State Funded Scholarships
The state of Texas provides funding for multiple scholarships available to outstanding students attending Texas colleges and universities. Some of the scholarships will require students to maintain a certain GPA or be part of a specific degree program. Additionally, most of the scholarships require students to be a Texas resident.
Fifth Year Accounting Student Scholarship Program
Amount: Up to $5,000
The purpose of this program is to increase the number of highly trained and educated professional accountants available to serve the residents of this state; improve the state's business environment and encourage economic development and financial stability; and identify, recognize and support outstanding scholars who plan to pursue careers in accounting.
Good Neighbor Scholarship Program
Amount: Tuition for one academic year (fall, spring and summer)
This scholarship program was established to encourage academically talented students from the countries of the Western (American) hemisphere to pursue higher education in the State of Texas; thus, establishing a beneficial link between the State of Texas and their home countries.
Highest Ranking High School Graduate Exemption
Amount: Tuition only (two semesters of first regular session)
The highest ranking graduate of each accredited high school in Texas is exempt from tuition only at public colleges in Texas for two semesters of the first regular session following graduation from high school. For more information about this exemption or the application process, please contact the University of Houston’s Office of Student Business Services at 713-743-1010, option 6.
License Plate Insignia Scholarship
The License Plate Insignia Scholarship Program provides financial assistance to needy students attending eligible public or private, non-profit colleges and universities in Texas. The amount of funding available for the program depends upon the number of license plates purchased bearing the insignia of Texas colleges and universities.
Mexican Citizens with Financial Need-Border Nations Waiver
Amount: Resident tuition rate
Deadline: July 1
The purpose of this waiver is to permit a small number of individuals with financial need and are citizens of Mexico, to enroll in any public university in Texas while paying the resident tuition rate. In order to guarantee your application is processed by the first payment deadline of each semester, applications must be submitted by the deadlines provided. However, applications may be submitted after the stated deadline. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Click here to apply.
Texas Armed Services Scholarship Program
Amount: Up to $7,000
TASSP is a scholarship available to any Texas resident who is interested in pursuing either a commission in one of the Armed Services or will join the Texas Army National Guard, Texas Air National Guard, the Texas State Guard or the U.S. Merchant Marine upon graduation. One of the requirements is to be appointed by the governor, lieutenant governor, state senator or state representative. Click here for more information.
Top 10 Percent High School Graduate Scholarship
Amount: $2,000 for continuing students
The 80th Texas Legislature created the Top 10 Percent Scholarship to encourage students who graduate in the top 10 percent of their high school classes to attend a Texas public institution of higher education. Typically, if funding is available, qualifying students who submited the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the Texas Application for State Financial Aid (TASFA) by a specific deadline,** have financial need and enroll full time in a Texas public college or university in the fall term may be eligible to receive an award. Funding is only available for renewal recipients.
Renewal Requirements:
· Have received the Top 10 Percent Scholarship in prior semester(s) at UH.
· Submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the Texas Application for State Financial Aid (TASFA) by March 15.
· Complete 30 credit hours in previous academic year (fall, spring and summer). Hours may be transferred from another Texas public college or university.
· Maintain cumulative 3.25 GPA.
· Complete at least 75 percent of hours attempted.
· Enroll as a full-time student.
· Demonstrate financial need.
墨西哥公民与财政需求 - 边界豁免
· 金额:居民学费
截止日期: 7月1日
· 金额:7000美元
· TASSP是德克萨斯居民的奖学金,将颁发给有兴趣在一个武装部队中执行任务或将加入德克萨斯陆军国民警卫队、德克萨斯空军国民警卫队、德克萨斯国家警卫队或美国商船队。其中一项要求是由州长、副州长、州参议员或州代表任命。点击这里获取更多信息。
· 金额:2000美元要求在校学生
· 第80届德州立法机构设立了10%的奖学金,以鼓励那些在高中前10%的学生进入德州公立高等教育机构就读。通常,这些奖学金将颁发给符合条件的学生,他们可以在有效的期限内提交免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA)或德州申请国家助学金(TASFA),招收全日制公立学院或大学秋季学期可能会有一个名额。资金只用于学生新就读的学校
· 奖学金延期申请要求:
· 1、在前一学期(s)获得前10%的奖学金。
· 2、在3月15日之前提交联邦学生援助(FAFSA)或德州申请国家财政援助(TASFA)的免费申请。
· 3、在上一学年(秋季、春季和夏季)完成30个学分。学分可能会从一个德州公立大学转移到另外一个大学。
· 4、平均绩点始终保持在3.25。
· 5、完成之前申请课程的75%。
· 6、是全日制学生。
· 7、资金证明证明你有资金需要。