2017-2018 Estimated Costs
North Dakota Resident | Minnesota Resident | Tuition Agreement Resident | Other Non-Resident | International Undergraduate | |
Base Tuition* | $7,201 | $8,065 | $10,802 | $19,227 | $19,227 |
Engineering Tuition 1 | $7,924 | $8,875 | $11,887 | $21,158 | $21,158 |
Architecture & Landscape Architecture Tuition 2 | $9,580 | $10,730 | $14,371 | $25,580 | $25,580 |
Nursing Tuition 2 | $8,339 | $9,339 | $12,508 | $22,264 | $22,264 |
Business Tuition 3 | $7,543 | $8,448 | $11,315 | $20,140 | $20,140 |
Pharmacy Tuition 3 | $14,347 | $15,632 | $21,521 | $38,308 | $38,308 |
1 Begins Freshman Year
2 Begins Sophomore Year
3 Begins Junior Year
* Differential Tuition is assessed to students in selected professional programs to cover the costs of additional resources and facilities associated with those programs. Differential tuition, which replaces the base tuition figure, is assessed to students once they are accepted into the professional phase of the program.
Student Fees, Room + Board
Domestic Undergraduate | International Undergraduate | |
New Student Fee | $120 | $195 |
Student Fees | $1,345 | $1,345 |
Housing | $3,830 | $3,830 |
Meal Plan | $4,526 | $4,526 |
Health Insurance | - | $1,748 |
Books | $800 | $800 |
北达科他州居民 | 明尼苏达州居民 | 学费协议居民 | 其他非居民 | 国际本科生 | |
基础学费* | 美元 7,201 | 美元 8,065 | 美元 10,802 | 美元 19,227 | 美元 19,227 |
工程学费 1 | 美元 7,924 | 美元 8,875 | 美元 11,887 | 美元 21,158 | 美元 21,158 |
建筑与景观建筑学费 2 | 美元 9,580 | 美元 10,730 | 美元 14,371 | 美元 25,580 | 美元 25,580 |
护理学费 2 | 美元 8,339 | 美元 9,339 | 美元 12,508 | 美元 22,264 | 美元 22,264 |
商业学费 3 | 美元 7,543 | 美元 8,448 | 美元 11,315 | 美元 20,140 | 美元 20,140 |
药剂学费 3 | 美元 14,347 | 美元 15,632 | 美元 21,521 | 美元 38,308 | 美元 38,308 |
1大一初始 2大二初始 3大三初始
国内本科生 | 国际本科生 | |
新学生费 | 美元 120 | 美元 195 |
学生费用 | 美元 1,345 | 美元 1,345 |
住房 | 美元 3,830 | 美元 3,830 |
进食计划 | 美元 4,526 | 美元 4,526 |
健康保险 | - | 美元 1,748 |
图书 | 美元 800 | 美元 800 |
Costs Explained
The Department of Orientation and Student Success is funded by a $120.00 non-refundable fee charged to all new undergraduate and professional degree seeking students in their first semester at NDSU. The new student fee provides operations and personnel costs aimed at promoting student success and retention, including but not limited to, orientation and welcome week programs, tutoring services, and family weekend programs. An additional $75 fee is charged to new International Students to support orientation and arrival services provided by the Office of International and Study Abroad Services.
Student fees cover the cost of selected university programs and activities, admission to fine arts and athletic events, student publications, technology and health and wellness services.
Several room and board arrangements are available for on-campus housing. The costs presented here reflect the arrangements most commonly selected by new freshmen - a double room and the 7-Day meal plan. Rates and plans vary--see Dining Services and Residence Life for more information.
All International Students are required to purchase the mandatory state health insurance policy. This fee is charged at the beginning of each academic year and coverage is for one calendar year.
Students should plan on spending approximately $800 per year for books and supplies and approximately $3,400 per year for personal expenses and transportation.
Program fees are assessed in addition to tuition and support program needs for a limited number of programs. For specific fees, see One Stop.
More information on costs, additional fees and payment plans is available online and from One Stop.
Minnesota Reciprocity
An agreement between North Dakota and Minnesota makes students eligible for tuition comparable to resident tuition. Students who graduate from a Minnesota high school and enroll at NDSU within 12 months automatically qualify for reciprocity. No paperwork is necessary. If you plan to attend NDSU more than 12 months following high school graduation, complete the application online.
Transfer students must apply for reciprocity beginning in April for the following year. Home schooled students and students who earned a GED also must apply for reciprocity.
More information on reciprocity is available from the Office of Registration & Records.
Tuition Agreement Rates
Students living in the states participating in the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) Program or the Midwest Student Exchange Program (MSEP) or contiguous provinces (Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Manitoba, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, Saskatchewan, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming, the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands, and Guam) are eligible for tuition at 150 percent of NDSU's resident tuition. WUE and MSEP tuition are considerably less than nonresident tuition. Students from participating states qualify for the reduced tuition rate simply by indicating their state of residence on the Application for Admission.
Alumni Tuition Discount
Children and spouses of North Dakota college and university graduates may be eligible for reduced tuition at NDSU through the Alumni tuition incentive program. New undergraduate students who are otherwise non-resident students and are residents of states or provinces not engaged in a reduced tuition structure are eligible for a tuition rate at 150 percent of the North Dakota resident rate. To qualify, list the institution on the Application for Admission.
Employee Family Discount
Spouses and dependents of NDSU employees may be eligible for a tuition discount equal to one-half of the tuition for NDSU classes. Please contact the Office of Human Resources to complete the paperwork at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the term.
本系的入学及学生成绩由一项$120.00美元的不可退还的学费资助,所有新本科及专业学位都是在他们的第一个学期在北达科他州立大学上申请的。新的学生费用为学生的成功和保留提供了操作和人员成本,包括但不限于,方向和欢迎周计划,辅导服务和家庭周末计划。另外,国际学生将向新国际学生收取75美元的费用,以支持国际和留学服务机构提供的入学和入学服务。学生费用包括选择的大学课程和活动的费用,美术和体育活动的门票,学生出版物,技术和健康和健康服务。校内房屋可提供几种房间和床位安排。这里介绍的费用反映了新生最常选择的安排 - 双人间和7日餐饮计划。价格和计划有所不同 - 有关更多信息,请参阅餐饮服务和住宿生活。所有国际学生都必须购买强制性的国家健康保险政策。此费用在每个学年开始时收取,而保险费用则是一年一次。学生们应该计划每年花费大约800美元来购买书籍和用品,并且每年花费大约3400美元用于个人开销和交通。除了学费和支持项目所需的项目费用外,还会对项目费用进行评估。对于特定的费用,请参见一站式申请。更多关于成本、附加费用和支付计划的信息可以在网上找到。