
  爱荷华大学(The University of Iowa)建于19世纪,位于美国位于爱荷华州东南部的爱荷华市,是美国一所著名的公立大学。爱荷华大学的优势专业有医学、法律和商学,三门学科在全美均有不错的竞争力。在招生留学生的同时,爱荷华大学也提供各种奖学金。那么具体都有哪些呢?和出国留学网来看看吧。

  Scholarships for International First-Year Students


  The University of Iowa offers several scholarships to outstanding international first-year students entering in fall 2018 academic year. Financial assistance in the form of grants, loans, or need-based aid is not available for international students.

  The following scholarships are available to full-time first-year students who are entering the university for the first time in fall 2018. These scholarships do not apply to incoming transfer students.

  Select merit-based scholarships awarded by the Office of Admissions do not stack. This is noted in the descriptions below. If a student meets the minimum requirements for multiple awards, they will automatically be awarded the scholarship with the highest dollar value. These scholarships do not apply to incoming transfer students.

  Determination of merit-based scholarship eligibility will only consider test scores administered through February 2018 of the senior year and 7th semester (or 2nd trimester) grade point average. March 1, 2018 is the deadline for students to apply for admission in order to be considered for these scholarships. April 1, 2018 is the deadline to submit an updated transcript and/or official test score for scholarship reconsideration. Scholarships are subject to change each year for incoming new students.





  1.Presidential Scholarship

  For incoming first-year students (non-stackable)

  Value: Iowa residents: Up to $74,000 (up to $18,500 a year up to four years)

  Nonresidents: Up to $80,000 (up to $20,000 a year up to four years)

  Minimum Requirements: Merit criteria will be will be announced early fall 2017 and eligible students will be invited to apply.

  Application: The 2018 Presidential Scholarship application will be available on the Iowa Scholarship Portal mid-September 2017.

  Deadline: The deadline to apply for the 2018 Presidential Scholarship will be announced by the Honors Program early fall 2017.

  Renewal: Renewable for an additional three years or until you receive your bachelor’s degree (whichever comes first) provided you maintain continuous full-time enrollment each semester at the University of Iowa and a 3.33 cumulative University of Iowa grade-point average.



  金额:爱荷华居民学生——不超过74,000 美元:每年不超过18,500 美元,期限不超过四年;非居民学生——不超过80,000 美元:美元不超过20,000 美元,期限不超过四年。



  截止日期:2018年校长奖学金申请的截止日期将于2017年初秋由Honors Program 公布。

  更新:校长奖学金的期限可以增加三年,或者持续到你拿到学士学位为止(哪一个先到哪一个适用),前提是你每个学期都在爱荷华大学全日制注册,并且平均累积成绩不低于 3.33 。

  2.Iowa Flagship AwardU

  For incoming first-year students who are Iowa residents (non-stackable)

  Value: $34,000 ($8,500 a year for up to four years)

  Minimum Requirements: 33 ACT (or SAT EBRW+M score of 1490) AND a 3.80 GPA on a 4.00 scale.

  Application: None. Scholarship is awarded automatically to eligible students upon admission.

  Renewal: Renewable for an additional three years or until you receive your bachelor’s degree (whichever comes first), provided you maintain continuous full-time enrollment at the University of Iowa and a 3.00 cumulative UI GPA, reviewed each semester.



  金额:34,000 美元——每年不超过8,500 美元,期限不超过四年。

  最低要求:ACT成绩达到33(或者 SAT EBRW+M成绩达到1490),并且平均成绩达到3.80 。


  更新:爱荷华旗舰奖学金的期限可以增加三年,或者持续到你拿到学士学位为止(哪一个先到哪一个适用),前提是你保持在爱荷华大学全日制注册,并且每个学期的平均累积成绩不低于 3.00。

  3.Old Gold ScholarshipU

  For incoming first-year students (non-stackable)

  Value: Iowa Residents: $20,000 ($5,000 a year for up to four years)

  Nonresidents: $40,000 ($10,000 a year for up to four years)

  Minimum Requirements: 30 ACT (or SAT EBRW+M score of 1390) AND a 3.80 GPA on a 4.00 scale

  Application: None. Scholarship is awarded automatically to eligible students upon admission.

  Renewal: Renewable for an additional three years or until you receive your bachelor’s degree (whichever comes first), provided you maintain continuous full-time enrollment at the University of Iowa and a 3.00 cumulative UI GPA, reviewed each semester.



  金额:爱荷华居民学生——不超过20,000 美元:每年不超过5,000 美元,期限不超过四年;非居民学生——不超过40,000 美元:美元不超过10,000 美元,期限不超过四年。

  最低要求:ACT成绩达到30(或者 SAT EBRW+M成绩达到1390),并且平均成绩达到3.80 。


  更新:旧金奖学金的期限可以增加三年,或者持续到你拿到学士学位为止(哪一个先到哪一个适用),前提是你保持在爱荷华大学全日制注册,并且每个学期的平均累积成绩不低于 3.00。

  4.Iowa Scholars AwardU

  For incoming first-year students who are Iowa residents (non-stackable)

  Value: $10,000 ($2,500 a year for up to four years)

  Minimum Requirements: 27 ACT (or SAT EBRW+M score of 1280) AND a 3.80 GPA on a 4.00 scale


  30 ACT (or SAT EBRW+M score of 1390) AND a 3.70 GPA on a 4.00 scale.

  Application: None. Scholarship is awarded automatically to eligible students upon admission.

  Renewal: Renewable for an additional three years or until you receive your bachelor’s degree (whichever comes first), provided you maintain continuous full-time enrollment at the University of Iowa and a 2.75 cumulative UI GPA, reviewed each semester.



  金额:10,000 美元——每年不超过2,500 美元,期限不超过四年。

  最低要求:ACT成绩达到28(或者 SAT EBRW+M成绩达到1280),并且平均成绩达到3.80 ;或者,ACT成绩达到30(或者 SAT EBRW+M成绩达到1390),并且平均成绩达到3.70 。


  更新:爱荷华学人奖学金的期限可以增加三年,或者持续到你拿到学士学位为止(哪一个先到哪一个适用),前提是你保持在爱荷华大学全日制注册,并且每个学期的平均累积成绩不低于 2.75 。

  5.National Scholars Award (NSA)U

  For incoming first-year nonresident students who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents (non-stackable)

  Value: $28,000 ($7,000 a year for up to four years)

  Minimum Requirements: 26 ACT (or SAT EBRW+M score of 1240) AND a 3.60 GPA on a 4.00 scale.

  Application: None. Scholarship is awarded automatically to eligible students upon admission.

  Renewal: Renewable for an additional three years or until you receive your bachelor’s degree (whichever comes first), provided you maintain continuous full-time enrollment at the University of Iowa, continue to pay nonresident tuition, and maintain a minimum 2.75 cumulative UI GPA, reviewed each semester.



  金额:28,000 美元——每年不超过7,000 美元,期限不超过四年。

  最低要求:ACT成绩达到26(或者 SAT EBRW+M成绩达到1240),并且平均成绩达到3.60


  更新:国家学人奖学金的期限可以增加三年,或者持续到你拿到学士学位为止(哪一个先到哪一个适用),前提是你保持在爱荷华大学全日制注册,保持支付非居民学费,并且每个学期的平均累积成绩不低于 2.75 。

  6.Advantage Iowa AwardU

  For incoming first-year students who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

  Value: $2,000 to $8,000 (amount may increase based on merits and demonstrated financial need)

  Minimum Requirements: The award is based on merit (test scores and GPA), contributing criteria also includes students that are from historically underrepresented populations (African American, Hispanic, Native American, Pacific Islander, Multiracial) at the University of Iowa; or participation in a federally funded Upward Bound program

  Application: None. Students are considered automatically upon admission. Submission of the FAFSA by November 15 of the year prior to enrollment is recommended to maximize the available benefits of the Advantage Iowa program.

  Renewal: Renewable for an additional three years or until you receive your bachelor’s degree (whichever comes first), provided you:

  Maintain continuous full-time enrollment each semester at the University of IowaT

  Maintain a 2.0 cumulative University of Iowa grade-point average at the end of each semester.T

  Earn at least 24 credit hours each academic year.T

  Meet each semester with a staff member from the Center for Diversity Enrichment (CDE) during your first year.T

  Meet with an academic adviser in accordance with program requirements based on your undergraduate major.T

  Enroll in and successfully complete an approved freshman seminar or college transitions course.T

  Attend three Advantage Iowa approved events each academic year.



  金额:2,000 —8,000 美元(根据成绩和经济需求,金额可能会增加)。

  最低要求: 爱荷华优势奖学金基于成绩(考试成绩和平均成绩)。其他标准包括所属人群长久以来未被爱荷华大学充分代表的学生(非洲裔美国人、西班牙裔美国人、本土美国人、太平洋岛居民、混血人);或参与由联邦提供资金的上升限制项目的学生。

  申请:不需要申请。该奖学金将在入学之后自动发放给符合资格的学生。在注册的前一年的11月15日提交FAFSA,可以最大限度地享受 爱荷华优势奖学金的福利。

  更新: 爱荷华优势奖学金的期限可以增加三年,或者持续到你拿到学士学位为止(哪一个先到哪一个适用),前提是你满足以下条件:


  (2)每个学期期末的平均累积成绩不低于 2.0 ;





  (7)每个学年参加 爱荷华优势奖学金批准的三项活动。

  7.Provost ScholarshipU

  For National Merit finalists who designate the University Iowa as their first-choice institution.

  For National Hispanic Scholars who enroll at Iowa.

  Value: $12,000 ($3,000 a year for up to four years)

  Renewal: National Merit Finalist: Renewable for an additional three years or until you receive your bachelor’s degree (whichever comes first) provided you maintain continuous full-time enrollment at the University of Iowa each semester and continue to meet the academic renewal standards set by the National Merit Corporation.

  National Hispanic Scholar: Renewable for an additional three years or until you receive your bachelor’s degree (whichever comes first) provided you maintain continuous full-time enrollment at the University of Iowa and a 3.0 University of Iowa cumulative grade-point average each semester.


  针对将爱荷华大学作为第一志愿的参加National Merit决赛的学生和注册爱荷华大学的获得National Hispanic 的学生。

  金额:12,000 美元——每年不超过3,000 美元,期限不超过四年。


  (1)参加National Merit决赛的学生:奖学金的期限可以增加三年,或者持续到你拿到学士学位为止(哪一个先到哪一个适用),前提是你每个学期都在爱荷华大学全日制注册,并且持续符合National Merit设定的学术更新标准。

  (2)获得National Hispanic 的学生:奖学金的期限可以增加三年,或者持续到你拿到学士学位为止(哪一个先到哪一个适用),前提是你保持在爱荷华大学全日制注册,并且每个学期的平均累积成绩不低于 3.0。

  Scholarships for International Transfer Students


  The scholarships below are available to new transfer students planning to enroll full time at the University of Iowa during the 2018-19 academic year. Students pursuing a second bachelor’s degree are not eligible for these scholarships. High school students completing dual-enrollment at an Iowa Community College are not eligible for transfer scholarships.

  The number of scholarships is limited. Review deadline information carefully; all of these scholarships require you to submit your application for admission (and all supporting documents) well in advance of our application deadline.

  以下奖学金适用于计划在 2018-19 学年注册爱荷华大学全日制学习的刚转校的学生。学习第二学士学位的学生不可以申请这些奖学金。完成爱荷华社区学院双注册学习的高中生不可以申请转学生奖学金。

  1.Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship

  Phi Theta Kappa 奖学金

  For transfer students who have earned 30 semester hours at the time of application, have maintained a minimum 3.50 cumulative transfer GPA, and are current members of the Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) International Honor Society. A limited number of awards are available and are awarded on the basis of highest transfer grade-point average.

  Value: $2,000 ($1,000 a year for up to 2 years)

  Application: Application will be available at our Iowa Scholarship Portal in October 2017.Documentation of your PTK membership must be uploaded via the Iowa Scholarship Portal.


  If applying for Spring 2018, your application for admission to the university and documentation of your PTK Membership must be on file by October 15, 2017. Scholarship recipients will be notified in November 2017.

  If applying for Summer 2018 or Fall 2018, your application for admission and documentation of your PTK Membership must be on file by February 15, 2018. Recipients will be notified in March 2018.

  Documentation of your PTK membership must be uploaded via the Iowa Scholarship Portal. Uploading a scanned copy of either your PTK membership card or PTK certificate is acceptable. Do not mail these items to the Office of Admissions. We do not screen for PTK membership notations on transcripts.

  Renewal: Renewable for a second year provided you maintain a minimum 3.00 cumulative University of Iowa grade-point average and full-time continuous enrollment at the University of Iowa each semester.

  Phi Theta Kappa 奖学金提供在申请的时候已经拿到30个学期课时、平均成绩保持在 3.50 以上并且为Phi Theta Kappa 当前成员的转校生。该奖学金名额有限,发放的依据是转学时的最高平均成绩。

  金额:2,000 美元——每年不超过1000美元,期限不超过两年。

  申请:申请将于2017年10月在爱荷华大学奖学金入口开放。必须在爱荷华大学奖学金入口上传Phi Theta Kappa 成员身份文件。


  (1)如果申请的是2018年春季入学,你的大学入学申请和Phi Theta Kappa 成员身份文件必须在2017年10月15日之前存档。获得奖学金的学生将在2017年10月接到通知

  (2)如果申请的是2018年夏季或秋季入学,你的大学入学申请和Phi Theta Kappa 成员身份文件必须在2018年2月15日之前存档。获得奖学金的学生将在2018年3月接到通知。

  必须在爱荷华大学奖学金入口上传Phi Theta Kappa 成员身份文件。可以上传Phi Theta Kappa 成员身份或Phi Theta Kappa 证书的扫描件。不要将上述文件邮件发送到招生办公室。学校不负责扫描Phi Theta Kappa 会员记录上的符号。

  更新:Phi Theta Kappa 奖学金可以更新到第二学年,前提是你的平均成绩不低于 3.00 ,并且每个学期都在爱荷华大学注册全日制学习。

  2.All-Iowa Academic Team Scholarship


  For students named to the Phi Theta Kappa All-Iowa Academic Team

  Value: $3,000 ($1,500 a year for up to 2 years)

  Application: Application will be available at our Iowa Scholarship Portal in January 2018.

  Renewal: Renewable for a second year provided you maintain a minimum 3.00 cumulative University of Iowa grade-point average and full-time continuous enrollment at the University of Iowa each semester.

  爱荷华大学学术团队奖学金提供给Phi Theta Kappa 爱荷华大学学术团队队员学生。

  金额:3,000 美元——每年不超过1,500 美元,期限不超过二年。


  更新:爱荷华大学学术团队奖学金可以更新到第二学年,前提是你的平均成绩不低于 3.00 ,并且每个学期都在爱荷华大学注册全日制学习。

  3.All-USA Academic Team Scholarship


  For students named to the Phi Theta Kappa All-USA Academic Team

  Value: Equal to Resident Tuition

  Application: Application will be available on the Iowa Scholarship Portal in January 2018. Documentation of your All-USA Academic Team membership must be uploaded via the Iowa Scholarship Portal.

  Renewal: Renewable for a second year provided you maintain a minimum 3.00 University of Iowa cumulative grade-point average and maintain continuous full-time enrollment at the University of Iowa each semester.

  美国学术团队奖学金提供给Phi Theta Kappa美国学术团队队员学生。



  更新:爱荷华大学学术团队奖学金可以更新到第二学年,前提是你的平均成绩不低于 3.00 ,并且每个学期都在爱荷华大学注册全日制学习。



























美国留学奖学金申请条件 美国留学奖学金种类



限时特价:4.99元/篇 原价10元




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  爱荷华大学(The University of Iowa)建于19世纪,位于美国位于爱荷华州东南部的爱荷华市,是美国一所著名的公立大学。爱荷华大学的优势专业有医学、法律和商学,三门学科在全美均有不错的竞争力。在招生留学生的同时,爱荷华大学也提供各种奖学金。那么具体都有哪些呢?和出国留学网来看看吧。

  Scholarships for International First-Year Students


  The University of Iowa offers several scholarships to outstanding international first-year students entering in fall 2018 academic year. Financial assistance in the form of grants, loans, or need-based aid is not available for international students.

  The following scholarships are available to full-time first-year students who are entering the university for the first time in fall 2018. These scholarships do not apply to incoming transfer students.

  Select merit-based scholarships awarded by the Office of Admissions do not stack. This is noted in the descriptions below. If a student meets the minimum requirements for multiple awards, they will automatically be awarded the scholarship with the highest dollar value. These scholarships do not apply to incoming transfer students.

  Determination of merit-based scholarship eligibility will only consider test scores administered through February 2018 of the senior year and 7th semester (or 2nd trimester) grade point average. March 1, 2018 is the deadline for students to apply for admission in order to be considered for these scholarships. April 1, 2018 is the deadline to submit an updated transcript and/or official test score for scholarship reconsideration. Scholarships are subject to change each year for incoming new students.





  1.Presidential Scholarship

  For incoming first-year students (non-stackable)

  Value: Iowa residents: Up to $74,000 (up to $18,500 a year up to four years)

  Nonresidents: Up to $80,000 (up to $20,000 a year up to four years)

  Minimum Requirements: Merit criteria will be will be announced early fall 2017 and eligible students will be invited to apply.

  Application: The 2018 Presidential Scholarship application will be available on the Iowa Scholarship Portal mid-September 2017.

  Deadline: The deadline to apply for the 2018 Presidential Scholarship will be announced by the Honors Program early fall 2017.

  Renewal: Renewable for an additional three years or until you receive your bachelor’s degree (whichever comes first) provided you maintain continuous full-time enrollment each semester at the University of Iowa and a 3.33 cumulative University of Iowa grade-point average.



  金额:爱荷华居民学生——不超过74,000 美元:每年不超过18,500 美元,期限不超过四年;非居民学生——不超过80,000 美元:美元不超过20,000 美元,期限不超过四年。



  截止日期:2018年校长奖学金申请的截止日期将于2017年初秋由Honors Program 公布。

  更新:校长奖学金的期限可以增加三年,或者持续到你拿到学士学位为止(哪一个先到哪一个适用),前提是你每个学期都在爱荷华大学全日制注册,并且平均累积成绩不低于 3.33 。

  2.Iowa Flagship AwardU

  For incoming first-year students who are Iowa residents (non-stackable)

  Value: $34,000 ($8,500 a year for up to four years)

  Minimum Requirements: 33 ACT (or SAT EBRW+M score of 1490) AND a 3.80 GPA on a 4.00 scale.

  Application: None. Scholarship is awarded automatically to eligible students upon admission.

  Renewal: Renewable for an additional three years or until you receive your bachelor’s degree (whichever comes first), provided you maintain continuous full-time enrollment at the University of Iowa and a 3.00 cumulative UI GPA, reviewed each semester.



  金额:34,000 美元——每年不超过8,500 美元,期限不超过四年。

  最低要求:ACT成绩达到33(或者 SAT EBRW+M成绩达到1490),并且平均成绩达到3.80 。


  更新:爱荷华旗舰奖学金的期限可以增加三年,或者持续到你拿到学士学位为止(哪一个先到哪一个适用),前提是你保持在爱荷华大学全日制注册,并且每个学期的平均累积成绩不低于 3.00。

  3.Old Gold ScholarshipU

  For incoming first-year students (non-stackable)

  Value: Iowa Residents: $20,000 ($5,000 a year for up to four years)

  Nonresidents: $40,000 ($10,000 a year for up to four years)

  Minimum Requirements: 30 ACT (or SAT EBRW+M score of 1390) AND a 3.80 GPA on a 4.00 scale

  Application: None. Scholarship is awarded automatically to eligible students upon admission.

  Renewal: Renewable for an additional three years or until you receive your bachelor’s degree (whichever comes first), provided you maintain continuous full-time enrollment at the University of Iowa and a 3.00 cumulative UI GPA, reviewed each semester.



  金额:爱荷华居民学生——不超过20,000 美元:每年不超过5,000 美元,期限不超过四年;非居民学生——不超过40,000 美元:美元不超过10,000 美元,期限不超过四年。

  最低要求:ACT成绩达到30(或者 SAT EBRW+M成绩达到1390),并且平均成绩达到3.80 。


  更新:旧金奖学金的期限可以增加三年,或者持续到你拿到学士学位为止(哪一个先到哪一个适用),前提是你保持在爱荷华大学全日制注册,并且每个学期的平均累积成绩不低于 3.00。

  4.Iowa Scholars AwardU

  For incoming first-year students who are Iowa residents (non-stackable)

  Value: $10,000 ($2,500 a year for up to four years)

  Minimum Requirements: 27 ACT (or SAT EBRW+M score of 1280) AND a 3.80 GPA on a 4.00 scale


  30 ACT (or SAT EBRW+M score of 1390) AND a 3.70 GPA on a 4.00 scale.

  Application: None. Scholarship is awarded automatically to eligible students upon admission.

  Renewal: Renewable for an additional three years or until you receive your bachelor’s degree (whichever comes first), provided you maintain continuous full-time enrollment at the University of Iowa and a 2.75 cumulative UI GPA, reviewed each semester.



  金额:10,000 美元——每年不超过2,500 美元,期限不超过四年。

  最低要求:ACT成绩达到28(或者 SAT EBRW+M成绩达到1280),并且平均成绩达到3.80 ;或者,ACT成绩达到30(或者 SAT EBRW+M成绩达到1390),并且平均成绩达到3.70 。


  更新:爱荷华学人奖学金的期限可以增加三年,或者持续到你拿到学士学位为止(哪一个先到哪一个适用),前提是你保持在爱荷华大学全日制注册,并且每个学期的平均累积成绩不低于 2.75 。

  5.National Scholars Award (NSA)U

  For incoming first-year nonresident students who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents (non-stackable)

  Value: $28,000 ($7,000 a year for up to four years)

  Minimum Requirements: 26 ACT (or SAT EBRW+M score of 1240) AND a 3.60 GPA on a 4.00 scale.

  Application: None. Scholarship is awarded automatically to eligible students upon admission.

  Renewal: Renewable for an additional three years or until you receive your bachelor’s degree (whichever comes first), provided you maintain continuous full-time enrollment at the University of Iowa, continue to pay nonresident tuition, and maintain a minimum 2.75 cumulative UI GPA, reviewed each semester.



  金额:28,000 美元——每年不超过7,000 美元,期限不超过四年。

  最低要求:ACT成绩达到26(或者 SAT EBRW+M成绩达到1240),并且平均成绩达到3.60


  更新:国家学人奖学金的期限可以增加三年,或者持续到你拿到学士学位为止(哪一个先到哪一个适用),前提是你保持在爱荷华大学全日制注册,保持支付非居民学费,并且每个学期的平均累积成绩不低于 2.75 。

  6.Advantage Iowa AwardU

  For incoming first-year students who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

  Value: $2,000 to $8,000 (amount may increase based on merits and demonstrated financial need)

  Minimum Requirements: The award is based on merit (test scores and GPA), contributing criteria also includes students that are from historically underrepresented populations (African American, Hispanic, Native American, Pacific Islander, Multiracial) at the University of Iowa; or participation in a federally funded Upward Bound program

  Application: None. Students are considered automatically upon admission. Submission of the FAFSA by November 15 of the year prior to enrollment is recommended to maximize the available benefits of the Advantage Iowa program.

  Renewal: Renewable for an additional three years or until you receive your bachelor’s degree (whichever comes first), provided you:

  Maintain continuous full-time enrollment each semester at the University of IowaT

  Maintain a 2.0 cumulative University of Iowa grade-point average at the end of each semester.T

  Earn at least 24 credit hours each academic year.T

  Meet each semester with a staff member from the Center for Diversity Enrichment (CDE) during your first year.T

  Meet with an academic adviser in accordance with program requirements based on your undergraduate major.T

  Enroll in and successfully complete an approved freshman seminar or college transitions course.T

  Attend three Advantage Iowa approved events each academic year.



  金额:2,000 —8,000 美元(根据成绩和经济需求,金额可能会增加)。

  最低要求: 爱荷华优势奖学金基于成绩(考试成绩和平均成绩)。其他标准包括所属人群长久以来未被爱荷华大学充分代表的学生(非洲裔美国人、西班牙裔美国人、本土美国人、太平洋岛居民、混血人);或参与由联邦提供资金的上升限制项目的学生。

  申请:不需要申请。该奖学金将在入学之后自动发放给符合资格的学生。在注册的前一年的11月15日提交FAFSA,可以最大限度地享受 爱荷华优势奖学金的福利。

  更新: 爱荷华优势奖学金的期限可以增加三年,或者持续到你拿到学士学位为止(哪一个先到哪一个适用),前提是你满足以下条件:


  (2)每个学期期末的平均累积成绩不低于 2.0 ;





  (7)每个学年参加 爱荷华优势奖学金批准的三项活动。

  7.Provost ScholarshipU

  For National Merit finalists who designate the University Iowa as their first-choice institution.

  For National Hispanic Scholars who enroll at Iowa.

  Value: $12,000 ($3,000 a year for up to four years)

  Renewal: National Merit Finalist: Renewable for an additional three years or until you receive your bachelor’s degree (whichever comes first) provided you maintain continuous full-time enrollment at the University of Iowa each semester and continue to meet the academic renewal standards set by the National Merit Corporation.

  National Hispanic Scholar: Renewable for an additional three years or until you receive your bachelor’s degree (whichever comes first) provided you maintain continuous full-time enrollment at the University of Iowa and a 3.0 University of Iowa cumulative grade-point average each semester.


  针对将爱荷华大学作为第一志愿的参加National Merit决赛的学生和注册爱荷华大学的获得National Hispanic 的学生。

  金额:12,000 美元——每年不超过3,000 美元,期限不超过四年。


  (1)参加National Merit决赛的学生:奖学金的期限可以增加三年,或者持续到你拿到学士学位为止(哪一个先到哪一个适用),前提是你每个学期都在爱荷华大学全日制注册,并且持续符合National Merit设定的学术更新标准。

  (2)获得National Hispanic 的学生:奖学金的期限可以增加三年,或者持续到你拿到学士学位为止(哪一个先到哪一个适用),前提是你保持在爱荷华大学全日制注册,并且每个学期的平均累积成绩不低于 3.0。

  Scholarships for International Transfer Students


  The scholarships below are available to new transfer students planning to enroll full time at the University of Iowa during the 2018-19 academic year. Students pursuing a second bachelor’s degree are not eligible for these scholarships. High school students completing dual-enrollment at an Iowa Community College are not eligible for transfer scholarships.

  The number of scholarships is limited. Review deadline information carefully; all of these scholarships require you to submit your application for admission (and all supporting documents) well in advance of our application deadline.

  以下奖学金适用于计划在 2018-19 学年注册爱荷华大学全日制学习的刚转校的学生。学习第二学士学位的学生不可以申请这些奖学金。完成爱荷华社区学院双注册学习的高中生不可以申请转学生奖学金。

  1.Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship

  Phi Theta Kappa 奖学金

  For transfer students who have earned 30 semester hours at the time of application, have maintained a minimum 3.50 cumulative transfer GPA, and are current members of the Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) International Honor Society. A limited number of awards are available and are awarded on the basis of highest transfer grade-point average.

  Value: $2,000 ($1,000 a year for up to 2 years)

  Application: Application will be available at our Iowa Scholarship Portal in October 2017.Documentation of your PTK membership must be uploaded via the Iowa Scholarship Portal.


  If applying for Spring 2018, your application for admission to the university and documentation of your PTK Membership must be on file by October 15, 2017. Scholarship recipients will be notified in November 2017.

  If applying for Summer 2018 or Fall 2018, your application for admission and documentation of your PTK Membership must be on file by February 15, 2018. Recipients will be notified in March 2018.

  Documentation of your PTK membership must be uploaded via the Iowa Scholarship Portal. Uploading a scanned copy of either your PTK membership card or PTK certificate is acceptable. Do not mail these items to the Office of Admissions. We do not screen for PTK membership notations on transcripts.

  Renewal: Renewable for a second year provided you maintain a minimum 3.00 cumulative University of Iowa grade-point average and full-time continuous enrollment at the University of Iowa each semester.

  Phi Theta Kappa 奖学金提供在申请的时候已经拿到30个学期课时、平均成绩保持在 3.50 以上并且为Phi Theta Kappa 当前成员的转校生。该奖学金名额有限,发放的依据是转学时的最高平均成绩。

  金额:2,000 美元——每年不超过1000美元,期限不超过两年。

  申请:申请将于2017年10月在爱荷华大学奖学金入口开放。必须在爱荷华大学奖学金入口上传Phi Theta Kappa 成员身份文件。


  (1)如果申请的是2018年春季入学,你的大学入学申请和Phi Theta Kappa 成员身份文件必须在2017年10月15日之前存档。获得奖学金的学生将在2017年10月接到通知

  (2)如果申请的是2018年夏季或秋季入学,你的大学入学申请和Phi Theta Kappa 成员身份文件必须在2018年2月15日之前存档。获得奖学金的学生将在2018年3月接到通知。

  必须在爱荷华大学奖学金入口上传Phi Theta Kappa 成员身份文件。可以上传Phi Theta Kappa 成员身份或Phi Theta Kappa 证书的扫描件。不要将上述文件邮件发送到招生办公室。学校不负责扫描Phi Theta Kappa 会员记录上的符号。

  更新:Phi Theta Kappa 奖学金可以更新到第二学年,前提是你的平均成绩不低于 3.00 ,并且每个学期都在爱荷华大学注册全日制学习。

  2.All-Iowa Academic Team Scholarship


  For students named to the Phi Theta Kappa All-Iowa Academic Team

  Value: $3,000 ($1,500 a year for up to 2 years)

  Application: Application will be available at our Iowa Scholarship Portal in January 2018.

  Renewal: Renewable for a second year provided you maintain a minimum 3.00 cumulative University of Iowa grade-point average and full-time continuous enrollment at the University of Iowa each semester.

  爱荷华大学学术团队奖学金提供给Phi Theta Kappa 爱荷华大学学术团队队员学生。

  金额:3,000 美元——每年不超过1,500 美元,期限不超过二年。


  更新:爱荷华大学学术团队奖学金可以更新到第二学年,前提是你的平均成绩不低于 3.00 ,并且每个学期都在爱荷华大学注册全日制学习。

  3.All-USA Academic Team Scholarship


  For students named to the Phi Theta Kappa All-USA Academic Team

  Value: Equal to Resident Tuition

  Application: Application will be available on the Iowa Scholarship Portal in January 2018. Documentation of your All-USA Academic Team membership must be uploaded via the Iowa Scholarship Portal.

  Renewal: Renewable for a second year provided you maintain a minimum 3.00 University of Iowa cumulative grade-point average and maintain continuous full-time enrollment at the University of Iowa each semester.

  美国学术团队奖学金提供给Phi Theta Kappa美国学术团队队员学生。



  更新:爱荷华大学学术团队奖学金可以更新到第二学年,前提是你的平均成绩不低于 3.00 ,并且每个学期都在爱荷华大学注册全日制学习。






