
2017-09-25 15:26:21 张须亮 瑞士留学瑞士大学瑞士伯尔尼大学



  The University of Bern offers top quality across the board: it enjoys special recognition in leading-edge disciplines, is reputed for the excellent quality of its teaching, offers a delightful setting, and a campus environment intimately linked to the social, economic and political life of the city. The university's comprehensive offering includes 8 faculties and some 160 institutes that date back to the XVIth century. Its academic and research organisation prides itself on its interdisciplinarity, exemplified by its five National Centres of Competence in Research: International Trade Regulation, TransCure (Membrane Transport Research), MUST (Molecular Ultrafast Science and Technology), PlanetS (how planet systems are formed and how they develop) and RNA and Disease. The university is actively involved in a wide range of European and worldwide research projects, notably in the field of space research. The city of Bern is listed among the cities that offer the best quality of life in the world: the people of Bern are welcoming and peaceable, and the old town of Bern, nestling in a breath-taking setting surrounded by the Swiss Alps, is listed as a UNESCO world heritage site.


  faculty staff and students

Number of academic faculty staffNumber of studentsNumber of international students
In total1172In total10758In total1618






  Early history - from the "Hohe Schule" to the Academy (1500-1834)

  The foundations of the University of Bern were laid in the 16th century, when the Reformation made it necessary for new priests to be educated in a higher education establishment. In 1805, as part of the reorganization of higher education, the Bern government converted the former School of Theology into an Academy with four faculties. Thus, not only ministers but also lawyers and physicians could complete their entire education in Bern.

  The old university - new beginnings and growth (1834-1900)

  In the struggles between Conservatives and Liberals during the regeneration, 1831 saw the Liberals gain victory in the Canton of Bern. Under their administration, the Academy was transformed into a university in 1834. 45 lecturers provided education to 167 students. The new administration relied upon loyal public officials and academics and so, to begin with, entry requirements were kept to a minimum. This also enabled people from other social classes to gain access to higher education. Because of the political situation, higher education institutions could only develop more steadily after the federal state was established in 1848. In 1885, the number of students exceeded 500 for the first time and by the turn-of-the-century, this figure had already doubled. As a result, the University of Bern was Switzerland's largest university at that time. Foreign students were responsible for the rapid growth. They formed half of the student population, most of them coming from Germany and Russia. They included female Russian students, who broke new ground for women's studies after 1870.

  早期历史1500-1834 :从神学院到大学院




  The new university - relocation and consolidation (1900-1950)

  In parallel to the City of Bern's prosperity, the end of the 19th century saw the expansion of the higher education institution. The Länggass district was now home to various new university departments: consequently, in 1903, the new main building was officially opened on the Grosse Schanze. The number of faculties also increased. In 1874, the Faculty of Independent Catholic Theology was opened as a reaction to the papal dogma of infallibility. The natural and social sciences, already drifting apart, separated in 1921 into the Faculty of Science and Humanities. In 1908/09, three personalities were responsible for eventful times at the University of Bern. In 1908, Albert Einstein began teaching theoretical physics for three semesters. In the following year, the Russian philosopher Anna Tumarkin was appointed as a professor and, consequently, the first lecturer in Europe able to accept doctoral and professorial students. And in 1909, the surgeon Theodor Kocher received the Nobel Prize for medicine. In subsequent years, Bern consolidated its position as a small cantonal higher education institution with around 2000 students.


  与伯尔尼市的繁荣并行的,是19世纪末伯尔尼高等教育机构的扩展。 Länggass 区这个时候已有了好几个新的大学部门。结果是,到1903年,新建的主教学楼已在Grosse Schanze开放。与此同时,教师的人数也在增加。1874年,作为对教皇无误论的回应,独立天主教神学院开放。已经分道扬镳的自然科学和社会科学则在1921年形成了科学学院和人文学院。1908年到1909年间,三位著名人物进入了伯尔尼大学的校史。1908年,爱因斯坦开始在伯尔尼大学教授理论物理学(为期三个学期)。次年,俄国哲学家安娜图马金被任命为教授。他因此成为欧洲第一位有能力招收博士生和教授生的讲师。1909年,外科医生柯赫尔获得诺贝尔医学奖。在往后的几年里,伯尔尼大学巩固了其作为小型州级高等教育机构的位置,有了大约2千名学生。

  The modern university - expansion and organization (1950-2000)

  The 1950s saw increased demand for the enlargement of the academic and technical sector of education. There were already 5000 students at the university in 1968, who were also widely spread across different locations. This rapid growth forced a revision of the University Law. A solution was only found when a partially revised law was passed in 1989. The results included a new Executive Board of the University of Bern with a term of office of several years for the Rector and Vice-Rectors and the formation of interfaculty institutions. In 1996, a modern and fully revised University Law came into force. This transformed the University of Bern from a management department run by the Minister of Education into an autonomous institution and a separate legal entity. The Law also resulted in a service agreement between the higher education institution and the state, which clearly defined responsibilities. In 1992, the university exceeded another milestone as student numbers increased to more than 10,000.



  Today's university - Bologna reform and reorganization (from 2000)

  The Bologna Declaration heralded the era of ECTS points and bachelor's and master's degrees. Research focuses, such as Climate Sciences, were strategically specified and cooperations across the university were encouraged. The faculties within the university regrouped. In 2001, the Catholic and the Evangelical Faculties of Theology joined to become the Faculty of Theology. In contrast, the Faculty of Law and Economics split into two separate faculties. In 2005, Psychology, Education and Sport Science merged to become the Faculty of Human Sciences. In 2009, the University of Bern celebrated its 175th anniversary by putting on more than 50 events for the wider public. In the summer of 2010, the partially revised University Law was passed. As a result, the Senate can also have its say regarding members of the Executive Board of the University of Bern together with the governing council and can make its own selection of full professors on the Executive Board of the University of Bern, on its own account and separately from the state.


  《博洛尼亚宣言》预示了ECTS 、学士学位和硕士学位时代的到来。气候科学等重点研究在战略上得到了特别规定,大学间的合作也得到了倡导。大学内部的学院被重组。2001年,天主教和福音派神学学院合并,形成神学院。法律与经济学院则相反,分离成了两个学院。2005年,心理学院、教育学院和体育科学学院合并,形成人文科学学院。2009年,伯尔尼大学庆祝建校175周年,为广大公众举行了50多个活动。2010年夏,局部修改的大学法通过。根据这个法律,参议院同管理委员会一起,在伯尔尼大学执行委员会成员构成中有了发言权,有权选出自己的正教授担任执行委员会成员,独立于州。



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