名古屋大学(Nagoya University),简称名大,是一所本部位于日本爱知县名古屋市的著名研究型国立综合大学。现在很多同学都选择去名古屋大学留学。你知道吗?如果学生们在校园遇到困难,名古屋大学都会提供各种支持与咨询哦。下面,出国留学网小编就给大家介绍一下日本名古屋大学提供的学生支持与咨询吧!
Student Support And Career Guidance
Nagoya University has established the Center for Student Counseling to strengthen its counseling system for Japanese and international students, by providing general consultation as well as mental health and career counseling, and to ensure that students have a rewarding university life.
The problems and issues that arise on a daily basis provide good opportunities for you to think about your life. Most of you would normally resolve a problem by talking to your friends, mentors, academic advisors and family, but it can be difficult to find the time to fully work out a concern or problem from your daily life. At such times, you may want to make use of the Center for Student Counseling.
The Center is a place for students to receive advice and counseling. It is also designed to help you find your own solutions to problems or take the first step in solving problems by verbalizing and organizing your feelings and thoughts through discussions with counseling staff. Counseling provided to resolve an actual problem is also an opportunity for you to reconsider who you are and to make changes in your life.
每天出现的问题和麻烦是促使您反思自己生活的好机会。 大部分人会与自己的朋友、指导员、学业导师和家人商量来解决问题,但有时很难彻底解决日常生活中的忧虑或麻烦。 这时,您或许想要借助于学生咨询综合中心。
学生咨询综合中心为学生提供建议和咨询。 它还旨在帮助您通过与咨询人员的深入交谈,表达和整理自己的感受和想法,从而找到问题的解决办法或解决问题的第一步。 提供的解决实际问题的咨询也可促使您重新思考自我,让生活出现一些改变。
Student Consultations
Clinical psychology experts provide advice and counseling about student concerns or problems related to school life, such as classes, future plans, and interpersonal relationships, and help students find their own solutions to problems.
Mental Health Consultations
Psychiatrists help students suffering from psychological problems, such as insomnia, depression, and anxiety. This help may take the form of counseling or medication. Counseling is also provided for academic advisors and parents or guardians on what they can do to guide students.
精神科医生帮助学生解决失眠、抑郁和焦虑等心理问题。 可能会采取咨询或药物治疗的形式。 同时向学业导师和家长或监护人提供有关如何指导学生的咨询。
Career Consultations
In addition to providing job-search advice, career counselors act as sources of information. Career counselors gather information on interviews and tests, and also give practice interviews. Some of the possible topics of discussion include how to interview well, how to complete Entry Sheets, selecting a company, job hunting methods and career concerns. Career seminars are also held as needed.
除提供职位搜索建议外,职业咨询师还可作为信息来源。 置业顾问收集面试和考试等相关信息,还可帮助准备面试。 一些可能的讨论主题包括如何顺利面试、如何填写求职表、如何选择公司以及求职方法和职业考虑事项。 同时按需举行就职讲座。