
  昆士兰大学(The University of Queensland),世界百强名校和顶尖的高等科研学府之一,始建于1910年,是昆士兰州的第一所综合型大学,也是澳大利亚最大最有声望的大学之一,同时还是六所砂岩学府(Sandstone Universities)之一。昆大是澳洲八大名校(Group of Eight)的盟校成员,同时也是UNIVERSITAS 21成员之一,其科学研究的经费及学术水平在澳大利亚的大学之中始终位居前列,在学博士生的人数最多。下表是大约学期收费表,基于平均 8个单位全日制入学 (#8) (一个全日制学期),为在 2016 年开始学习的学生。根据选择的专业和选修课程,学生实际学期费用可能会发生变化。大学每年都会审查费用。下面请看出国留学网为大家整理的2016年国际研究生学费详情。


  Below is a table showing approximate semester fees based on an average full-time enrolment of 8 units (#8) (one full-time semester), for students commencing in 2016. A student's actual semester fee may vary in accordance with his or her choice of major and electives. The University reviews fees annually.


Program Title Program Type Duration
CRICOS 2016 indicative semester fees (AUD$)
Agribusiness Graduate Certificate 1 030134D $17,240
Agribusiness (#24) Masters 3 030142D $17,240
Agribusiness (#32) Masters 4 079391E $17,240
Agricultural Science Graduate Certificate 1 079376D $17,240
Agricultural Science (#24) Masters 3 079380G $17,240
Agricultural Science (#32) Masters 4 079381G $17,240
Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Studies Graduate Certificate 1 * $13,680
Animal Science Graduate Certificate 1 079377C $17,240
Animal Science (#24) Masters 3 079382F $17,240
Animal Science (#32) Masters 4 079383E $17,240
Applied Econometrics (#24) Masters 3 084721E $16,640
Applied Econometrics (#32) Masters 4 PENDING PENDING
Applied Linguistics Graduate Certificate 1 064991D $12,000
  Graduate Diploma 2 064992C $12,000
Applied Linguistics (#16) Masters 2 064993B $12,000
Applied Linguistics (#24) Masters 3 064993B $12,000
Applied Linguistics (#32) Masters 4 082604D $12,000
Applied Psychology Masters 4 063938F $17,306
Architecture Masters 4 060311K $16,640
Arts Graduate Diploma 2 008582G $12,896
Arts (#16) Masters 2 034017K $12,896
Arts (#24) Masters 3 034017K $12,896
Arts in Chinese Translation and Interpreting Graduate Certificate 1 061821B $14,250
  Graduate Diploma 2 061822A $14,250
Arts in Chinese Translation and Interpreting (#24) Masters 3 061823M $14,250
Arts in Chinese Translation and Interpreting (#32) Masters 4 082605C $14,250
Arts in Japanese Interpreting and Translation Graduate Diploma 2 061824K $14,250
  Masters 4 013035D $14,250
Audiology Studies Masters 4 070265F $19,290
Bioinformatics Graduate Certificate 1 077533A $16,640
Bioinformatics (#16) Masters 2 076218J $16,640
Bioinformatics (#24) Masters 3 076217K $16,640
Bioinformatics Research Extensive (#24) Masters 3 085554G $16,640
Bioinformatics Research Extensive (#32) Masters 4 082610F $16,640
Biostatistics Graduate Certificate 1 * $16,640
  Graduate Diploma 2 * $16,640
Biostatistics (#16) Masters 2 * $16,640
Biostatistics (#24) Masters 3 * $16,640
Biotechnology Graduate Certificate 1 034026J $16,640
  Graduate Diploma 2 034052G $16,640
Biotechnology (#16) Masters 2 057055C $16,640
Biotechnology (#24) Masters 3 034034J $16,640
Biotechnology (#32) Masters 4 082611E $16,640
Biotechnology Research Extensive (#24) Masters 3 085549D $16,640
Biotechnology Research Extensive (#32) Masters 4 085552J $16,640
Business Graduate Certificate 1 038553J $17,306
Business (#24) Masters 3 037519G $17,306
Business (#32) Masters 4 082595M $17,306
Business Administration Graduate Certificate 1 020139D $22,048
  Graduate Diploma 2 022210G $22,048
  Masters 2 060533G $33,072
Business Economics (#24) Masters 3 046493E $16,640
Business Economics (#32) Masters 4 082597J $16,640
Business Leadership Graduate Certificate 1 085546G $28,120
Clinical Exercise Physiology (#24) Masters 3 061814A $16,640
Clinical Pharmacy Graduate Certificate 1 * $19,280
  Graduate Diploma 2 * $19,280
  Masters 3 * $19,280
Clinical Psychology Masters 4 026000G $17,306
Commerce Graduate Certificate 1 048758B $17,306
Commerce (#24) Masters 3 002020B $17,306
Commerce (#32) Masters 4 082596K $17,306
Communication Graduate Certificate 1 049209A $13,730
  Graduate Diploma 2 049210G $13,730
  Masters 3 049208B $13,730
Computer Science Graduate Certificate 1 073267B $16,640
  Graduate Diploma 2 073268A $16,640
Computer Science (#16) Masters 2 073270G $16,640
Computer Science (#24) Masters 3 073272E $16,640
Computer Science (Management) Masters 4 073269M $16,640
Conservation Biology (#24) Masters 2 077443C $24,350
Conservation Science (#32) Masters 3 082609K $24,350
Counselling Masters 4 048816G $11,270
Development Economics (#24) Masters 3 065383J $16,640
Development Economics (#32) Masters 4 082598G $16,640
Development Practice Graduate Certificate 1 053339A $13,000
  Graduate Diploma 2 053340G $13,000
Development Practice (#24) Masters 3 053341G $13,000
Development Practice (#32) Masters 4 082606B $13,000
Dietetics Studies Masters 3 065374K $19,290
Economic Studies Graduate Certificate 1 084718M $16,640
Economics Graduate Certificate 1 008572K $16,640
  Graduate Diploma 2 008579C $16,640
Economics (#24) Masters 3 083671G $16,640
Economics (#32) Masters 4 058270K $16,640
Economics and Public Policy (#24) Masters 3 077436B $16,640
Economics and Public Policy (#32) Masters 4 082599G $16,640
Education Graduate Diploma 2 055522G $12,000
Educational Studies Graduate Certificate 1 061819G $12,000
  Graduate Diploma 2 013039M $12,000
Educational Studies (#16) Masters 2 002028E $12,000
Educational Studies (#24) Masters 3 002028E $12,000
Educational Studies (#32) Masters 4 082608M $12,000
Energy Studies Graduate Certificate 1 075744F $16,640
  Graduate Diploma 2 075746D $16,640
  Masters 3 073264E $16,640
Engineering Science Graduate Certificate 1 075745E $16,640
Engineering Science (#16) Masters 2 076003B $16,640
Engineering Science (#24) Masters 3 075742G $16,640
Engineering Science (Management) Masters 4 075740K $16,640
Environmental Management Graduate Certificate 1 013832G $16,640
  Graduate Diploma 2 008458A $16,640
Environmental Management (#24) Masters 3 006689B $16,640
Environmental Management (#32) Masters 4 084722D $16,640
Epidemiology Graduate Certificate 1 * $13,680
  Graduate Diploma 2 066286B $13,680
Epidemiology (#24) Masters 3 066287A $13,680
Executive Leadership Graduate Certificate 1 085544J $28,120
e-Healthcare Graduate Certificate 1 * $13,660
  Graduate Diploma 2 * $13,660
  Masters 3 * $13,660
Financial Mathematics (#24) Masters 3 079388M $16,640
Financial Mathematics (#32) Masters 4 079389K $16,640
Food Science and Technology Graduate Certificate 1 079378B $17,040
Food Science and Technology (#24) Masters 3 079384D $17,040
Food Science and Technology (#32) Masters 4 079385C $17,040
Geographic Information Science Graduate Certificate 1 011168G $16,640
  Graduate Diploma 2 003854G $16,640
Geographic Information Science (#24) Masters 3 003927F $16,640
Geographic Information Science (#32) Masters 4 084723C $16,640
Global Management Masters 4 073271F $17,306
Governance and Public Policy Graduate Certificate 1 065330M $13,000
  Graduate Diploma 2 065317G $13,000
Governance and Public Policy (#16) Masters 2 084725A $13,000
Governance and Public Policy (#24) Masters 3 038556F $13,000
Governance and Public Policy (#32) Masters 4 084724B $13,000
Health Economics (#24) Masters 3 059494G $16,640
Health Economics (#32) Masters 4 082600G $16,640
Heritage Management (#16) Masters 2 PENDING PENDING
Heritage Management (#24) Masters 3 PENDING PENDING
Higher Education Graduate Certificate 1 * $12,000
Information Technology Graduate Certificate 1 046495C $16,640
  Graduate Diploma 2 003856E $16,640
  Masters 4 080723B $16,640
Information Technology (Management) Masters 5 080722C $16,640
Integrated Water Management Graduate Certificate 1 059262B $16,640
  Graduate Diploma 2 059261C $16,640
  Masters 3 059263A $16,640
Interaction Design Graduate Certificate 1 053336D $16,640
  Graduate Diploma 2 053337C $16,640
  Masters 4 080726K $16,640
International Commercial Law Masters 2 084726M $16,640
International Economics and Finance (#24) Masters 3 029162K $16,640
International Economics and Finance (#32) Masters 4 082601G $16,640
International Public Health Graduate Certificate 1 057430G $13,680
  Graduate Diploma 2 057431F $13,680
International Public Health (#24) Masters 3 057432E $13,680
International Relations Graduate Certificate 1 PENDING PENDING
International Relations (#16) Masters 2 PENDING PENDING
International Relations (#24) Masters 3 PENDING PENDING
International Relations (#32) Masters 4 PENDING PENDING
International Studies Graduate Certificate 1 025971J $12,000
  Graduate Diploma 2 031216E $12,000
International Studies (#16) Masters 2 085540B $12,000
International Studies (#24) Masters 3 062365B $12,000
International Studies (#32) Masters 4 082607A $12,000
Laws (#16) Masters 2 024644K $17,306
Laws (#24) Masters 3 082603E $17,306
Magnetic Resonance Technology Graduate Certificate 1 034045F $16,640
  Graduate Diploma 2 034046E $16,640
Magnetic Resonance Technology (#24) Masters 3 034047D $16,640
Mediation and Conflict Resolution Graduate Certificate 1 062633J $12,000
Medicine Masters (Extended) 8 080921G $32,912
  Graduate Certificate 1 * $16,640
  Masters 2 * $16,640
Mental Health Masters 3 031212J $13,660
Mental Health Nursing Masters 3 * $13,660
Midwifery Graduate Certificate 1 PENDING $13,660
  Masters 3 * $13,660
Mineral Resources Graduate Certificate 1 029215B $16,640
  Graduate Diploma 2 029188M $16,640
  Masters 3 029189K $16,640
Molecular Biology Graduate Certificate 1 034030B $16,640
  Graduate Diploma 2 034055D $16,640
Molecular Biology (#16) Masters 2 057054D $16,640
Molecular Biology (#24) Masters 3 034037F $16,640
Molecular Biology (#32) Masters 4 082612D $16,640
Molecular Biology Research Extensive (#24) Masters 3 085547F $16,640
Molecular Biology Research Extensive (#32) Masters 4 085548E $16,640
Molecular Imaging (#24) Masters 3 079893E $18,620
Museum Studies Graduate Diploma 2 056194M $12,500
  Masters 3 056193A $12,500
Music Graduate Certificate 1 085543K $13,680
  Graduate Diploma 2 046492F $13,680
Music (#16) Masters 2 084727K $13,680
Music (#24) Masters 3 073762J $13,680
Nursing Graduate Certificate 1 * $13,660
  Graduate Diploma 2 * $13,660
  Masters 3 * $13,660
Nursing Studies Masters 4 069418D $13,660
Occupational Health and Safety Science (#24) Masters 3 077534M $16,640
Occupational Therapy Studies Masters 5 002041G $19,290
Organisational Psychology Masters 4 002042G $17,306
Peace and Conflict Studies Graduate Certificate 1 PENDING PENDING
Peace and Conflict Studies (#16) Masters 2 PENDING PENDING
Peace and Conflict Studies (#24) Masters 3 PENDING PENDING
Peace and Conflict Studies (#32) Masters 4 PENDING PENDING
Physiotherapy Masters 2 * $19,290
Physiotherapy Studies Masters 4 039545A $19,290
Project Management Graduate Certificate 1 040497E $17,306
  Masters 3 040499C $17,306
Property Studies Graduate Certificate 1 016506J $17,306
  Masters 3 037386E $17,306
Psychology Doctorate 8 084717A $17,306
Public Health Graduate Certificate 1 037400A $13,680
  Graduate Diploma 2 024647G $13,680
Public Health (#24) Masters 3 003931K $13,680
Research Commercialisation Graduate Certificate 1 059496F $17,306
Research Methods Graduate Certificate 1 066278B $17,306
  Graduate Diploma 2 065372A $17,306
Responsible Resource Development Graduate Certificate 1 * $16,640
  Graduate Diploma 2 * $16,640
  Masters 3 * $16,640
Rural Development Graduate Certificate 1 079379A $17,040
Rural Development (#24) Masters 3 079386B $17,040
Rural Development (#32) Masters 4 079387A $17,040
Science Graduate Certificate 1 029216A $16,640
  Graduate Diploma 2 008585E $16,640
Science (#24) Masters 3 038548F $16,640
Science in Petroleum Engineering Masters 3 078223G $16,640
Social Work Studies #24 Masters 3 063939E $11,360
Social Work Studies #32 Masters 4 063939E $11,360
Speech Pathology Studies Masters 4 002057M $19,290
Sports Coaching Graduate Certificate 1 * $14,220
Sports Coaching (#16) Masters 2 * $14,220
Sports Coaching (#24) Masters 3 * $14,220
Sports Medicine Graduate Certificate 1 * $16,640
  Masters 2 * $16,640
Teaching (Primary) Masters 4 078819A $12,000
Technology and Innovation Management Graduate Certificate 1 031220J $17,306
  Masters 3 029981G $17,306
Tourism Leadership Masters 3 077441E $17,306
Tourism, Hotel and Event Management Graduate Certificate 1 077438M $17,306
Tourism, Hotel and Event Management (#24) Masters 3 077439K $17,306
Tourism, Hotel and Event Management (#32) Masters 4 082602F $17,306
Urban and Regional Planning Graduate Certificate 1 025968D $16,640
  Graduate Diploma 2 025980G $16,640
Urban and Regional Planning (#32) Masters 4 077535K $16,640
Veterinary Science Graduate Certificate 1 084719K $27,040
  Graduate Diploma 2 084720F $27,040
Veterinary Science (#24) Masters 3 084728J $27,040


  * International students, studying on a student visa, may not undertake the program on campus at UQ on a full time basis; they may only study from their home countries and will not be eligible for an Australian student visa.




















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