以显示关系
- 父母双方有效护照复印件,以显示其国籍。
- 仅限中国申请者,公证的亲属关系证明书也可以
- 巴基斯坦申请人应提交巴基斯坦国家数据库和登记管理机关签发的文件。
- 来自 21 个国家的韩国司法部特别控制之下的韩国申请人应提交父母的国籍合法化证明或由韩国/外国领事馆 (大使馆)公证的文件
韩国政府奖学金计划的学生不需要提交原始的银行证书,但他们须提交的 KGSP 证书。
Additional Required Documents for Chinese applicants 中国申请者需要提交的其他材料
No. | Document | Form | Note |
14 | 居民身分證 (Chinese ID card) | | |
15 | 居民戶口簿 & 親屬(親族)關係證明書 (Chinese household register) & Family record table | Family record table (download) | - Submit translated in English and notarized version
- An applicant, parents, brothers & sisters
- Submission of the family record table is necessary
- 親屬(親族)關係公證書 should include Chinese ID numbers of applicant and his or her parents
- Documents should be issued or notarized within the last one year.
16 | 敎育部學歷證書電子注冊備案表 (Online Verification Report of HEQC) | (Sample-English) | - Printed PDF file from (http://www.chsi.com.cn)
- Including your photo
- Valid until late August in pertinent year or late February in following year.
- Applicants who achieved Bachelor or Master's degree in China must submit this certificate.
- Applicants who completed the three-year collage in China should also submit this certificate.
17 | #FormatImgID_0# (Credentials Report about Degree) | (Sample-English) | - Original one in light blue color from China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center(中國學位與硏究生敎育信息網 -
http://www.cdgdc.edu.cn) - It takes two or three weeks to issue this certificate.
- Applicants who achieved Bachelor or Master's degree in China must submit this certificate.
18 | 父母在職證明書直 (Certificate of parents' holding office) | | - Original with contact information of company
19 | 父母年收入證明書 (Certificate of parents' income) | | - Original with contact information of company
No. | 文件 | 形式 | 备注 |
14 | 居民身分證 (Chinese ID card) | | |
15 | 居民戶口簿 & 親屬(親族)關係證明書 (Chinese household register) & Family record table | 家庭记录表 (下载) | - 提交英语翻译和公证的版本
申请人、 父母、 兄弟、 姐妹 家庭记录表 - 親屬(親族)關係公證書需包含申请者和其父母的身份证号码
- 文件应在过去的一年之内发行或公证
16 | 敎育部學歷證書電子注冊備案表 (Online Verification Report of HEQC) | 英语示例 | - 从此网站打印PDF 文件(http://www.chsi.com.cn)
- 包括你的照片
- 有效期至当年八月下旬在或次年 2 月底。
- 在中国取得学士学位或硕士学位的申请人必须提交此证书。
- 在中国完成三年大学的申请人也应提交此证书
17 | #FormatImgID_1# (Credentials Report about Degree) | 英语示例 | - 中国学位与研究生教育发展中心的浅蓝色原件(中國學位與硏究生敎育信息網 -
http://www.cdgdc.edu.cn) - 它需要两个或三个星期时间才发出此证书
- 在中国取得学士学位或硕士学位的申请人必须提交此证书
18 | 父母在職證明書直 (Certificate of parents' holding office) | | |
19 | 父母年收入證明書 (Certificate of parents' income) | | |
想了解更多关于仁荷大学或其他韩国留学资讯,请浏览出国留学网 m.liuxue86.com