
2016-04-11 08:26:50 836478124 美国哈维姆德学院

  哈维姆德学院致力于培养社会科学及人文科学领域优秀的科学家、工程师和数学家,这样学生就更加清楚自己的工作对于整个社会所产生的影响。 该学院授予化学、数学、物理学、计算机科学、生物学、工程学四年制学位以及数学生物学跨学科学位,并设有计算机科学与数学或生物学与化学的联合专业。哈维姆德学院获得了美国西部高等教育协会之高等学院及大学认证委员会的认证,学院的工程学专业(美国为数极少的综合工程学专业之一)也得到了工程与科技认证委员会的认证,化学专业已达到美国化学学会的标准,化学系的毕业生毕业后即能达到化学学会成员的标准。在2009版的《美国名校》中,根据《美国新闻与世界报道》,哈维姆德学院在美国人文科学院校中排名第4位,本科工程专业排名第二位。



  99% 的学生选择住校。从学校驾车仅需 1 小时即可到达洛杉矶。


  大部分的哈维姆德学院毕业生升入更高的学府以后是免学费的,大部分的学生会被以下学校吸收:哈佛大学、约翰·霍普金斯大学、麻省理工学院、加州理工学院、斯坦福大学等。福特公司基金会经研究发现,全国范围内,在制造业中能获得博士学位的学生人数最多的是加州理工学院,其次是麻省理工学院,然后是哈维姆德学院; 在数学、自然科学中获得博士学位的学生人数最多的是加州理工学院,其次是哈维姆德学院,然后是麻省理工学院。


  哈维姆德学院是文理学院中为数不多的以数学、自然科学和工科为主的学校,在这几个领域哈维姆德学院有着顶尖的实力和出众的声誉。学校的课程难度非常大,考试评分也相当严格,学生需要对学业非常的投入和努力。哈维姆德学院实行Honor Code政策,学生为自己和他们的行为负责,校内充满信任的问题,什么大部分考试都是由学生自己规定时间和地点并不设监考。


  哈维姆德学院课程非常难。学生是为了学习教学、工程和其他科学而来。学生素质非常高。教授与学生关系密切。哈维姆德学院地处加州的洛杉矶(Los Angeles)盆地的克利孟特(Claremont)。距离洛杉矶35英里,与另外一个著名的文理学院波摩那(Pomana)学院同处一个小镇。


  本科:生物学、化学、计算机科学、工程学、数学、生物学、物理学 。哈维姆德学院拥有自己一套教育系统,而又与克莱蒙特大学联盟的其他成员分享教育设施,但每个学校分别管理本校的机构,且拥有自己的录取程序。



  US News颁布的“全国文理学院排行”中位列16


  A mathematics degree from Harvey Mudd College will prepare students for a variety of careers in business, industry or academics. Mathematical methods are increasingly employed in fields as diverse as finance, biomedical research, management science, the computer industry and most technical and scientific disciplines. To support the academic and professional goals of our majors, we offer a wide selection of courses in both pure and applied mathematics. This selection is enhanced by courses offered in cooperation with the other Claremont Colleges, including graduate courses at the Claremont Graduate University.

  Students will have many opportunities to do mathematical research with faculty through independent study, a summer research experience, or their senior capstone experience. Active areas of mathematical research at HMC and The Claremont Colleges include algebra, algebraic geometry, algorithms and computational complexity, combinatorics, differential geometry, dynamical systems, fluid mechanics, graph theory, number theory, numerical analysis, mathematical biology, mathematics education, operations research, partial differential equations, real and complex analysis, statistical methods and analysis, and topology.

  The culmination of the degree is the senior capstone research experience: every student experiences a taste of the life of a professional mathematician as part of a team in the Mathematics Clinic Program or by working individually on a Senior Thesis.

  The Mathematics Clinic program extends the academic experience of our majors. An educational innovation of HMC, our Clinic Program brings together teams of students to work on a research problem sponsored by business, industry or government. Teams work closely with a faculty advisor and a liaison provided by the sponsoring organization to solve complex real-world problems using mathematical and computational methods. Clinic teams present their results in bound final reports to the sponsors and give several formal presentations on the progress of the work during the academic year.

  Our Senior Thesis program provides students with the opportunity to work independently on a problem of their choosing. Advisors and readers may be chosen from the HMC faculty and the other mathematicians at The Claremont Colleges, providing students with a wealth of research opportunities. As with Clinic, the end product of a thesis is a bound volume as well as presentations made at a professional conference or other venue, during the college-wide Presentations Days and throughout the year.


  Every HMC student, regardless of major, takes three semesters of mathematics (covering the topics of calculus, multivariable calculus, linear algebra, probability & statistics, and differential equations) as part of the general core curriculum.

  Beyond the Core courses, the course of study for a mathematics degree has five components: the Major Core, Computational Mathematics, the Senior Capstone Experience (Clinic or Thesis), Math Forum and Math Colloquium, and the Elective Program. Each of these components to the major program is described below.


  A set of core courses is required of each major. These courses cover a range of fundamental fields of mathematics, and position the student to pursue any one of a variety of elective programs to finish the degree.

  Mathematics 55: Discrete Mathematics

  Mathematics 70: Intermediate Linear Algebra

  Mathematics 80: Intermediate Differential Equations

  Mathematics 131: Mathematical Analysis I

  Mathematics 157: Intermediate Probability

  Mathematics 171: Abstract Algebra I

  Mathematics 180: Introduction to Partial Differential Equations


  Since prehistoric times when the caveman invented the wheel, engineers have played a vital role in society. Using theories and applications of science and mathematics, engineers work to design, create and improve things to solve problems and benefit the world at large. Their work ranges from designing and building bridges to making business deals, researching new methods of production and testing manufactured products for quality and safety assurance.


  While no list can be all-inclusive, the following is a start on the different types of engineers that work in the field.

    Aerospace engineers – design, analyze, produce and, occasionally, install components that make up aircraft, spacecraft, high-altitude vehicles and missiles

    Agricultural engineers

    Biomedical engineers

    Chemical engineers – work in different areas of industry to turn recent advances in chemistry into products

    Civil engineers – create cities and design, plan, and build roads, bridges, buildings and other types of infrastructure.

    Communications engineers

    Computer engineers – work with computer systems to help companies maintain their computer networks and help determine what technical direction they should take.

    Control systems engineers

    Electrical engineers – design chips for VCRs, stereos, radios and other electronic products; and work with quantum electronics, acoustics, signal processing and ferroelectrics.

    Environmental engineers

    Geotechnical engineers

    Industrial engineers – work with companies to determine how they should best allocate their resources (A large percent of industrial engineers work with manufacturing companies and specialize in a specific area.)

    Management/economics engineers

    Manufacturing engineers

    Materials engineers – design new materials and new processes for making materials; also select and apply existing materials to solve design problems

    Mechanical engineers

    Mining engineers

    Nuclear engineers – work to optimize the output of nuclear plants and in atomic research facilities

    Ocean engineers

    Optical engineers

    Petroleum engineers

    Robotics engineers – design and make robots, as well as develop new uses and abilities for robots

    Sanitary engineers

    Structural engineers – ensure that buildings and other structures are safe and meet the required codes

    Transportation engineers – plan, design and upgrade streets, highways, railroads, airports and other transit and transportation systems.


  Harvey Mudd College’s engineering majors earn a bachelor of science in engineering degree. They may choose to emphasize a particular engineering specialty by appropriate choice of elective courses and Engineering Clinic projects.

  Students entering the engineering major have successfully completed the Common Core, a series of courses deisgned to provide foundational learning experiences. This accounts for 37.5 credit untis (cu) in math, physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, engineering, and humanities, social sciences and the arts. PE is also required for 3 credit units.


  The engineering curriculum consists of three main areas, or stems, in engineering design, engineering systems, and engineering science. Each area contributes to an interdisciplinary based approach to teaching and learning with design as the distinguishing feature, with systems providing unifying concepts and tools to build the general framework for problem solving across disciplines, and with science to provide needed fundamentals in the context of a broad-based program. This accounts for 46.5 cu*.

  The engineering design courses focus on working in teams on open-ended, externally-driven design projects. Hands-on exposure to professional practice begins with students undertaking challenging design problems in the first year with an introduction to conceptual design, engineering drawings, and manufacturing techniques (E4, continues with a laboratory course in experimental engineering (E80) and a three-semester Clinic experience (E111-E113).

  The sequence of systems courses (E59 and E101-1E02) provides analysis and design tools to model and interpret the behavior of general engineering systems. These courses are multidisciplinary in approach, enabling students to gain a unified view of the entire spectrum of engineering disciplines.

  The engineering science courses (E82, E83, E84, E85 and E106) establish a broad base of fundamental knowledge needed by an engineer practicing in the field. A half course in engineering mathematics (E72) is also required for the engineering major.


  Produce graduates who are exceptionally competent engineers whose work is notable for its breadth and its technical excellence;

  Provide a “hands-on” approach to engineering so that graduates develop an understanding of engineering judgment and practice

  Prepare and motivate students for lifetime of independent, reflective learning

  Produce graduates who are fully aware of the impact of their work on society, both nationally and globally

  Offer a curriculum that is current, exciting and challenging for both students and faculty, but can be completed in four years by any motivated student who is admitted to HMC











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  哈维姆德学院致力于培养社会科学及人文科学领域优秀的科学家、工程师和数学家,这样学生就更加清楚自己的工作对于整个社会所产生的影响。 该学院授予化学、数学、物理学、计算机科学、生物学、工程学四年制学位以及数学生物学跨学科学位,并设有计算机科学与数学或生物学与化学的联合专业。哈维姆德学院获得了美国西部高等教育协会之高等学院及大学认证委员会的认证,学院的工程学专业(美国为数极少的综合工程学专业之一)也得到了工程与科技认证委员会的认证,化学专业已达到美国化学学会的标准,化学系的毕业生毕业后即能达到化学学会成员的标准。在2009版的《美国名校》中,根据《美国新闻与世界报道》,哈维姆德学院在美国人文科学院校中排名第4位,本科工程专业排名第二位。



  99% 的学生选择住校。从学校驾车仅需 1 小时即可到达洛杉矶。


  大部分的哈维姆德学院毕业生升入更高的学府以后是免学费的,大部分的学生会被以下学校吸收:哈佛大学、约翰·霍普金斯大学、麻省理工学院、加州理工学院、斯坦福大学等。福特公司基金会经研究发现,全国范围内,在制造业中能获得博士学位的学生人数最多的是加州理工学院,其次是麻省理工学院,然后是哈维姆德学院; 在数学、自然科学中获得博士学位的学生人数最多的是加州理工学院,其次是哈维姆德学院,然后是麻省理工学院。


  哈维姆德学院是文理学院中为数不多的以数学、自然科学和工科为主的学校,在这几个领域哈维姆德学院有着顶尖的实力和出众的声誉。学校的课程难度非常大,考试评分也相当严格,学生需要对学业非常的投入和努力。哈维姆德学院实行Honor Code政策,学生为自己和他们的行为负责,校内充满信任的问题,什么大部分考试都是由学生自己规定时间和地点并不设监考。


  哈维姆德学院课程非常难。学生是为了学习教学、工程和其他科学而来。学生素质非常高。教授与学生关系密切。哈维姆德学院地处加州的洛杉矶(Los Angeles)盆地的克利孟特(Claremont)。距离洛杉矶35英里,与另外一个著名的文理学院波摩那(Pomana)学院同处一个小镇。


  本科:生物学、化学、计算机科学、工程学、数学、生物学、物理学 。哈维姆德学院拥有自己一套教育系统,而又与克莱蒙特大学联盟的其他成员分享教育设施,但每个学校分别管理本校的机构,且拥有自己的录取程序。



  US News颁布的“全国文理学院排行”中位列16


  A mathematics degree from Harvey Mudd College will prepare students for a variety of careers in business, industry or academics. Mathematical methods are increasingly employed in fields as diverse as finance, biomedical research, management science, the computer industry and most technical and scientific disciplines. To support the academic and professional goals of our majors, we offer a wide selection of courses in both pure and applied mathematics. This selection is enhanced by courses offered in cooperation with the other Claremont Colleges, including graduate courses at the Claremont Graduate University.

  Students will have many opportunities to do mathematical research with faculty through independent study, a summer research experience, or their senior capstone experience. Active areas of mathematical research at HMC and The Claremont Colleges include algebra, algebraic geometry, algorithms and computational complexity, combinatorics, differential geometry, dynamical systems, fluid mechanics, graph theory, number theory, numerical analysis, mathematical biology, mathematics education, operations research, partial differential equations, real and complex analysis, statistical methods and analysis, and topology.

  The culmination of the degree is the senior capstone research experience: every student experiences a taste of the life of a professional mathematician as part of a team in the Mathematics Clinic Program or by working individually on a Senior Thesis.

  The Mathematics Clinic program extends the academic experience of our majors. An educational innovation of HMC, our Clinic Program brings together teams of students to work on a research problem sponsored by business, industry or government. Teams work closely with a faculty advisor and a liaison provided by the sponsoring organization to solve complex real-world problems using mathematical and computational methods. Clinic teams present their results in bound final reports to the sponsors and give several formal presentations on the progress of the work during the academic year.

  Our Senior Thesis program provides students with the opportunity to work independently on a problem of their choosing. Advisors and readers may be chosen from the HMC faculty and the other mathematicians at The Claremont Colleges, providing students with a wealth of research opportunities. As with Clinic, the end product of a thesis is a bound volume as well as presentations made at a professional conference or other venue, during the college-wide Presentations Days and throughout the year.


  Every HMC student, regardless of major, takes three semesters of mathematics (covering the topics of calculus, multivariable calculus, linear algebra, probability & statistics, and differential equations) as part of the general core curriculum.

  Beyond the Core courses, the course of study for a mathematics degree has five components: the Major Core, Computational Mathematics, the Senior Capstone Experience (Clinic or Thesis), Math Forum and Math Colloquium, and the Elective Program. Each of these components to the major program is described below.


  A set of core courses is required of each major. These courses cover a range of fundamental fields of mathematics, and position the student to pursue any one of a variety of elective programs to finish the degree.

  Mathematics 55: Discrete Mathematics

  Mathematics 70: Intermediate Linear Algebra

  Mathematics 80: Intermediate Differential Equations

  Mathematics 131: Mathematical Analysis I

  Mathematics 157: Intermediate Probability

  Mathematics 171: Abstract Algebra I

  Mathematics 180: Introduction to Partial Differential Equations


  Since prehistoric times when the caveman invented the wheel, engineers have played a vital role in society. Using theories and applications of science and mathematics, engineers work to design, create and improve things to solve problems and benefit the world at large. Their work ranges from designing and building bridges to making business deals, researching new methods of production and testing manufactured products for quality and safety assurance.


  While no list can be all-inclusive, the following is a start on the different types of engineers that work in the field.

    Aerospace engineers – design, analyze, produce and, occasionally, install components that make up aircraft, spacecraft, high-altitude vehicles and missiles

    Agricultural engineers

    Biomedical engineers

    Chemical engineers – work in different areas of industry to turn recent advances in chemistry into products

    Civil engineers – create cities and design, plan, and build roads, bridges, buildings and other types of infrastructure.

    Communications engineers

    Computer engineers – work with computer systems to help companies maintain their computer networks and help determine what technical direction they should take.

    Control systems engineers

    Electrical engineers – design chips for VCRs, stereos, radios and other electronic products; and work with quantum electronics, acoustics, signal processing and ferroelectrics.

    Environmental engineers

    Geotechnical engineers

    Industrial engineers – work with companies to determine how they should best allocate their resources (A large percent of industrial engineers work with manufacturing companies and specialize in a specific area.)

    Management/economics engineers

    Manufacturing engineers

    Materials engineers – design new materials and new processes for making materials; also select and apply existing materials to solve design problems

    Mechanical engineers

    Mining engineers

    Nuclear engineers – work to optimize the output of nuclear plants and in atomic research facilities

    Ocean engineers

    Optical engineers

    Petroleum engineers

    Robotics engineers – design and make robots, as well as develop new uses and abilities for robots

    Sanitary engineers

    Structural engineers – ensure that buildings and other structures are safe and meet the required codes

    Transportation engineers – plan, design and upgrade streets, highways, railroads, airports and other transit and transportation systems.


  Harvey Mudd College’s engineering majors earn a bachelor of science in engineering degree. They may choose to emphasize a particular engineering specialty by appropriate choice of elective courses and Engineering Clinic projects.

  Students entering the engineering major have successfully completed the Common Core, a series of courses deisgned to provide foundational learning experiences. This accounts for 37.5 credit untis (cu) in math, physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, engineering, and humanities, social sciences and the arts. PE is also required for 3 credit units.


  The engineering curriculum consists of three main areas, or stems, in engineering design, engineering systems, and engineering science. Each area contributes to an interdisciplinary based approach to teaching and learning with design as the distinguishing feature, with systems providing unifying concepts and tools to build the general framework for problem solving across disciplines, and with science to provide needed fundamentals in the context of a broad-based program. This accounts for 46.5 cu*.

  The engineering design courses focus on working in teams on open-ended, externally-driven design projects. Hands-on exposure to professional practice begins with students undertaking challenging design problems in the first year with an introduction to conceptual design, engineering drawings, and manufacturing techniques (E4, continues with a laboratory course in experimental engineering (E80) and a three-semester Clinic experience (E111-E113).

  The sequence of systems courses (E59 and E101-1E02) provides analysis and design tools to model and interpret the behavior of general engineering systems. These courses are multidisciplinary in approach, enabling students to gain a unified view of the entire spectrum of engineering disciplines.

  The engineering science courses (E82, E83, E84, E85 and E106) establish a broad base of fundamental knowledge needed by an engineer practicing in the field. A half course in engineering mathematics (E72) is also required for the engineering major.


  Produce graduates who are exceptionally competent engineers whose work is notable for its breadth and its technical excellence;

  Provide a “hands-on” approach to engineering so that graduates develop an understanding of engineering judgment and practice

  Prepare and motivate students for lifetime of independent, reflective learning

  Produce graduates who are fully aware of the impact of their work on society, both nationally and globally

  Offer a curriculum that is current, exciting and challenging for both students and faculty, but can be completed in four years by any motivated student who is admitted to HMC
