Carolina’s vibrant people and programs attest to the University’s long-standing place among leaders in higher education since it was chartered in 1789 and opened its doors for students in 1795 as the nation’s first public university. Situated in the beautiful college town of Chapel Hill, N.C., UNC has earned a reputation as one of the best universities in the world. Carolina prides itself on a strong, diverse student body, academic opportunities not found anywhere else, and a value unmatched by any public university in the nation.UNC-Chapel Hill, the nation’s first public university, is a global higher education leader known for innovative teaching, research and public service. A member of the prestigious Association of American Universities, Carolina regularly ranks as the best value for academic quality in U.S. public higher education.Now in its third century, the University offers 78 bachelor’s, 112 master’s, 68 doctorate and seven professional degree programs through 14 schools and the College of Arts and Sciences. More than 29,000 undergraduate, graduate and professional students learn from a faculty of 3,600. Every day, faculty, staff and students shape their teaching, research and public service to meet North Carolina’s most pressing needs in all 100 counties. Carolina’s 292,500 alumni live in all 50 states and more than 150 countries.The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award baccalaureate, master’s, doctoral, and professional degrees and certificates. For more information about the accreditation status of UNC-Chapel Hill contact.
卡罗琳娜的人自1789年开始就置身于大学的建设中,该大学在高等教育领导人中长期居于领导地位,并为1795年的学生开放,成为全美第一所公立大学。UNC位于北美美丽的大教堂Chapel Hill,赢得了世界上最好的大学之一的声誉。卡罗莱纳州以强大,多样化的学生身体,其他地方找不到的学术机会,以及全国任何公立大学无与伦比的价值而感到自豪。全国第一所公立大学:北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校山是全球高等教育领导者,以创新的教学,研究和公共服务而闻名。北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校是美国高校协会的成员之一,卡罗莱纳州经常被列为美国公立高等教育学术质量的最佳价值州。现在,在第三世纪,大学拥有14个学院,其中,艺术与科学学院提供78个学士学位、112个硕士学位、68个博士学位和7个专业学位课程。超过29,000名本科生,研究生和专业学生从3600人的在学院学习。每天教师,员工和学生积极的该白案他们的教学、研究和公共服务,以满足北卡罗来纳州所有100个县最迫切的需求。卡罗莱纳州的292,500名校友生活在50个州和150多个国家。
The university of north Carolina was chartered at the north Carolina legislature on December 11, 1789.Franklin street, in the heart of chapel hill, was named for Benjamin Franklin in 1793 and is considered to be the northern border of the UNC main campus.When the university was founded, there was only a single building called the old east.It is still used as residential building and is the oldest public university building in the United States.It was founded on October 12, 1793, and it was close to a church of the Anglican church and hence its name.Today, the university celebrates its anniversary on October 12.The first student, Hinton James, arrived here from wilmington on February 12, 1795.A large residential building on campus is named after him.Within two weeks, he was the only student.University of north Carolina, the first public university to enroll and enroll in graduate school.The university of Georgia was first chartered in 1785, but it didn't begin until 1801.Some private schools were formed before UNC, but they didn't become public education until a long time ago.The university of north Carolina is the only American university institution that issued a degree in the eighteenth century.In 1932 UNC became one of the three original campuses of the university of north Carolina (after 1972, the university of north Carolina).In 1963, the restructured university realized full gender.Accordingly, the university of north Carolina women's college has been renamed the university of north Carolina Greensboro, and the university of north Carolina itself becomes the university of north Carolina at chapel hill.
北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校成立于1789年12月11日,在北卡罗莱纳立法机构内成立。富兰克林街位于教堂山的心脏,并命名为本杰明富兰克林在1793被认为是北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校的主校区北部边境。当大学成立,只有一个单一的建筑称为老东。仍作为住宅建筑,是美国最古老的公共建筑大学。它成立于1793年10月12日,犹豫接近教堂的圣公会,便因此得名。1795年2月12日在北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校的就读第一个学生,Hinton James,今天,大学庆祝其周年纪念日10月12日,从威尔明顿赶到这里。校园大型住宅楼是以他的名字命名的。两个星期内,他是唯一的学生。北卡罗来那大学第一所公立大学录取和招收研究生。佐治亚大学是第一个注册在1785,但它没有开始直到1801。一些民办学校形成之前的UNC,但他们并没有成为公共教育直到很久以前。北卡罗来那大学是唯一的美国的大学制度,在第十八世纪发布一个学位。1932北卡罗来纳大学成为北卡罗来那大学的最初的三个校区(1972,北卡罗来那大学)。1963,重组后的大学实现全性别分开制度。因此,北卡罗来那大学女子学院已经更名为北卡罗来那大学和北卡罗来那大学本身成为美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校。
Carolina: A National Leader in Research.Each year, scientists at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill oversee close to $1 billion worth of research activity, solidifying Carolina’s prominence as one of the top research universities in the nation.Research conducted at UNC provides teaching and training opportunities to nearly 30,000 students and fosters a creative environment where the world’s top scientists collaborate to solve problems, discover new technologies, and save lives.The secret to UNC’s success is its ability to build interdisciplinary teams that utilize diverse perspectives to collaborate on challenges attractive to research sponsors. Carolina’s network of centers and institutes plays a crucial role in this process, providing convening points for scholars of different disciplines to move discoveries into practice and technologies into the marketplace.
New Synthetic Anticoagulant Developed at UNC Ready for Clinical Trials
September 6, 2017By David EtchisonA synthetic form of heparin created by Jian Liu, Ph.D., is ready for clinical trials.A new synthetic version of the widely used anticoagulant heparin developed at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill can now be made in commercially viable quantities and promises to be safer than existing drugs. It is ready to begin human trials.Researchers at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy have created a synthetic form of low-molecular-weight heparin, which is typically used to treat and prevent deep vein thromboses. A DVT is a blood clot that forms in a deep vein, usually in the leg, and is dangerous because part of the clot can break off and block blood vessels in the lung causing damage or even death.The UNC-Chapel Hill team led by Jian Liu, Ph.D., the John and Deborah McNeill, Jr. Distinguished Professor in the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, has finished testing the drug for safety and effectiveness in animal models and reported their success in the Journal of Science Translational Medicine. Liu and his colleague have launched a company, Glycan Therapeutics, to explore human clinical trials.The advantages of the UNC drug are that its simpler molecular structure should mean fewer side effects, its creators said. And unlike current options, the effects of the drug can be completely reversed with protamine if a patient experiences a problem. The most dangerous unwanted effects of LMW heparin are uncontrolled bleeding and thrombocytopenia (too few platelets in the blood). The drug is also metabolized by the liver instead of the kidneys, making it more suitable for patients with impaired kidney function.“When doctors talk to me about the kind of heparin they want to use during and after surgery, they want it reversible, and they want it to not go through the kidneys,” Liu said.Heparin is a natural substance that prevents blood clotting, or coagulation, and has been in use since the late 1930s. There are three main types of heparin: unfractionated, the more highly processed low molecular weight heparin, and the synthetic fondaparinux. Natural heparin is most commonly extracted from the linings of pig intestines. It is on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines.The natural form of the drug was in the spotlight in spring 2008 when more than 80 people died and hundreds of others suffered bad reactions after taking it, leading to recalls of heparin in countries around the world. Authorities linked the problems to a contaminant in raw natural heparin from China.Synthesizing heparin, rather than extracting it from animals, allows more control over its anticoagulant properties and creates a purer, safer, more reliable drug, Liu said.“The pig stuff has served us well for almost 100 years and is very inexpensive, but if we cannot control the supply chain, we cannot ensure the safety of the drug,” Liu says. “I am working for the day when synthetic heparin can be brewed in large laboratories at a low cost.”
2017年9月6日由戴维·奇森由刘建博博士创建的肝素合成形式已准备好进行临床试验。北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山开发的广泛使用的抗凝血药物的新合成版本现在可以以商业上可行的数量生产,并且比现有药物更安全。准备开始人体试验。北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校 Eshelman药学院的研究人员创建了一种低分子量肝素的合成形式,通常用于治疗和预防深静脉血栓形成。DVT是通常在腿部深静脉形成的血块,并且是危险的,因为血块的一部分可以断裂并阻塞肺中的血管,导致损伤甚至死亡。由刘建华博士领导的北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校教堂山团队,北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校 Eshelman药学院的John和Deborah McNeill Jr.杰出教授已经完成了药物在动物模型中的安全性和有效性测试,并报告了他们的成功在“科学转化医学杂志”上。刘和他的同事已经启动了一家公司,即Glycan Therapeutics,以探索人类临床试验。它的创始人说,北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校药物的优势在于其更简单的分子结构应该意味着更少的副作用。与目前的选择不同,如果患者遇到问题,药物的效果可以与鱼精蛋白完全相反。LMW肝素最危险的不良反应是不受控制的出血和血小板减少症(血液中血小板太少)。药物也被肝而不是肾脏代谢,使其更适合于肾功能受损的患者。“当医生跟我谈谈手术期间和手术后要使用的那种肝素时,他们希望它可以逆转,而且希望它不通过肾脏。”肝素是一种防止血液凝固或凝血的天然物质,自20世纪30年代后期以来一直在使用。有三种主要类型的肝素:未分级,较高加工的低分子量肝素和合成的磺达肝素。天然肝素最常从猪肠内提取。它在世界卫生组织的基本药物清单上。这种药物的自然形式在2008年春季成为焦点,80多人死亡,其他数百人在服用后遭受不良反应,导致世界各国肝素回收。当局将问题与中国原始天然肝素污染物联系起来。刘医生说,合成肝素,而不是从动物中提取,可以更好地控制其抗凝血性质,创造出更纯净,更安全,更可靠的药物。刘先生说:“这些猪的东西已经为我们服务了近一百年,价格便宜,但如果我们无法控制供应链,就不能保证药物的安全。” “我正在工作的时候,合成肝素可以在大型实验室以低成本酿造。”
Vaccines Save 20 Million Lives, $350 billion in Poor Countries since 2001
By 2020, immunization efforts that began in 2001 using 10 vaccines in 73 low- or middle-income countries will have prevented almost 20 million child deaths and saved $350 billion in the cost of treating illnesses.Vaccination efforts made in the world’s poorest countries since 2001 will have prevented 20 million deaths and saved $350 billion in health-care costs by 2020, according to a new analysis from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In addition, the researchers put the broader economic and social value of saving these lives and preventing disabilities at $820 billion.Researchers led by Sachiko Ozawa, Ph.D., an associate professor at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, studied the economic impact of Gavi, the global vaccine alliance launched in 2000 to provide vaccines to children in the world’s poorest countries. Gavi support has contributed to the immunization of 580 million children, and it has operated primarily in the 73 countries covered by the team’s analysis, which was published in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization.“Vaccination is generally regarded to be one of the most cost–effective interventions in public health,” Ozawa said. “Decision-makers need to appreciate the full potential economic benefits that are likely to result from the introduction and sustained use of any vaccine or vaccination program.”Researchers looked at both short- and long-term costs that could be saved preventing illness. The costs – expressed in 2010 U.S. dollars – include averted treatment, transportation costs, productivity losses of caregivers and productivity losses due to disability and death. They used the value-of-a-life-year method to estimate the broader economic and social value of living longer, in better health, as a result of immunization.“Our examination of the broader economic and social value of vaccines illustrates the substantial gains associated with vaccination,” she said. “Unlike previous estimates that only examine the averted costs of treatment, our estimates of the broader economic and social value of vaccines reflect the value that people place on living longer and healthier lives.”By 2020, immunization efforts that began in 2001 using 10 vaccines in 73 low- or middle-income countries will have prevented almost 20 million child deaths and saved $350 billion in the cost of treating illnesses. Each of the Gavi-supported countries in the study will have avoided an average of $5 million in treatment costs per year just as a result of these 10 vaccines. The vaccines will have prevented an estimated 20 million deaths, 500 million cases of illness, 9 million cases of long-term disability and 960 million years of disability by 2020. The value of preserved productivity, quality of life and other broad economic and social benefits for all 73 study countries is estimated to reach $820 billion by 2020, the researchers calculated.The team used health-impact models to estimate the numbers of cases of illness, deaths and disability-adjusted life-years averted by achieving forecasted coverages for vaccination against hepatitis B, human papillomavirus, Japanese encephalitis, measles, rotavirus, rubella, yellow fever and three strains of bacteria that cause pneumonia and meningitis. The researchers found that vaccinating against hepatitis B, measles, and haemophilus influenzae type b and streptococcus pneumoniae — two bacteria that cause pneumonia and meningitis — provided the greatest economic benefits.
到2020年,开始于2001年在73个低收入或中等收入国家使用10种疫苗的免疫工作将可以防止近2000万儿童死亡,并节省3,500亿美元治疗疾病的费用。根据北卡罗来纳大学教堂山的一项新分析,到2001年以来,世界上最贫穷国家的疫苗接种努力将在2020年之前阻止2000万人死亡,并节省了3,500亿美元的医疗费用。此外,研究人员把节省这些生命和预防残疾的更广泛的经济和社会价值放在820亿美元。由北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校Eshelman药学院副教授Sachiko Ozawa博士领导的研究人员研究了Gavi的经济影响,Gavi是2000年推出的全球疫苗联盟,为世界上最贫穷国家的儿童提供疫苗。加维支持促进了5.8亿儿童的免疫接种,主要在该小组分析涵盖的73个国家进行了运作,该小组在“世界卫生组织公报”中公布。Ozawa说:“接种疫苗通常被认为是公共卫生中最具成本效益的干预措施之一。“决策者需要了解引进和持续使用任何疫苗或疫苗接种计划可能产生的潜在经济利益。”研究人员研究了可以预防疾病的短期和长期成本。费用 2010美元其中包括避免治疗,运输费用,护理人员的生产力损失以及由于残疾和死亡造成的生产力损失。他们使用一年生命年的方法来估计由于免疫而导致更长寿,更健康的更广泛的经济和社会价值。小泽佐佐博士说:“我们对疫苗更广泛的经济和社会价值的考察说明了与疫苗接种相关的巨大收益。” “与以前的估计不同,以前估计只能检查治疗费用,我们对疫苗更广泛的经济和社会价值的估计反映了人们生活在更长,更健康的生活中的价值。”到2020年,开始于2001年在73个低收入或中等收入国家使用10种疫苗的免疫工作将可以防止近2000万儿童死亡,并节省3,500亿美元治疗疾病的费用。由于这10种疫苗,研究中每个加维支持的国家每年平均将避免500万美元的治疗费用。疫苗将在2020年之前预防大约2000万人死亡,5亿例疾病,900万例长期残疾和9.6亿年残疾。保护生产力,生活质量和其他广泛的经济和社会效益的价值研究人员估计,到2020年,所有73个研究国家估计将达到820亿美元。该团队使用健康影响模型来估计通过实现乙型肝炎,人乳头瘤病毒,日本脑炎,麻疹,轮状病毒,风疹,黄热病接种疫苗接种的预期覆盖率,预防疾病,死亡和残疾调整生命年数的数量。三种引起肺炎和脑膜炎的细菌。研究人员发现,针对乙型肝炎,麻疹和流感嗜血杆菌b型和肺炎链球菌(两种引起肺炎和脑膜炎的细菌)接种疫苗提供了最大的经济效益。
UNC Reaches Milestone in Development of Kinase Chemogenomic Set
The path to a Kinase Chemogenomic Set from the Structural Genomics Consortium at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy.The Structural Genomics Consortium at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in partnership with the DiscoverX Corporation has reached the halfway point in developing a set of selective and potent inhibitors that will be made freely available to explore the human kinome, a family of more than 500 enzymesThe kinome is made up of enzymes called kinases, and it provides a tremendous opportunity for drug discovery, said David Drewry, Ph.D., a research associate professor at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy and a principal investigator of the SGC-UNC in the School. More than 30 kinase inhibitors have already been approved for the treatment of disease, but still the kinome remains largely unexplored. SGC-UNC, DiscoverX and other SGC partner companies are changing that.By building a set of compounds that will allow investigation of this important family of proteins in its entirety, UNC Chapel Hill, DiscoverX and other partners are taking a critical step to better understand the roles the kinome plays in human disease. Freely releasing the Kinase Chemogenomic Set they are creating allows the scientific community to openly collaborate on the discovery and development of new therapies.“Through our collaboration with DiscoverX, we screened a large set of compounds that we call Published Kinase Inhibitor Set 2, and these results allowed us to reach the halfway point in constructing the KCGS” said Drewry, who is leading the project to develop the Kinase Chemogenomic Set. “To mark this milestone and in keeping with our mission of open science, we are releasing these results into the public domain. We sincerely thank all of our co-author partners whose vision, generosity and hard work makes the construction of this set possible.”A publication describing the team’s strategy and progress toward achieving a comprehensive KCGS appears online in the journal PLOS ONE. The manuscript also contains the results of screening each compound in PKIS2 against the DiscoverX panel of more than 400 kinase assays. PKIS2 is a collection of more than 500 kinase inhibitors donated by GSK, Pfizer and Takeda Pharmaceuticals that SGC-UNC makes available to the scientific community. The kinome wide annotation of inhibition profiles allows users of the set to interpret their results more readily.David Drewry, Ph.D.“We have shown how well each of the PKIS2 compounds inhibits each of the kinases Discoverx screens,” Drewry said. “Researchers to whom we have given access to PKIS2 can use that information. They will know that compound X inhibits kinases A, B and C, but compound Z inhibits kinases D and E. With such a big data set people can easily find compounds of particular interest to them and know that the compounds are annotated with near full-kinome inhibition data.”This collaborative project between industrial and academic scientists will continue to expand the KCGS with the goal of fully covering all human protein kinases, Drewry said. The scientists want to ensure that the therapeutic potential of as many protein kinases as possible will be uncovered, he said, and this expansion of the KCGS combined with its use in diverse disease-relevant phenotypic screens and sharing of the resulting data in the public domain is the best mechanism for doing so.
来自北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校 Eshelman药学院结构基因组学联盟的激酶化学基因组的路径。北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山结构基因组学联合会与DiscoverX公司合作,已经达到了开发一系列选择性和有效抑制剂的中间途径,这些抑制剂将免费提供,用于探索人类kinome,超过500种酶。联合国科学院埃舍尔药剂学院研究副教授David Drewry博士说,kinome由称为激酶的酶组成,为药物发现提供了巨大的机会,SGC-北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校的主要研究员学校。超过30种激酶抑制剂已经被批准用于治疗疾病,但仍然很大程度上尚未探索kinome。SGC-UNC,DiscoverX等SGC合作伙伴公司正在改变。通过构建一系列可以全面调查这一重要蛋白质家族的化合物,北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校 Chapel Hill,DiscoverX等合作伙伴正在采取关键步骤,更好地了解kinome在人类疾病中的作用。自由释放他们创造的激酶化学基因组使科学界能够公开合作开发和开发新的疗法。“通过与DiscoverX的合作,我们筛选了大量化合物,我们称之为”激酶抑制剂组2“,这些结果使我们能够在构建KCGS时达到中间水平。”Drewry说。化学基因组。“为了纪念这个里程碑,符合我们的开放科学使命,我们将这些成果发布到公共领域。我们诚挚地感谢我们的共同作者合作伙伴,他们的愿景,慷慨,辛勤的工作使得这一切成为可能。“描述团队战略和实现全面KCGS进展的出版物出现在“PLOS ONE ” 杂志上。该手稿还包含了对PKIS2中每种化合物筛选超过400种激酶测定的DiscoverX面板的结果。PKIS2是SGC-UNC向科学界提供的GSK,辉瑞和武田药业捐赠的500多种激酶抑制剂的集合。抑制轮廓的激光广泛注释允许组的用户更容易地解释其结果。大卫德鲁里博士:“我们已经展示了每种PKIS2化合物如何抑制每种激酶Discoverx屏幕,”Drewry说。“我们访问PKIS2的研究人员可以使用这些信息。他们将知道化合物X抑制激酶A,B和C,但化合物Z抑制激酶D和E.具有这样大的数据集,人们可以容易地找到他们特别感兴趣的化合物,并且知道化合物被注释为具有近乎全 - 激酶抑制数据“。工业和学术科学家之间的这个合作项目将继续扩大KCGS,目标是完全覆盖所有人类蛋白激酶,德鲁里说。科学家希望确保尽可能多的蛋白激酶的治疗潜力将被揭开,他说,KCGS的这种扩展与其在各种疾病相关表型屏幕中的使用相结合,并在公共领域共享结果数据是最好的机制。
Infrastructure,University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) built facilities of modern teaching building, building complete supporting facilities, has equipped with modern equipment of the laboratory, free and open the gym and hospital etc., the University library is one of North America's largest research library, collection of four million books, make teachers and students can get learning resources is very large.
University of north Carolina at chapel hill with a total of 32 dormitory building, is divided into 13 residential areas, are there in each residential area management and RA (Resident Advisor) Resident, help the classmates to solve difficulties in study and life.The residential areas of the school are mainly divided into the north and the south, and there are a small number of dormitories in the middle.The northern accommodation area is mainly divided into the dormitory of the floor, the south is mainly apartments, suites, and the middle section has some dormitory distribution.Most dormitories are air-conditioned and share a kitchen, study room, and laundry room with three or four other dormitories.
Food and beverage
University of north Carolina at chapel hill's Meal Plans mainly includes two kinds: one kind is Unlimited, Unlimited, suit to within a day of 3 eat are in the school canteen, cost is $2112 per semester, in addition to add $25 to get Ulimited PLUS, namely 25 PLUS Swipe and five guest Swipe.The other is for the term, 200/160/120 per semester, which costs $1,870/1,648/1,320.The Rams Head Dining Hall, located in the center of the school, is the school's main canteen, divided into five areas: Chop House, Baraccas, Lean & Green, World's Fare, the Diner and Rolling Pin, with very different styles.All food is made on the same day to ensure freshness.WenMing Baraccas with its Mediterranean flavor of the food, the World 's Fare is mainly some Fried food, Chop House, mainly to provide the United States some common foods, Lean & Green provides solutions for vegetarians, and like surroundings while mainly is one of the main food of americans at home.While Lenoir Dining Hall is located in the north of the campus, the canteen is also popular because most of the courses are located in the north of the campus.Without the meal plan, breakfast would be $8.87 for breakfast, $11.57 for lunch and $11.75 for dinner.Unlike other university chapel hill, north Carolina, is does not require the resident students to buy meal plan, and the north campus of Franklin Street cuisine Street, so didn't buy meal plan is necessary, but because freshmen live relatively far south school from the north school, so he went to RAMS will be more convenient for dinner.
北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校的膳食计划主要包括两大类:一类是无限的,无限的,适合在一日三餐在学校食堂吃饭的学生,费用是每学期2112美元,另外加25美元获得ulimited加,即客人刷卡。另一种是长期的,每学期的费用为1870美元/ 1648美元 / 1320美元.公羊头餐厅,位于学校的中心,是学校的食堂,分为五个方面:屋内就餐,baraccas,精致餐饮和绿色世界的车费,晚餐和Rolling Pin,以不同的风格。所有的食物和食材都在同一天提供的,这样才能确保freshness.wenming Baraccas与地中海风味的食物,世界的食物主要是一些炒食品,餐馆,主要提供美国一些常见的食物,绿色精益提供解决方案,为素食主义者,喜欢周围的环境,主要是一家美国的主要食物。而Lenoir餐厅位于校园的北面,餐厅也很受欢迎,因为大多数的课程设置在校园的北,没有饮食计划,早餐会是8.87美元,11.57美元的早餐,午餐和11.75美元的晚餐。不像其他大学教堂山,北卡罗莱纳,是不需要居民购买的学生的膳食计划,和富兰克林街美食街的北校区,所没买膳食计划是没有必要的,但因为住得比较远的南校新生来自北方的学校,所以他去了白羊会更方便的晚餐。
Rudolph A. Marcus 1992, Chemistry [13] 除了出色的研究能力和优秀的教学质量,北卡罗来纳教堂山大学的篮球队在美国大学生篮球联赛中也是赫赫有名,于1957年,1982年,1992年,2005年,2009年等多次获得NCAA全美篮球冠军。伟大的篮球飞人迈克尔·乔丹,半人半神文斯·卡特,詹姆斯·沃西,拉希德·华莱士,贾米森,杰里·斯塔克豪斯均出自该校。