To be a graduate Student
Shizuoka University has 3 graduate schools for Master's degree, 1 graduate schools for Doctoral degree, and 1 educational division for Doctoral degree.
[1] Eligibility
The doctor course applicant’s eligibility is published on the page of Graduate School of Science and Technology. Those who want to enter the master course must request confirmation of her/his eligibility.
(a) a person whose nationality is not Japanese
(b) a person who can obtain a “College Student” visa in Japan or those with other visas for Japan that can be changed to “College Student” visa after being admitted to Shizuoka University.
(c) a person who has completed a 16-year education course in a foreign country or countries.
(d) a person who has completed a 15-year education course in a foreign country or countries and who is recommended by Shizuoka University after evaluating the academic records.
[1] 申请资格
(b) 在日本获得“College Student”签证的学生;或者是获得其他日本签证,但是在获得静冈大学的入学资格之后,可以转化为“College Student”签证的学生。
(c) 在日本之外完成16年的教育课程学习的学生。
(d) 在日本之外的国家完成了15年的教育课程,并且在评估学术成绩之后获得静冈大学认可的学生。
[2] Form and More Information
After the applicants consider the various research themes on each page of graduate schools, they can get information about admission from the offices of each Faculty.
Graduate School of Human and Social Science
Graduate School of Education
Graduate school of Integrated Science & Technology
Department of Agriculture
Department of Science
Department of Engineering
Departmentl of Informatics
[2] 入学申请表和更多相关信息
- 人文和社会科学研究生学院;
- 教育学研究生学院;
- 综合科学和技术研究生学院:
[3] Research Student
A person who has completed an undergraduate course or has completed the educational equivalent of an undergraduate course may be admitted as a research student. Research students do independent research under the guidance of their academic supervisor. The period of attendance at school is between six months and one year. No degree is conferred. To be a research student, it is required to find an academic supervisor and get permission to study in her/his office or laboratory.
[3] 研修生
[4] Japanese Language
In the master course, students with majors in arts or humanities are requested to utilize Japanese language for their academic research. Students with majors in science or engineering are not always required to use Japanese language, but will be expected to attend lectures and participate in academic activities in Japanese throughout their course. In the doctor course, students usually pursue their study in English in their academic life. In daily life, Japanese language is necessary for all students.
[4] 日语语言