纽约州立大学布法罗分校(University at Buffalo, the State University of New York)也被称为纽约州立水牛城大学,是纽约州立大学系统中规模最大、综合性最强的公立旗舰大学,被誉为纽约州立大学"皇冠上的珍珠"。纽约州立大学布法罗分校在研究生阶段的奖学金情况是怎样的呢?和出国留学网来看看吧。
Scholarships and fellowships are designed to attract and support graduate students who have exceptional academic records and potential. These prestigious awards generally include a full or partial tuition scholarship, often include a generous stipend and are designed to let the student concentrate on coursework and/or research.
Below you will find just a partial list of the many scholarships and fellowships that may be available to help fund your graduate education.
Please note that recipients are still responsible for school fees.
National Awards
Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowships; Fulbright U.S. Student Program: Grants for Graduate Study, Research or English Teaching Assistantships Abroad; The National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF).
University Awards
Arthur A. Schomburg Fellowship Program; Graduate Opportunity Program (GOP); Graduate Tuition Scholarship; Presidential Fellowships.
National Awards
Ford Foundation Diversity FellowshipsThe Ford Foundation Predoctoral and Dissertation Fellowships for Minorities Program was initiated in 1985, with the first awards announced in 1986. The goal of the program is to increase the presence of underrepresented minorities on the nation’s college and university faculties. Awards are made to individuals who have demonstrated superior scholarship and show greatest promise for future achievement as scholars, researchers and teachers in institutions of higher education. The Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships for Minorities Program, initiated in 1979, is designed to help scholars either preparing for or engaged in college or university teaching and research. The goal is for fellows to achieve professional recognition in their respective fields and to acquire the professional associations that will make them more effective and productive in academic employment. Awards are made to those individuals who show greatest promise of future achievement in academic research and scholarship in higher education.
Fulbright U.S. Student Program: Grants for Graduate Study, Research or English Teaching Assistantships AbroadCreated by the U.S. Congress, this program provides various grants to study abroad and interact with other cultures while completing coursework, research or other special projects. Institutional nomination is required and the internal UB deadline is early September. For more information visit the UB Fulbright website.
The National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF)The National Science Foundation (NSF) awards three-year scholarships for graduate study in NSF-supported science, technology, engineering and mathematics disciplines. The NSF welcomes applications from all qualified students and strongly encourages under-represented populations, including women, under-represented racial and ethnic minorities and persons with disabilities, to apply for this fellowship. Applications are available online and the deadlines vary by discipline but are generally due in early November. For more information visit the NSF GRFP website, or the NSF website.
University Awards
Arthur A. Schomburg Fellowship Program
UB’s Arthur A. Schomburg Fellowship Program is sponsored by the SUNY office of Diversity Equity and Inclusion and offers support for students in doctoral and master’s level programs across the university who can demonstrate that they would contribute to the diversity of the student body, especially those who can demonstrate that they have overcome a disadvantage or other impediment to success in higher education. Students in the Schomburg Fellowship Program have outstanding academic credentials that contribute to an impressive graduation and retention rate of close to eighty percent. Since its inception in 1987, over 500 academically talented students have received support through this fellowship program.
Beginning in the fall 2017, students will be awarded a Schomburg fellowship by their college or school during the admissions process. For more information please contact your academic department.
Academic Practicum Policy
Recipients of support through the Arthur Alfonso Schomburg Graduate Fellowship who are not appointed to a teaching, research or graduate assistantship are required to complete an academic, research, or service practicum during the period in which they receive funding. Master's level fellowship recipients must complete one semester of practicum, while doctoral level fellows are required to complete two semesters.
The academic department that nominated the Schomburg fellow will implement this policy. All activities that fellows plan to pursue must be pre-approved by their academic department and if applicable, the outside agency that will benefit from the project. Practicum activities may include, but are not limited to, teaching courses at the pre-collegiate level; academic tutoring; career or personal counseling; theoretical or applied research; and technical assistance either on campus or in the Western New York community. When consistent with the individual fellow's academic and career objectives, teaching at the undergraduate or graduate levels (while appropriately enrolled in a "supervised teaching" or "independent study" course) is permitted with the approval of the academic department and unit as a means of fulfilling the practicum requirement. In certain instances where, for example, a fellow may already be required to teach, or perform research or service as a part of his/her degree program, this experience may fulfill the fellowship practicum requirement.
Summer Support Policy
Funding provided by the State of New York for the Arthur A. Schomburg Fellowship Program is limited and requests from Schomburg fellows for support during a summer term are considered only if funds are available. Awards are generally limited to one summer over the period of an individual fellow's academic program, unless exceptional circumstances are presented.
If sufficient funds exist, summer support may be requested only by Schomburg fellows who meet at least one of the following criteria:
The fellow's academic program requires all students (whether Schomburg fellows or not) to undertake specified coursework during the initial or concluding summer term of the program consistent with the approved/registered curriculum; or
The fellow needs summer support in order to complete his/her degree program by the end of that summer term. The expectation is that the student will graduate at the end of the summer in question (September 1 degree conferral). Note that fellows receiving summer support under this criterion will NOT be eligible for any further Schomburg fellowship funding beyond the "concluding" summer in which such support is received; or
Completion of required clinical component(s) of the program during the summer will enable the student to finish the degree program a semester early.
If awarded, summer tuition scholarship support covers tuition only (not fees or other charges). Such tuition support is limited to the general graduate tuition rate in effect for that summer term.
If awarded, summer stipend support will be $250 for each week of the required summer enrollment period (e.g. a total of $1,500 for a 6-week course period; $2,500 for a 10-week course period), regardless of the number of courses taken during that period.
Requests for special summer support should be in the form of a letter from the fellow addressed to the Graduate School (408 Capen Hall) and should include information describing the specific coursework to be completed and how that coursework relates to the eligibility criteria listed above. Requests must be accompanied by a letter of support from the fellow's academic department that includes confirmation that the summer coursework in question is required of all students under the program and/or certification that the fellow will complete his/her academic program by the end of the summer term and/or that the fellow's completion of required clinical components of the program during the summer will enable the student to finish the degree program a semester early.
The deadline for receipt of written requests for summer support under the Schomburg Fellowship Program is the last day of scheduled classes during the spring semester.
Graduate Opportunity Program (GOP)
Application Deadline
The online application and the GOP Certification form must be returned by June 1, 2017. No late applications will be considered.
What is the Graduate Opportunity Program (GOP)?
The Graduate Opportunity Program provides tuition assistance to EOP, HEOP and SEEK graduates undertaking graduate study at a participating SUNY Institutions. The University at Buffalo is a participating institution.
Who is eligible to apply for GOP assistance?
To be eligible to apply for GOP assistance, a student must have received funding through a certified New York State EOP, HEOP or SEEK program as an undergraduate and must be accepted into a graduate degree program at UB as a full-time student.
What is the application procedure?
Complete the online GOP Application.
Complete the GOP Certification form and obtain the required verification from the director of the EOP/HEOP/SEEK program at your undergraduate institution.
Return the GOP Certification form with required signatures to the Graduate School.
研究生机会项目为在纽约州立大学高校系统中学习研究生课程的 EOP, HEOP 和 SEEK 研究生提供学费支持。布法罗分校即是系统中的一所学校。
为了可以申请研究生机会项目援助,你必须先通过经核实的纽约州EOP, HEOP 或 SEEK项目以本科生身份获得资金,并且必须被布法罗分校研究生学位课程录取为全日制学生。
2.完成研究生机会项目证书表,并获得你所在的本科学校EOP/HEOP/SEEK 项目主任的验证。
What is the application deadline?
The application deadline is June 1, 2017 for 2017-2018 funding consideration. The Graduate School must receive both the online application and the completed GOP Certification form by the deadline date. No late applications or forms will be accepted.
Are all applicants guaranteed funding?
State funding to UB for GOP is extremely limited so, unfortunately, awards are not guaranteed for all who apply. If there is not enough funding for all applicants, scholarships are awarded based on distribution of awards across academic disciplines at UB and the student’s previous academic record. Decisions will be made in mid-July; awardees will be notified by email.
Funding Limits
GOP tuition scholarships are awarded at the standard in-state graduate tuition rate ($5,435 per semester as of AY 2016-2017). The student is responsible for any tuition cost in excess of that amount, as well as for the student fees associated with enrollment.
Funding is provided only for the minimum number of credit hours required to complete a degree program. Master’s students may be considered for up to four semesters of funding; professional students (PharmD, JD, DPT) for up to six semesters; and doctoral students (PhD) for up to eight semesters. Funding is not provided for multiple degrees at the same level (e.g. two master’s degrees), for stand-alone certificate programs, or for part-time students.
To maintain a GOP award, students must continue to register full-time (or be certified full-time), obtain a 3.0 GPA each semester and complete classes in a timely manner. Failure to meet these requirements could result in termination of a student’s award.
Applications are reviewed by committee and tuition scholarships are awarded based on a combination of distribution of awards across disciplines at UB and the student’s academic merit.
Awards are determined once the level of budget support for the program is confirmed by New York State. The Graduate School will send you a notification via email regarding the outcome of your application as soon as circumstances permit.
资金只有在你满足完成学位课程要求的最低学分数量要求的情况下才提供。硕士生最多可获得四个学期的资金;职业学生(药学博士、法律博士和 DPT)最多可获得六个学期资金;博士生最多获得八个学期资金。资金不提供给同一层次的多个学位(例如硕士双学位)和独立的证书项目,也不提供给在职生。
Graduate Tuition Scholarship
Graduate tuition scholarships are awarded by an academic department/program, a college/school, or a university administrative office. Master’s students are eligible to receive as many as four semesters of tuition scholarship support. Doctoral students may receive as many as eight semesters of tuition scholarship support, including any such scholarships received while enrolled in a master’s program. All graduate tuition scholarship recipients are subject to those policies.
Presidential Fellowships
The UB Presidential Fellowship Program is aimed at enhancing UB’s competitiveness in recruiting outstanding graduate students. To be eligible, a nominee must be a new applicant to a PhD program and must be appointed as a full teaching, graduate or research assistant. Nominees must also meet at least one of the following academic criteria upon admission:
A cumulative undergraduate grade point average of 3.40 or higher; OR
A combined score of 1,270 or higher on the Verbal and Quantitative sections of the “old” GRE General Test (the version offered prior to August 1, 2011) and a score of 4.5 or higher on the Analytical Writing component of that test; OR
A combined score of 313 or higher on the Verbal and Quantitative sections of the revised/new version of the GRE General Test (that was introduced world-wide on August 1, 2011) and a score of 4.5 or higher on the Analytical Writing component of that test; OR
A score on the relevant GRE Subject Test that is at, or above, 75th percentile for that test’s administration
Departmental Awards
Many degree programs have their own scholarship funds to award to graduate and professional students at their discretion. These awards, which often come from funding that the Graduate School makes available to the deans, vary in amount and eligibility. Please contact your academic department for nomination deadlines, academic requirements and more information.
College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Scholarship
Each year, the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) offers 25 Dean’s Scholarships to outstanding graduate students pursuing a program within the college. The scholarship carries a generous stipend and will be renewable for up to three additional years. Please visit the CAS Dean’s Scholarship website or contact your department for more information about the program.