*Japanese language proficiency is essential for undergraduate admission.
Applicants who had taken the FY 2014 National Center Test for University Admissions given in January 2014 for subjects designated by the Faculty, Department, Division, or Field of Study and hold qualifications to enter university or who are expected to obtain such qualifications by March 2014.
(Note) Specific items included in "qualifications to enter university or who are expected to obtain such qualifications by March 2014" stated above are as follows:
Applicants wishing to receive individual admission screening noted in 8. should inquire Admissions Section, Admissions Division, Department of Student Affairs (TEL: 043-290-2182) regarding procedures for qualification screening and submit their application by September 6th (Fri).
Applicants who have graduated (or expect to graduate) from senior high school (including secondary education, the same applies hereafter)
Applicants who have completed (or expect to complete) 12 years of education in the normally prescribed curriculum
Applicants who have completed (or expect to complete) 12 years of school education overseas, or those who are recognized as possessing an equivalent capacity by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Applicants who have completed (or expect to complete) education at overseas educational institutes recognized as equivalent to senior high school education by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Applicants who have completed (or expect to complete) the senior high school curriculum at special technical schools (course term must be longer than 3 years and must fulfill criteria separately established by the Minister of Education Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) after the date stipulated by the Minister of Education Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Applicants designated by the Minister of Education Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Applicants who have passed (or expect to pass) the Certificate for Students Achieving the Proficiency Level of Upper Secondary School Graduates under high school equivalency test regulations (including individuals who passed the former University Entrance Qualification Examination)
Applicants who have been recognized as having scholastic ability equivalent to senior high school graduate or higher by an individual screening of requirements for admission and who will have reached eighteen years of age by March 2014.
- 从高中(包括初中教育,下文均表示相同意义)已经毕业(或者将要毕业)的申请者;
- 在常规规定下的课程中已经完成(或者将要完成)12年的教育的学生;
- 已经完成(或者将要完成)12年的海外学校教育,或者是日本教育、文化、体育、科学以及技术部门认可的具备了同等学术能力的学生;
- 在日本教育、文化、体育、科学以及技术部门认可的等同于日本高中教育的海外教育学校,已经完成(或者将要完成)教育学习的申请者;
- 在日本教育、文化、体育、科学以及技术部门规定日期之后,在特殊技术学校(课程学期必须长于3年,并且必须满足日本教育、文化、体育、科学以及技术部门单独设立的标准)已经完成(或者将要完成)高中课程的申请者;
- 日本教育、文化、体育、科学以及技术部门指定的申请者;
- 已经通过(或者将要通过)高中同等考试规定下的高中毕业生学生能力水平证书考试的学生(包括通过了之前的大学入学资格考试的单独学生);
- 在单独的入学资格条件审核之后,认为具备高中毕业等同或者更高水平的学术能力的申请者,并且在2014年3月份之前年满18岁。