建党节 July 1 ,CPC Founding Day
Formation of 1st National Congress on July 1,1921
建军节 August 1,Army Day
Nanchang Uprising (南昌起义) on August 1,1927
中国共产党成立纪念日,每年公历七月一日。 1917年俄国十月革命胜利后,马克思主义迅速传遍到我国,经过"五四"爱国运动,最早接 受马列主义的革命知识分子李大钊,陈独秀,毛泽东,董必武等人,相继在各地成立共产主义 小组,宣传马列主义,从事工人运动。在列宁领导的公产国际的积极帮助下, 1921年7月各地共产主义小组派出代表到上海召开了 中国共产党第一次代表大会。后因被帝国 主义密探发觉,会议又转移到浙江嘉兴南湖的一只船上继续进行。
China Kohsan anniversary of the establishment of the party, July 1 calendar year. In 1917 after the victory of the Russian Revolution, the rapid spread of Marxism in our country, after "54" Patriotic Movementthe first Marxist-Leninist revolutionary intellectuals to accept Li Dazhao, Chen, Mao ZedonDong and others, have been set up in various parts of the communist group, propagating Marxism-Leninism, to engage in the labor movement. Lenin led the public in the middle of the active help of the international, around July 1921 sent on behalf of the communist group held in Shanghai, China……