The real world is more fun than grumpy adults have ever told you.
Don't listen to people in their 40s who act like the best part of your life ends the minute you get your diploma. Is the real world all cotton candy and unicorn rides? No. But sometimes, misery loves company and recruits it too. When you start a new job there will inevitably be a group of people there who don't like their job and don't like being an adult. Avoid these people like the plague. They've bought into the cultural lie that a "job is just a job" and that you should only work for the weekend. Nonsense. Your job can be meaningful. Your weekdays can matter.
Your 20s are lonelier than you think they'll be.
They're glamorized in culture, presented as the time of your life. As you bingewatch an entire season of House of Cards on Netflix, you will wonder, Is every other person my age at an amazing party right now that I didn't know about? They're not. The truth is, when you leave college, you leave the tightest, largest concentration of people who are your age. Suddenly, you're scattered around the country and community won't involve walking out onto the quad. You'll have to fight for it. That's not failure, that's reality. Seek it out. It's not easy to make friends as an adult but it's definitely possible if you'll be brave.
在你刚拿到学历的时刻千万不要听信那些四十几岁风华正茂的人们。真实的世界果真充满着棉花糖和独角兽吗?不是的。只是有时,福祸相依,之后满血复活罢了。当你刚入职时会发现,不可以避免的有这么一群人不喜欢他们的工作,也不喜欢当成年人。避开这种像瘟疫一样的人。他们被带入了社交怪圈,这些人认为工作就只是一份工作,而且你只是为了享受周末而工作。毫无意义!你的工作本可以变得有意义。 你的工作日也可以很重要。