Application for Master's Programs and Doctoral Studies
The master’s degree is an academic degree that university graduates earn upon completion of a second academic program. Students who wish to enroll in a master’s degree program are required to have a bachelor’s degree or another degree or diploma from one of the single-stage academic programs traditional in the German system (Magister, Diplom, first state examination (Staatsexamen) in law or teaching credential (Lehramt) program; degree in medicine). A doctoral program (Promotion) leads to the academic degree of doctor (Doktorat) in a specific discipline. This degree is considered proof of the student’s aptitude to work scientifically or academically at an advanced level. It is based on an independent academic work – the dissertation – and an oral exam.
一、General Information Concerning Application
Please do only apply if you are sure that you earn your undergraduate degree either until enrollment or during the first semester of the master’s program. In general, the regular performance must be successfully completed for each part of the study program, although, only two-thirds can be attested.
Your diploma or transcript of records must include a final grade. If this is not the case, your application will take part in the selection process, but you will be at the bottom of the ranking list. Please ask your current/former university / college to calculate a final grade. Freie Universität Berlin does not calculate final grades and does not accept applicant’s self-assessments.
Application via uni-assist
If you earned your degree in a country other than Germany, you are required to submit your application to Freie Universität Berlin via uni-assist. Uni-assist reviews whether the application meets the formal prerequisites established by Freie Universität Berlin. Subject-specific entry requirements are not checked by uni-assist but by the selection commission of the university’s department. Uni-assist is not responsible for carrying out selection procedures.
The preliminary examination by uni-assist is with costs. Your application to uni-assist will not be processed unless the fee is paid to the account of uni-assist. To accelerate the proceedings, please enclose a deposit receipt or transfer voucher as proof of payment in the application.
Please note:
In general, the processing of an application takes about four to six weeks, towards the end of the application period it takes even longer. Therefore, we recommend that you submit your application at least four weeks or more before the deadline. Otherwise you cannot be informed about missing documents by uni-assist in time.
You can use the confirmation letter by uni-assist to apply for a study visa at the German embassy in your home country.
你可以德国驻华使馆通过 uni-assist使用确认信申请学习签证。
二、Language Requirements
As a basic principle, the language skills have to be submitted when applying.
The website of the Language Center of Freie Universität Berlin contains information on the levels established in the European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The respective selection commission decides whether language certificates are equivalent in accordance with the Zugangssatzung (regulations on allocation of study placements).
As a general rule, the following equivalents are accepted as proof of English knowledge. However, some programs have individual requirements on language proofs. Therefore, it is recommended to get additional information via the department’s/program’s websites.
You can demonstrate English skills either by school records or certificates regarding language tests. The language level shown on the (school) certificate is generally binding.
level | equivalent |
B1 CEFR | five years of English instruction at school (if the language level is not shown on the (school) certificate) IELTS 4.5 Cambridge Examinations: Proficiency (CPE) TOEFL: Paper 450 or Computer 130 or Internet 60
The level B2 CEFR | six years of English instruction at school (if the language level is not shown on the (school) certificate) IELTS 5.0 Cambridge Examinations: Proficiency (CPE) TOEFL: Paper 500 or Computer 170 or Internet 80 |
水平 | 同等 |
CEFR B1级 | 五年的学校英语教育 (如果英语水平在证书上面没有说明) 雅思4.5 剑桥考试: 英语熟练证书 托福: 纸质版 450、计算机版130、 互联网版 60
CEFR B2级 | 六年的学校英语教育 (如果英语水平在证书上面没有说明) 雅思5.0 剑桥考试: 英语熟练证书 托福: 纸质版 500、计算机版170、 互联网版 80
Applicants who have earned a degree at a university or equivalent institution abroad, are required to demonstrate German language skills for most master’s programs in accordance with the German higher education entrance examination (Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang ausländischer Studienbewerberinnen und -bewerber, DSH) at Freie Universität Berlin. You can also provide proof of these language skills by means of equivalents to the DSH.
The language center of Freie Universität Berlin does not administer any language tests for the master’s program application process aside from the DSH test and the test for North American Studies.
三、Application Period and Notices
Application Period
Please note that there are different application periods for master’s programs. The mailboxes are cleared at the end of every application deadline at midnight.
All of the stated time limits are exclusion periods specified by law. For all applications for which an application for admission and supporting documents are to be submitted, the full application documents must be received in the required form at the relevant location (higher education institution, uni-assist, or Hochschulstart) by 11:59 p.m. on the due date. The date and time stamped on the documents when received by the recipient is the operative factor, not the postmark date. Faxes and E-mails are not accepted.
所有申明的时间点都是依照法律特别规定的。所有申请人必须规定日期的晚上11:59分之前,将完整的申请材料以要求的形式交至指定的地址(higher education institution, uni-assist, or Hochschulstart)。日期和时间以收到日期和时间为准,不以邮寄时间为准。不接受传真和邮件发送材料。
We send notices of admission and notices of denial of application regarding the winter semester after the selection procedure has been completed.
for study programs whose application deadline falls on May 31, you can expect to receive a notice at the beginning of July
for study programs whose application deadline falls on August 15, you can expect to receive a notice in mid-September
for study programs whose application deadline falls on January 15, you can expect to receive a notice in mid-February
for study programs whose application deadline falls on February 15, you can expect to receive a notice in mid-March