波茨坦大学是德国勃兰登堡州最大的大学,特别注重学与用的结合,与企业界、就业市场一直保持紧密联系 。波茨坦大学设有5个学院:法学院、哲学院、人文学院、经济与社会学院和数学与自然科学院,每年都招留学生。那么波茨坦大学的本科怎么申请呢?和出国留学网来看看吧。
Application Bachelor
(1)Application for the first semester of study
At the University of Potsdam, applications for the first semester of study in a Bachelor’s degree program with admission restrictions and the First Law Examination (Bachelor of Law) (NC UP) are only accepted for the winter semester of each academic year and within the application period.
For degree programs without admission restrictions (no Numerus Clausus - NC) no application is necessary. You can enroll online within the official enrollment period. If you send all the documents required for enrollment within the time period you will be enrolled in this degree program.
(2)Application for an advanced semester of studyAt the University of Potsdam, applications for an advanced semester of study in a Bachelor’s degree program with admission restrictions and the First Law Examination (Bachelor of Law) (NC UP) are accepted for the winter semester as well as for the summer semester of each academic year and within the application period.
Prior to your application, please inform yourself about your planned transfer from another university or your change of major/program of study as well as the necessary recognition of your previous academic work and the placement into the appropriate semester of study.
(3)Applicants with a non-German university entry qualificationUniversity entry qualification for the federal state of Brandenburg
Applicants who have earned their university entry qualification abroad (non-German university entry qualification) must apply to have their qualification recognized for the federal state of Brandenburg. This process must be completed prior to the application for a first or an advanced semester of study by following these steps:
Staatliches Schulamt Cottbus:state school board Cottbus): To request the recognition of your non-German university entry qualification you must submit the required documents to the state school board Cottbus.The state school board Cottbus will send you a confirmation (a document that will certify the recognition of your university entry qualification and your calculated grade). With this document you may proceed to apply to the University of Potsdam by using the “Studienplatz-Portal” (online application system of the University of Potsdam).
uni-assist e.V.: To request recognition of your university entry qualification through uni-assist e.V. please use the online application system and register for the University of Potsdam. Please select “Bewertung der HZB” (evaluation of your university entry qualification) as your subject. You will then need to mail your printed and signed application as well as the certified copies of your diplomas to uni-assist e.V. Uni-assist e.V. will send you a report (a document certifying the recognition of your university entry qualification and your calculated grade). With this document you may proceed to apply to the University of Potsdam by using the “Studienplatz-Portal” (online application system of the University of Potsdam).
Note: Please take into consideration that this process will require time. The recognition must be submitted to the University of Potsdam no later than by the application deadline.
German language proficiency
If you have a non-German university entry qualification, you must also provide proof of sufficient German language proficiency (e.g. DSH 2 or TestDaf 4x4). This proof must be presented no later than at the time of enrollment.
Please submit your application as soon as possible after receiving your university entry qualification. This will help us process your application and admission quickly, and it will give you the chance to respond to possible requests for additional documents within the application period.
a.Staatliches Schulamt Cottbus:为了获得非德国大学入学证书的认证,必须将所需文件提交给Staatliches Schulamt Cottbus。然后,由Staatliches Schulamt Cottbus给你发送确认。持有确认文件,可以进一步通过Studienplatz-Portal,申请波茨坦大学。(Studienplatz-Portal是波茨坦大学的线上申请系统。)
b.uni-assist e.V。通过uni-assist e.V要求大学入学证书认证,请使用线上申请系统,注册波茨坦大学。请选择Bewertung der HZB(大学入学证书评估)作为科目。然后,将打印并签有名字的申请表和进过核实的文凭副本邮件给uni-assist e.V。随后,uni-assist e.V会给你发送报告。持有这个报告,可以进一步通过Studienplatz-Portal,申请波茨坦大学。
如果你持有德国大学入学证书,你必须提供足够的德语语言能力证明(比如DSH 2 或 TestDaf 考试证明)。该证明必须在注册之前(或之时)提交。
二、Required documents
1. The following documents must be submitted for your application (this also applies for students currently enrolled at the University of Potsdam)
the application form that is generated when you apply online, including your signature
an uncertified copy of your University entrance qualification
if applicable, a certification of completed service (Dienstzeitbescheinigung) for applications for a first semester of study
if applicable, previous admission or notification of deferment from the University of Potsdam for the desired program, for applications for a first semester of study
if applicable, the power of attorney with a single, non-certified copy of the plenipotentiary’s personal identification document (identification card or passport)
if applicable, one non-certified copy of the certificate/proof of the name change
if applicable, proof of eligibility for asylum
if applicable certificate of university enrollment at the University of Potsdam: German course
if applicable, assessment test certificate from a university preparatory program
additionally, for applicants with professional experience and without an educational university entrance qualification
the appendix to the application(s) for admission or to the application for enrollment with uncertified copies of the documents listed in the appendix
additionally, for first-semester applications who have previously studied at university or are currently doing so (also applies for students currently enrolled at the University of Potsdam)
current/most recent certificate of university enrollment or copy of a withdrawal notice from a German institution of higher education that identifies the degree program, the institution, and the semester of withdrawal
a signed curriculum vitae in tabular form, starting at 15 years
an "application for placement" in the first semester from the appropriate examination board at the University of Potsdam if the student was previously or is currently enrolled in the same or similar degree program
additionally, for applicants who are applying for advanced semesters
an "application for placement" from the appropriate examination board at the University of Potsdam (Please note: semester placement must correspond to the semester for which you have applied)
performance overview from previous university studies, with current average grade point average
if applicable, documentation on scholarly or social reasons for beginning your studies, if applicable
additionally, for those applying for English (Bachelor of Education) for the first semester
entrance examination required
additionally, for those applying to study Sports
entrance examination required
medical clearance declaration - may not be older than six months
additionally, for applicants for a first semester of study, who have submitted special applications (does not apply to international applicants not equal in status to Germans)
hardship application/applications for equality measures (incl. certified copies of supporting documents)
If you intend to combine a subject that has admission restrictions with one of the subjects listed below, you must have passed the entrance examination no later than at the time of enrollment.
Anglistik/American Studies
additionally, for applicants for the IT-Systems Engineering degree program (does not apply to international applicants who are not equivalent to German applicants)
Aptitude test
if applicable, submission of written documentation of additional subject-specific qualifications
2. The following documents must be submitted for an application for a SECOND UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE* (this also applies for students currently enrolled at the University of Potsdam)
*If you have already successfully completed a university degree in Germany, then you are considered an applicant for a second undergraduate degree.
the application form that is generated when you apply online, including your signatur
application for a second undergraduate degree
uncertified copy or copies of your previous university degree(s)
if applicable, previous admission or notification of deferment from the University of Potsdam for the desired program, for applications for a first semester of study
if applicable, a certification of completed service (Dienstzeitbescheinigung) for applications for a first semester of study
if applicable, the power of attorney with a single, non-certified copy of the plenipotentiary’s personal identification document (identification card or passport)
if applicable, one non-certified copy of the certificate/proof of the name change
an "application for placement" in the first semester from the appropriate examination board at the University of Potsdam if the student was previously or is currently enrolled in the same or similar degree program
additionally, for applicants who are applying for advanced semesters
an application for placement from the appropriate examination board at the University of Potsdam (Please note: semester placement must correspond to the semester for which you have applied)
performance overview from previous university studies, with current average grade point average
if applicable, documentation on scholarly or social reasons for beginning your studies, if applicable
additionally, for those applying for English (Bachelor of Education) for the first semester
entrance examination required
additionally, for those applying to study Sports
entrance examination required
medical clearance declaration – may not be older than six months
If you intend to combine a subject that has admission restrictions with one of the subjects listed below, you must have passed the entrance examination no later than at the time of enrollment.
English/American Studies
三、Lottery / Clearing procedure
Once the admission procedure is complete, any remaining open spots will be allocated through a lottery/clearing procedure.The lottery/clearing procedure is used only for applications for a first semester of study in a degree program!