昆士兰科技大学(简称QUT)又译作“昆士兰理工大学”、“昆科大”。于1908年建校,坐落于澳大利亚昆士兰州布里斯班市区。历史悠久,声誉卓著。学校的教学注重结合实际应用,这种教育特点使学校和昆士兰的业界保持了密切的合作关系,学校的研究和教育方向以符合就业市场的需求为主,学生经常参与业界的实际方案研讨。最近的一项调查表明昆科大的毕业生很受业界欢迎。昆士兰科技大学是一所研究性大学,在澳洲大学中排名前十,世界TOP 3%,现有本科生近35,000人,研究生5,000人,国际学生共6,000人。想知道昆士兰科技大学有哪些优势吗?下面请看出国留学网m.liuxue86.com为大家整理的详情。
Course | Study level | Campus | Attendance | Start Month |
Accounting | Graduate Certificate |
Applied Finance | Graduate Certificate |
Business | Graduate Certificate |
Business - Interdisciplinary | Graduate Certificate |
Business Administration | Graduate Certificate |
Business Administration (Executive) | Graduate Certificate |
Forensic Accounting | Graduate Certificate |
Human Resource Management | Graduate Certificate |
Integrated Marketing Communication | Graduate Certificate |
International Business | Graduate Certificate |
Management | Graduate Certificate |
Managing and Leading in the Public Sector | Graduate Certificate | |
Marketing | Graduate Certificate |
Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies | Graduate Certificate |
Professional Accounting | Graduate Certificate |
Public Relations | Graduate Certificate |
Public Sector Management | Graduate Certificate | |
Strategic Advertising | Graduate Certificate |
Accountancy (Research) | Graduate Diploma |
Advertising (Research) | Graduate Diploma |
Business (Research) | Graduate Diploma |
Human Resource Management (Research) | Graduate Diploma |
International Business (Research) | Graduate Diploma |
Management (Research) | Graduate Diploma |
Marketing (Research) | Graduate Diploma |
Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies (Research) | Graduate Diploma |
Professional Accounting | Graduate Diploma |
Public Relations (Research) | Graduate Diploma |
Accountancy | Honours |
Advertising | Honours |
Business | Honours |
Economics | Honours |
Finance | Honours |
Human Resource Management | Honours |
International Business | Honours |
Journalism | Honours |
Management | Honours |
Marketing | Honours |
Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies | Honours |
Property Economics (Honours) | Honours |
Public Relations | Honours |
Accounting | Masters Degree (Coursework) |
Applied Finance | Masters Degree (Coursework) |
Business (Double Masters) | Masters Degree (Coursework) |
Business (Executive) | Masters Degree (Coursework) |
Business Process Management | Masters Degree (Coursework) |
Complex Program Leadership | Masters Degree (Coursework) |
Creative Advertising | Masters Degree (Coursework) |
Human Resource Management | Masters Degree (Coursework) |
Integrated Marketing Communication | Masters Degree (Coursework) |
International Business | Masters Degree (Coursework) |
Law (Intellectual Property) | Masters Degree (Coursework) |
MBA | Masters Degree (Coursework) |
MBA (Executive) | Masters Degree (Coursework) |
| |
Management | Masters Degree (Coursework) |
Marketing | Masters Degree (Coursework) |
Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies | Masters Degree (Coursework) |
Professional Accounting | Masters Degree (Coursework) |
Public Relations | Masters Degree (Coursework) |
Strategic Advertising | Masters Degree (Coursework) |
Strategic Procurement | Masters Degree (Coursework) |
Accountancy | Masters Degree (Research) |
Advertising | Masters Degree (Research) |
Business | Masters Degree (Research) |
Economics | Masters Degree (Research) |
Entrepreneurship and Innovation | Masters Degree (Research) |
Finance | Masters Degree (Research) |
Human Resource Management | Masters Degree (Research) |
International Business | Masters Degree (Research) |
Management | Masters Degree (Research) |
Marketing | Masters Degree (Research) |
Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies | Masters Degree (Research) |
Public Relations | Masters Degree (Research) |
Business | Doctoral |