Timeline for 2015 Admissions
Eligibility for Application
The applicant must satisfy one of the requirements below to be eligible to apply for Nagoya University's International Programs.
The applicant is a non-Japanese citizen and not a permanent resident of Japan, and falls under one of the classifications (1 to 3) below.
1. The applicant must have received education primarily in a language other than Japanese for at least two years during the last three years of his/her secondary education, and must fall under one of the classifications below:
(1) The applicant has completed, or is expected to complete, a 12-year curriculum by September 30, 2015, in an education institution based on a foreign country’s education system(including any period spent in education in a regular course of study in Japan), or has completed an equivalent education program that has been designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan.
(2) The applicant has acquired the International Baccalaureate qualification awarded by the International Baccalaureate Organization.
(3) The applicant has an Abitur, which is recognized as a qualification for enrolling in a university in the states of the Federal Republic of Germany.
(1) 申请人在外国教育系统的教育机构已经完成或即将完成课程(包括在日本任何时期的普通教育课程),或者完成了一个等价的由日本教育,文化,体育,科学与技术部长指定的教育课程。
(2) 申请人已经获得由国际文凭组织颁发的国际学士学位。
(3) 申请人有高中会考文凭,这是在德意志联邦共和国的大学入学的凭证。
2. The applicant must have passed a recognized test/examination to determine whether he/she possesses academic ability equivalent or superior to that obtained from a 12-year curriculum in a foreign country’s education system.
2. 申请人必须通过一项公认的测试以确认他/她是否拥有优于12年国外教育系统的学术能力。
3. Applicants who do not fall under any of the eligibility provisions in i to ii must have attained a level of academic ability equivalent to or higher than that of a high school graduate, which is recognized in an individual eligibility review process conducted by Nagoya University.
3. 申请人如未能达到以上1-2条,必须达到一定程度学术能力,相当或者高于拥有此程度学术能力的高中生。这是由名古屋大学规定的公认的个人资格审定过程。
Application Requirements
In addition to the Eligibility for Application mentioned in section I above, the applicant must meet all the following requirements:
1.The applicant must have demonstrated excellent academic achievement in high school.
2. Recommended score: Higher than B grade average (A-F scale) / 3.0 GPA (1-4 scale) / 82% / total score of 30 points in IB
2. 推荐分数:B等级以上(A-F)/ 成绩平均积点 3.0(1-4)/82%/智力标准30点