International Wildcat Excellence Tuition Award 2017-2018
Award Amounts $5,000 per academic year
Selection The International Wildcat Excellence Tuition Award is a highly competitive undergraduate partial tuition scholarship offered annually to a select number of international students attending the UA.
1. Students selected for this scholarship will receive an email.
2. Offers are non-negotiable and are not increased to match offers from other institutions.
3. The award must be used the semester for which it was first offered.
4. Awards are not offered for any spring term admitted students.
Application A completed UA Admission Application for Fall 2017 serves as the application for this award.
Deadline Admitted by May 1, 2017
1. A limited number of merit-based scholarships will be awarded to students based upon their application for admission, who demonstrate significant international experience during high school and who exhibit outstanding academic records.
2. Must verify your lawful presence as described under Arizona's Proposition 300.
Semesters without lawful presence verified will be lost and counted against the scholarship's total eight semesters for freshmen or four semesters for transfer students.
3. Awards are for undergraduate studies only. Award amounts for continuing students remain the same as initial offer, even if a student improves their UA GPA.
Availability based on academic year renewal requirements; for fall and spring semesters only. This award is not available for use in UA Online programs, Global Partner Scholarship or for Study Abroad program use.
· Freshman - Four consecutive years (8 semesters total)
· Transfer - Two consecutive years (4 semesters total)
Renewal Criteria
Students must meet the renewal requirements by the conclusion of the academic year (fall, winter, spring and summer semesters) in order to receive the scholarship for the next academic year.
1. GPA: 3.00 cumulative University of Arizona grade point average. Note that your UA GPA is not rounded or recalculated for scholarship purposes.
2. Units:
30 cumulative UA units completed by the end of the 1st award year to receive Year 2 of award
60 cumulative UA units completed by the end of the 2nd award year to receive Year 3 of award
90 cumulative UA units completed by the end of the 3rd award year to receive Year 4 of award
Example: An incoming student that completes 3 UA units the summer prior to the first fall semester using the scholarship, 15 UA units during the 1st award semester (fall) and 12 UA units during the 2nd award semester (spring) of freshman year for a total of 30 UA units (summer + fall + spring), and has maintained a minimum 3.00 cumulative GPA is eligible for scholarship renewal.
Qualifying units within the academic year include: UA winter and summer courses, passing units from pass/fail courses, Grade Replacement Opportunity (GRO) units, prior academic year units and New Start courses.
Non-Qualifying units include: failed, E grade, incomplete or I grades, consortium, Outreach College courses, correspondence, audit, course credit received from testing (including AP and CLEP credits) transfer units and units from other institutions.
3. Students not meeting renewal criteria by the end of the spring semester see Reinstatement section below.
Multiple Tuition Awards
1. This award covers a portion of non-resident tuition only. Tuition does not include fees, surcharges, room and board, books or other expenses.
2. This award may not be combined with some ROTC tuition awards or the Arizona-Sonoran Tuition Award.
3. This award cannot be combined with a Global Partner Tuition Scholarship or UA International Tuition Scholarship offer.
4. This scholarship may be reduced each year the Qualified Tuition Reduction (QTR) (a benefit for faculty and staff) is utilized or other tuition reduction programs are utilized.
5. Students in the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) Program are not eligible for this award.
How the award is applied
1. The award will disburse to a student's UA bursar account approximately ten days before classes begin, once the student's lawful presence has been verified and the student is enrolled full-time (12+ units per term) at UA. Students are strongly encouraged to complete enough UA units each academic year to remain on track to graduate within four years, the maximum period the freshman award covers.
2. This scholarship is applied to UA undergraduate tuition charged through the UA Bursar's Office. Tuition does not include program or mandatory fees, surcharges, differential tuition, room and board, books or other expenses. If your program does not charge tuition through the Bursar Account, you are ineligible to use this award toward your tuition charges.
3. The total award amount is for the academic year which is evenly split between the fall and spring semesters. Students who graduate in December are not eligible to receive the full academic year amount for one semester.
1. Students failing to meet the renewal criteria by the conclusion of the academic year (fall, winter, spring, and summer semesters) may become eligible for reinstatement if they raise their cumulative GPA to the minimum 3.00 and make up missing UA units. Mid-year reinstatements require students to be on track with an average of 15 UA units completed per fall and spring semesters of award eligibility.
- Scholarships are only eligible for reinstatement for the award availability period initially offered (4 academic years for freshmen, or 2 academic years for transfer students).
- Students must contact OSFA within 30 calendar days from the first day of class for the semester in which they are requesting reinstatement.
2. Students with extenuating circumstances preventing them from meeting the renewal requirements by the conclusion of the academic year may submit a Scholarship Appeal Form and supporting documents (by the deadline) for review by the UA Scholarship Appeals Committee.
1. Eligibility for this tuition award is a total of eight consecutive semesters for freshmen awards or four consecutive semesters for transfer awards, interrupted only by an approved Scholarship Deferment Request form from OSFA.
2. Students must visit the Office of the Registrar website in order to determine enrollment eligibility upon return to the UA.
National Student Exchange & Study Abroad
1. National Student Exchange (NSE) students who select Plan B may use this award toward their UA tuition charges through the Bursar account.
2. National Student Exchange (NSE) students who select Plan A may not use this award during semester(s) on the program. However, students on a UA National Student Exchange program, who are meeting the renewal criteria, will receive automatic scholarship deferments from OSFA. Students on these programs will be notified by email of their scholarship deferment status prior to the start of the semester they plan to be away.
3. Students may not use this scholarship if studying abroad or on an International Student Exchange. However, students on a UA-Sponsored Study Abroad program, who are meeting the renewal criteria, will receive automatic scholarship deferments from OSFA. Students on these programs will be notified by email of their scholarship deferment status prior to the start of the semester they plan to be away.
4. Students on non-UA-sponsored study abroad programs must have an approved scholarship Deferment Request from OSFA.
Withdrawal Policy
If a student withdraws on or after the first day of classes begin, the student forfeits that semester of scholarship eligibility. This scholarship may be reviewed for reinstatement in future semesters. However, that semester in which your scholarship(s) were lost are still counted against your total eligibility. Scholarships cannot be extended past the eight or four semesters of eligibility. If you have other financial aid, you must review the withdrawal policy here.
Please direct all questions to OSFA at or 520.621.1858.
1、该奖项将在开课前10天支付给学生的“UA bursar”账户,一旦学生的合法身份得到证实并且将就读于亚利桑那大学全日制课程(每学期12学分以上)。我们强烈鼓励学生每学年完成足够多的亚利桑那大学的学分这样在4年学期内知道毕业,都可以继续申请该奖学金,4年是该奖项所涵盖的最大期限。
1、选择计划B的国家学生交流(NSE)学生 可以通过Bursar账户将这笔奖学金用于他们的亚利桑那大学学费。
UA International Tuition Scholarship 2017-2018
Award Amounts $4,000 - $10,000 per academic year
Application must be submitted through Scholarship Universe
Selection The UA International Tuition Award is a highly competitive undergraduate partial tuition scholarship offered annually to a select number of international students attending the UA.
1. Students selected for this scholarship will receive an email.
2. Offers are non-negotiable and are not increased to match offers from other institutions.
3. The award must be used the semester for which it was first offered.
4. Awards are not offered for any spring term admitted students.
Deadline Admitted by April 1, 2017
1. A limited number of merit-based scholarships will be awarded to students based upon their application for admission and scholarship application on Scholarship Universe, who demonstrate significant international experience during high school and who exhibit outstanding academic records.
2. Must verify your lawful presence as described under Arizona's Proposition 300.
Semesters without lawful presence verified will be lost and counted against the scholarship's total eight semesters for freshmen or four semesters for transfer students.
3. Awards are for undergraduate studies only. Award amounts for continuing students remain the same as initial offer, even if a student improves their UA GPA.
Availability based on academic year renewal requirements; for fall and spring semesters only. This award is not available for use in UA Online programs, Global Partner Scholarship or for Study Abroad program use.
· Freshman - Four consecutive years (8 semesters total)
· Transfer - Two consecutive years (4 semesters total)
Renewal Criteria
Students must meet the renewal requirements by the conclusion of the academic year (fall, winter, spring and summer semesters) in order to receive the scholarship for the next academic year.
1. GPA: 3.00 cumulative University of Arizona grade point average. Note that your UA GPA is not rounded or recalculated for scholarship purposes.
2. Units:
30 cumulative UA units completed by the end of the 1st award year to receive Year 2 of award
60 cumulative UA units completed by the end of the 2nd award year to receive Year 3 of award
90 cumulative UA units completed by the end of the 3rd award year to receive Year 4 of award
Example: An incoming student that completes 3 UA units the summer prior to the first fall semester using the scholarship, 15 UA units during the 1st award semester (fall) and 12 UA units during the 2nd award semester (spring) of freshman year for a total of 30 UA units (summer + fall + spring), and has maintained a minimum 3.00 cumulative GPA is eligible for scholarship renewal.
Qualifying units within the academic year include: UA winter and summer courses, passing units from pass/fail courses, Grade Replacement Opportunity (GRO) units, prior academic year units and New Start courses.
Non-Qualifying units include: failed, E grade, incomplete or I grades, consortium, Outreach College courses, correspondence, audit, course credit received from testing (including AP and CLEP credits) transfer units and units from other institutions.
3. Students not meeting renewal criteria by the end of the spring semester see Reinstatement section below.
Multiple Tuition Awards
1. This award covers a portion of non-resident tuition only. Tuition does not include fees, surcharges, room and board, books or other expenses.
2. This award may not be combined with some ROTC tuition awards, the International Wildcat Excellence Tuition Award, or the Arizona-Sonoran Tuition Award.
3. This award can be combined with a Global Partner Tuition Scholarship offer.
4. This scholarship may be reduced each year the Qualified Tuition Reduction (QTR) (a benefit for faculty and staff) is utilized or other tuition reduction programs are utilized.
5. Students in the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) Program are not eligible for this award.
How the award is applied
1. The award will disburse to a student's UA bursar account approximately ten days before classes begin, once the student's lawful presence has been verified and the student is enrolled full-time (12+ units per term) at UA. Students are strongly encouraged to complete enough UA units each academic year to remain on track to graduate within four years, the maximum period the freshman award covers.
2. This scholarship is applied to UA undergraduate tuition charged through the UA Bursar's Office. Tuition does not include program or mandatory fees, surcharges, differential tuition, room and board, books or other expenses. If your program does not charge tuition through the Bursar Account, you are ineligible to use this award toward your tuition charges.
3. The total award amount is for the academic year which is evenly split between the fall and spring semesters. Students who graduate in December are not eligible to receive the full academic year amount for one semester.
1. Students failing to meet the renewal criteria by the conclusion of the academic year (fall, winter, spring, and summer semesters) may become eligible for reinstatement if they raise their cumulative GPA to the minimum 3.00 and make up missing UA units. Mid-year reinstatements require students to be on track with an average of 15 UA units completed per fall and spring semesters of award eligibility.
- Scholarships are only eligible for reinstatement for the award availability period initially offered (4 academic years for freshmen, or 2 academic years for transfer students).
- Students must contact OSFA within 30 calendar days from the first day of class for the semester in which they are requesting reinstatement.
2. Students with extenuating circumstances preventing them from meeting the renewal requirements by the conclusion of the academic year may submit a Scholarship Appeal Form and supporting documents (by the deadline) for review by the UA Scholarship Appeals Committee.
1. Eligibility for this tuition award is a total of eight consecutive semesters, interrupted only by an approved Scholarship Deferment Request form from OSFA.
2. Students must visit the Office of the Registrar website in order to determine enrollment eligibility upon return to the UA.
National Student Exchange & Study Abroad
1. National Student Exchange (NSE) students who select Plan B may use this award toward their UA tuition charges through the Bursar account.
2. National Student Exchange (NSE) students who select Plan A may not use this award during semester(s) on the program. However, students on a UA National Student Exchange program, who are meeting the renewal criteria, will receive automatic scholarship deferments from OSFA. Students on these programs will be notified by email of their scholarship deferment status prior to the start of the semester they plan to be away.
3. Students may not use this scholarship if studying abroad or on an International Student Exchange. However, students on a UA-Sponsored Study Abroad program, who are meeting the renewal criteria, will receive automatic scholarship deferments from OSFA. Students on these programs will be notified by email of their scholarship deferment status prior to the start of the semester they plan to be away.
4. Students on non-UA-sponsored study abroad programs must have an approved scholarship Deferment Request from OSFA.
Withdrawal Policy
If a student withdraws on or after the first day of classes begin, the student forfeits that semester of scholarship eligibility. This scholarship may be reviewed for reinstatement in future semesters. However, that semester in which your scholarship(s) were lost are still counted against your total eligibility. Scholarships cannot be extended past the 8 or 4 semesters of eligibility. If you have other financial aid, you must review the withdrawal policy here.
Please direct all questions to OSFA at or 520.621.1858.
5、 该奖学金的获得者将会收到一封电子邮件
1、该奖项将在开课前10天支付给学生的“UA bursar”账户,一旦学生的合法身份得到证实并且将就读于亚利桑那大学全日制课程(每学期12学分以上)。我们强烈鼓励学生每学年完成足够多的亚利桑那大学的学分这样在4年学期内知道毕业,都可以继续申请该奖学金,4年是该奖项所涵盖的最大期限。
1、选择计划B的国家学生交流(NSE)学生 可以通过Bursar账户将这笔奖学金用于他们的亚利桑那大学学费。