神户大学(Kobe University),简称神大,是一所本部位于日本兵库县神户市的非常著名的研究型国立综合大学,日本名列前茅世界闻名的顶尖国立大学。它也是中国学生梦寐以求的留学学校。下面,出国留学网(m.liuxue86.com)小编就给大家介绍神户大学本科生入学指南,欢迎阅读!
1. 申请人必须是外国人且不是日本国籍,已经完成了12年的学校教育或者类似的教育。学生须在获得入学资格那年的3月31日毕业。
2. 已经参加“日本大学留学考试”和每个学部规定的考试,并达到学部要求分数的学生。
1. 留学生特别入学考试
2. 留学生及日本学生考试。会特别考虑留学生
3. 留学生及日本学生考试。留学生没有特殊考虑
4. 留学生所需要参加的考试。具体安排是由专责性质决定。
文学院 跨文化研究学院 人文发展学院 法学院 经济学院 工商管理学院
理学院 医学院(药剂) 医学院(健康科学) 工程学院 农学院 海洋科学学院
2015 Entrance Examination Schedule for Undergraduate programs
Applicants must be foreign nationals who do not hold Japanese nationality and have successfully completed 12 years of school education or the equivalent. Those who are expected to graduate by March 31 of the year they are entering are also eligible.
Those who have taken "Examinations for Japanese University for International Students (EJU)" and the examinations conducted by each Faculty, and earned sufficient scores required by the Faculty.
Selection Method
"Entrance Examination for Privately-financed International Students" is conducted by each Faculty. Students are selected based on the combination of faculty examinations, interview, the test results of EJU, and academic records. Examination subjects vary according to each Faculty. Please refer to the list of Faculty for respective information.
Examination Category
A: Special examination exclusively for international students.
B1: Examination for both international and Japanese students. Special consideration will be given to international students.
B2: Examination for both international and Japanese students. No special consideration will be given to international students.
C: Examination on request by international students. Specific arrangements are made on ad hoc basis.
Recruiting Department
Faculty of Letters
Faculty of Intercultural Studies
Faculty of Human Development
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Economics
School of Business Administration
Faculty of Science
School of Medicine (Medicine)
School of Medicine (Health Sciences)
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Agriculture
Faculty of Maritime Sciences