Estimated 2017-18 Undergraduate Cost of Attendance (Full-Time Enrollment)
The chart below lists the estimated nine-month, full-time cost of attendance budget that is generally applicable to Caltech undergraduate students enrolled in the 2017-18 school year. With the exception of the Orientation Fee, all direct charges, i.e., tuition, fees, housing and board, are divided evenly between the fall, winter and spring terms.
Tuition | $48,111 |
Fees1,2 | 1,797 |
Housing/Room3 | 8,391 |
Board | 6,405 |
Additional Meal Allowance (est.) | 900 |
Books and Supplies (est.) | 1,323 |
Personal Expenses (est.) | 1,974 |
Total Estimated Cost of Attendance4 | $68,901 |
学费 | $48,111 |
杂费1,2 | 1,797 |
住宿费用 3 | 8,391 |
伙食费用 | 6,405 |
额外的用餐费用(预估费用) | 900 |
书本费用和学习用品费用(预估费用) | 1,323 |
个人开销(预估费用) | 1,974 |
大致入学成本费用合计4 | $68,901 |
1 Fees do not include the Caltech Student Health Insurance Plan. Students are not required to purchase health insurance through Caltech provided they have coverage through a comparable plan. Costs for the 2017-18 Caltech Student Health Insurance Plan and details about the student health insurance waiver are expected to be available in June 2017. (The plan cost $2,472 for the 2016-17 school year.) Financial aid recipients who enroll in the Caltech Student Health Insurance Plan may request that the expense be added to their estimated cost of attendance. Students will be offered loan and/or scholarship assistance to cover the additional expense.
2 All entering undergraduate students are charged a one-time, $500 Orientation Fee in addition to the mandatory fees applicable to all undergraduate students.
3 The Housing/Room rate included in this estimated cost of attendance is a calculated expense based on the weighted average of all available undergraduate, on-campus housing options.
4 A Travel Allowance to (partially) offset the cost of two roundtrips from a student's primary residence may be added to this estimated cost of attendance for U.S. Citizens or eligible non-citizens who reside in the US, associated US territories, Canada, or Mexico.
1 费用不包括加州理工学院学生健康保险计划。如果学生参加了类似保险计划,则不需要通过加州理工学院购买健康保险。2017-18学年加州理工大学学生健康保险计划的费用以及豁免学生健康保险计划的详情,将预计在2017年6月公布。(2016-17学年学生健康保险费用为$2,472)。参加加州理工学院学生健康保险计划的财政援助受助人,可以要求此项费用添加到就读预估费用中。学生将通过贷款和/或奖学金援助来支付此项额外费用。
2 除了适用于所有本科学生的强制性费用之外,所有新入学的本科学生将被收取一次性500美元指导费。
3 住宿费率包括在就读预估费用中,这是基于所有本科生在校内住宿计算出来的平均费用。
4 从学生主要居住地往返学校的两趟旅行津贴可能需要添加到就读费用预估中(或部分添加),对于美国公民或符合资格的居住在美国的非公民,相关的美国领土,加拿大或墨西哥公民来说。