The following scholarships are available to self-supported students. Awards are made on the basis of scholastic achievement, character and other factors.
Please consult the administrative staff at your faculty's overseas students office for further information.
(1) Japanese Government Grants for International Students
・ Who May Apply
Self-supported postgraduate students (including those applying for M.A. or Ph.D. courses who graduated from a university or completed an M.A.) who are under the age of 35.
・ Application will commence in October.
・ Monthly Allowance
A: Graduate students(master level)…¥154,000
B: Graduate students(doctor level)…¥155,000
・ Duration of Scholarship…until completion
(1) 提供给国际学生的日本政府奖学金
・ 谁可以申请:35岁以下的自费研究生学生(包括大学毕业或者完成文学硕士学习,申请文学硕士或者博士课程的学生)。
・ 申请将会在10月份开始。
・ 每月津贴
A: 研究生学生(硕士水平)…¥154,000
B: 研究生学生(博士水平)…¥155,000
・ 奖学金有效期限…直到完成学业
(2) Study Incentive Award for International Students Honors scholarships
・ Who May Apply
A: Self-supported undergraduate students.
B: Self-supported postgraduate degree or research students.
・ Application will commence around April.
・ Monthly Allowance
A: Undergraduate students…¥48,000
B: Postgraduate students…¥48,000
・ Duration of Scholarship…12months
(2) 国际学生学习激流奖励荣誉奖学金
・ 谁可以申请:
A: 自费本科学生.
B: 自费研究生学位学生或者是研修生.
・ 申请将会在4月份左右开始。
・ 每月津贴
A: 本科学生…¥48,000
B: 研究生学生…¥48,000
・ 奖学金有效期限…12个月
(3) Rotary-Yoneyama Memorial Foundation
・ Who May Apply
A: Who intend to progress to the 3rd or 4th year
B: Who intend to progress to the 1st or 2nd year in a Master’s degree program or the 2nd or 3rd year in a doctoral program, and who are under age 45.
・ Application will commence in September.
・ Monthly Allowance
A: Undergraduate students…¥100,000
B: Postgraduate students…¥140,000
・ Duration of Schplarship…1 or 2 years
(3) 米山纪念奖学金
・ 谁可以申请:
A: 打算进入第三年或者第四年学习的学生;
B: 打算进入硕士学位专业第一年或者第二年,或者是博士学位专业第二年或者第三年学习,并且年纪在45岁以下的学生。
・ 申请将会在9月份开始。
・ 每月津贴
A: 本科学生…¥100,000
B: 研究生学生…¥140,000
・ 奖学金有效期限…1或者2年
(4) Heiwa Nakajima Foundation Scholarship for Foreign Students in Japan
・ Who May Apply
Undergraduate or postgraduate astudents who are studying in Japan at the time of application will commence in September.
・ Application will commence in September.
・ Monthly Allowance
A: Undergraduate students…¥100,000
B: Postgraduate students…¥120,000
・ Duration of Scholarship…2years
(4) 提供给日本留学生的和平中岛基金会奖学金
・ 谁可以申请:在9月份申请开始的时候在日本学习的本科学生或者研究生学生。
・ 申请将会在9月份开始。
・ 每月津贴
A: 本科学生…¥100,000
B: 研究生学生…¥120,000
・ 奖学金有效期限…2年
(5) Sagawa Scholarship Foundation
・ Who May Apply
A: Self –supported undergraduate students come from South East Asia who will be advancing to 3rd year and are under the age of 27.
B: Self-supported students come from South East Asia who are eligible to enter either the 1st year of a Master’s degree program and who are under the age of 35.
C: Self-supported students come from South East Asia who are advancing to the 2nd year of a doctoral program and who are under the age of 35.
・ Application will commence in February.
・ Montly Allowance…¥100,000
・ Tenure of Scholarship…2years
(5) 佐川奖学金基金会
・ 谁可以申请:
A: 进入第三年学习,并且年龄在27岁以下的东南亚自费本科学生。
B: 具备进入硕士学位专业第一年学习,并且年龄在35岁以下的东南亚自费学生。
C: 进入博士专业第二年,并且年龄在35岁以下的东南亚自费学生。
・ 申请将会在2月份开始。
・ 每月津贴…¥100,000
・ 奖学金有效期限…2年
(6) Benjiro Honda Scholarship
・ Who May Apply
Undergraduate students, or postgraduate students whose major is Science, Engineering, or Agriculture.
・ Application will commence in April.
・ Grant…¥1,000,000 per annum
・ Duration of Scholarship…3years maximum (until completion of the course)
(6) 辨治郎本田奖学金
・ 谁可以申请:
・ 申请将会在4月份开始。
・ 奖学金额度…¥1,000,000每年
・ 奖学金有效期限…最多3年(直到完成该课程)
(7) Chosen Scholarship Foundation
・ Who May Apply
A: Self-supported undergraduate students come from Korea and North Korea who are under the age of 30.
B: Self-supported postgraduate students come from Korea and North Korea who are under the age of 40.
・ Application will commence in April.
・ Monthly Allowance
A: Undergraduate students…¥25,000
B: Graduate students(master level)…¥40,000
C: Graduate students(doctor level)…¥70,000
・ Duration of Scholarship…1 year
(7) Chosen基金会奖学金
・ 谁可以申请:
A: 年龄在30岁以下,来自韩国和朝鲜的自费本科学生
B: 年龄在40岁以下,来自韩国和朝鲜的自费研究生学生。
・ 申请将会在4月份开始。
・ 每月津贴
A: 本科学生…¥25,000
B: 研究生学生(硕士水平)…¥40,000
C: 研究生学生(博士水平)…¥70,000
・ 奖学金有效期限…1年
(8) JGC-S Foundation Scholarship
・ Who May Apply
Self-supported students who are either undergraduate, postgraduate or research students in the Faculties of Science or Engineering.
・ Applocation will commence in April.
・ Grant…¥250,000 (lump-sum payment)
・ Scholarship will be distributed as a one-time payment.
(8) JGC-S基金会奖学金
・ 谁可以申请:科学系或者工程学系的本科、研究生、或者研修生自费学生。
・ 申请将会在4月份开始。
・ 奖学金额度…¥250,000 (一次性支付)
・ 奖学金将会一次性支付给获得者。
(9) The Asian Foundation for International Acholarship Interchange
・ Who May Apply
A: Self-supported undergraduate students come from Asia who are under the age of 30.
B: Self-supported graduate students come from Asia who are under the age of 35.
・ Application will commence in November.
・ Monthly Allowance
A: Undergraduate students, Graduate students(master level)…¥60,000
B: Graduate students(doctor level)…¥70,000
・ Duration of Scholarship…1 year
(9) 国际奖学金交换亚洲基金会
・ 谁可以申请:
A: 年龄在30岁以下,来自亚洲的自费本科学生。
B: 年龄在35岁以,来自亚洲的研究生学生。
・ 申请将会在11月份左右开始。
・ 每月津贴
A: 本科学生, 研究生学生(硕士水平)…¥60,000
B: 研究生学生(博士水平)…¥70,000
・ 奖学金有效期限…1年
(10) Suruga Foundation for Overseas Students
・ Who May Apply: Undergraduate students advancing to the 3rd year.
・ Application will commence in December.
・ Monthly Allowance…¥50,000
・ Duration of Scholarship…2 years
(10) 海外学生骏河基金会
・ 谁可以申请:进入第三年学习的本科学生。
・ 申请将会在12月份开始。
・ 每月津贴…¥50,000
・ 奖学金有效期限…2年
(11) Sato International Scholarship Foundation
・ Who May Apply: Self-supported undergraduate students and post graduate students or research students come from Asia.
・ Application will commemce in July.
・ Monthly Allowance
A: Under graduate students…¥120,000
B: Post graduate students, Research students…¥180,000
・ Duration of Scholarship…2 years
(11) 佐藤国际奖学金基金会
・ 谁可以申请:来自亚洲的自费本科学生和研究生学生以及研修生。
・ 申请将会在7月份开始。
・ 每月津贴
A: 本科学生…¥120,000
B: 研究生学生, 研修生…¥180,000
・ 奖学金有效期限…2年
(12) Tokai Denpun Scholarship Foundation
・ Who May Apply: Self-supported postgraduate students come from Asia.
・ Applicatiom will commence in April.
・ Monthly Allowance…¥30,000
・ Duration of Scholarship…1 year
(12) Tokai Denpun奖学金基金会
・ 谁可以申请:来自亚洲的自费研究生学生
・ 申请将会在4月份开始。
・ 每月津贴…¥30,000
・ 奖学金有效期限…1年
(13) Docomo Scholarship for foreign students
・ Who May Apply: Who intend to progress to the 1st year in a Master’s degree program come from Asia whose major is Informatic.
・ Application will commence in April.
・ Monthly Allowance…¥120,000
・ Duration of Scholarship…2 years
(13) 提供给国际学生的Docomo奖学金
・ 谁可以申请:将要进入信息学硕士学位专业第一年学习的亚洲学生。
・ 申请将会在4月份开始。
・ 每月津贴…¥120,000
・ 奖学金有效期限…2年
(14) JEES International Student Scholarship for Japanese language Proficiency Test at Excellent scorers
・ Who May Apply: Undergraduate or Postgraduate students whose major is Japanese or Japanese literature, Japanese culture.
・ Application will commence in April.
・ Monthly Allowance…¥50,000
・Tenure of Scholarship…2 years
(14) 提供给日语语言能力杰出者的JEES国际学生奖学金
・ 谁可以申请:日语、或者日本文学、日本文化专业的本科生或者研究生学生。
・ 申请将会在4月份开始。
・ 每月津贴…¥50,000
(15) Shizuoka University International Exchange found Scholarship
・Who May Apply
A: Economically challenged students.
B: Self-supported students who are undergraduate or postgraduate students.
C: Students with a good academic record.
D: Self-supported students enrolled as exchange students at sister unversities with Shizuoka University who are research or special audit students.
・Application will commence in May and September.
・Monthly Allowance…¥40,000
・Tenure of Scholarship…6 months
(15) 静冈大学国际交流基金会奖学金
A: 面临经济挑战的学生。
B: 自费本科学生或者研究生学生。
C: 拥有优秀学术成绩的学生。
D: 作为交换学生在静冈大学的姊妹大学注册登记的自费研修生或者特殊旁听学生。
(16) Honjo International Scholarship Foundation
・Who May Apply
A: Graduate students(master level)…Under the age of 30
B: Graduate students(doctor level)…Under the age of 35
・Application will commence around October.
・Monthly Allowance
A: ¥200,000/ 2 years
B: ¥180,000/ 3 years
C: ¥150,000/ 4~5 years
(16) 德川国际奖学金基金会
A: 研究生学生(硕士水平)…年龄在30岁以下
B: 研究生学生(博士水平)…年龄在35岁以下
A: ¥200,000/ 2年
B: ¥180,000/ 3年
C: ¥150,000/ 4~5年
(17) IWATANI Research Fund
・ Who May Apply
A: Graduate Students (master level)…Under the age of 30
B: Graduate Students(doctor level)…Under the age of 35
They come from East Asia or South East Asia and whose major is Nature Science.
・ Application will commence in November.
・ Monthly Allowance…¥150,000
・ Tenure of Scholarship…1 year
(17) 岩谷研究基金
・ 谁可以申请:
A: 研究生学生(硕士水平)…年龄在30岁以下
B: 研究生学生(博士水平)…年龄在35岁以下
・ 申请将会在11月份左右开始。
・ 每月津贴…¥150,000
・ 奖学金有效期限…1年
(18) MITSUBISHI Corporation Scholarship Fund
・ Who May Apply
A: Self-supported undergraduate students
B: Self-supported postgraduate studnets
・ Application will commence in November.
・ Monthly Allowance
A: Self-supported undergraduate students…¥100,000
B: Self-supported postgraduate students…¥150,000
・ Tenure of Scholarship…1 year or 2 years
(18) 三菱公司奖学金基金
・ 谁可以申请:
A: 自费本科学生
B: 自费研究生学生
・ 申请将会在11月份左右开始。
・ 每月津贴
A: 自费本科学生…¥100,000
B: 自费研究生学生…¥150,000
・ 奖学金有效期限…1年 or 2年
(19) KDDI Foundation
・ Who May Apply…Self-supported postgraduate students whose major is Informatic and who are under the age of 35.
・ Application will commence in June.
・ Monthly Allowance…¥150,000
・ Tenure of Scholarship…6 months or 1 year
(19) KDDI基金会
・ 谁可以申请…年龄在35岁以下,信息学专业的自费研究生学生。
・ 申请将会在6月份开始。
・ 每月津贴…¥150,000
・ 奖学金有效期限…6个月或者1年