


  Currently, there are 129 University approved centers and institutes at Purdue. Each center is developed to fill a particular need.Discovery Park centers extend campus infrastructure to the entire University allowing multidisciplinary groups to come together on campus and respond to grand challenges and opportunities.Large project centers or institutes, generally funded by an outside agency, are organized around a specific objective and have a natural lifespan.Grassroots centers or institutes vary in size and are formed from faculty initiatives; they are frequently funded by the departments.Centers and institutes are valued and encouraged at Purdue. They create a venue for faculty to come together to solve a common goal. Additional opportunities for joint projects and funding are created as investigators interact.


  The Science of Health

  Purdue University is making a $250 million investment in the life sciences over the next five years. This investment will spur increased opportunities to coalesce and strengthen Purdue’s impact on global health.Basic advances working across disciplinary boundaries are advancing drug discoveries; deepening our understanding of inflammation, immunology and infectious diseases; unraveling the mysteries of the healthy brain to alleviate suffering associated with nervous system trauma and disease; and developing new diagnostic tools – turning implantable devices into therapeutic delivery systems and imaging technologies into real-time analytical surgical instruments.Scholars working on the science of health are focusing attention in the following areas.Drug Discovery:We are coming up with treatments for cancer, Alzheimer's, heart disease, and infectious diseases such as malaria and HIV. Roughly 40 Purdue-developed drugs are in the pipeline for FDA approval. Two drugs have been approved and 15 are in human trials.Inflammation, Immunology and Infectious DiseaseOngoing research and discoveries in inflammation, immunology and infectious disease brings the power of a major research institution like Purdue along with their partners to create solutions to health problems that plague Americans and people around the globe.Integrative Neuroscience.Scholars in integrative neuroscience are unraveling the mysteries of the healthy brain to alleviate suffering associated with nervous system trauma and disease. Key areas include aging and neurodegeneration, neurotrauma and neuropathology, development genetics and neuropharmacology, and innovative technologies in brain and behavior.Implantable DevicesImplantable devices are being developed as innovative drug delivery systems and as novel diagnostic tools.Imaging TechnologiesImaging technologies enhance real-time diagnostics in surgical environments and advancing our understanding of the biological processes associated with disease and our health.


  普渡大学在未来五年为生命科学投资2.5亿美元。这项投资将刺激越来越多的机会合并并加强普渡对全球健康的影响。跨学科界限的基本进步正在推进药物发现; 加深对炎症,免疫学和传染病的认识; 揭开健康大脑的奥秘,缓解与神经系统创伤和疾病相关的痛苦; 并开发新的诊断工具 - 将可植入装置转化为治疗性输送系统和成像技术转化成实时分析手术器械。健康科学学者在以下几个方面重点关注。药物发现:我们正在处理癌症,阿尔茨海默病,心脏病和传染病如疟疾和艾滋病毒。大约40种Purdue开发的药物正在进行FDA批准。已批准两种药物,另有15种在人体试验中。炎症,免疫学和传染病:持续研究和发现的炎症,免疫学和传染病带来了普渡大学等重要研究机构与其合作伙伴的力量,为造成全球美国人和全民患病的健康问题创造了解决方案。综合神经科学:综合神经科学学者正在揭开健康大脑的奥秘,以减轻与神经系统创伤和疾病相关的痛苦。关键领域包括老化和神经退行性疾病,神经损伤和神经病理学,发育遗传学和神经药理学以及大脑和行为方面的创新技术。可植入设备:可植入装置正在开发为创新的药物递送系统和新型诊断工具。成像技术:成像技术可增强手术环境中的实时诊断,并提高我们对与疾病和我们健康相关的生物过程的理解。

  Food and Nutrition Security

  With the global population expected to reach 9.6 billion by 2050, the world will need almost double the amount of food that is available today. And yet in recent years, achieving food security for the already 7 billion people living on Earth has become increasingly difficult because of complex scientific, economic, social, political and environmental factors.In partnership with researchers and policy makers around the world, Discovery Park researchers are investigating the causes and consequences of food insecurity and devising ways to increase food production. They’re focusing their efforts in the following areasFood SecurityEnacting sound policies to combat food insecurity requires deep knowledge of its complex causes. Interdisciplinary research and dialogue between researchers and policymakers are keys to this understanding. Read about our success.Plant SciencesNew discoveries in plant genomics and genetics hold the promise of improving crop yields, nutrition and resistance to disease, particularly in the wake of climate change.Nutrition:Food shortages and distribution problems lead to not only famine and hunger, but also malnutrition. New technologies – some surprisingly simple and cheap – are combating malnutrition among some of the world’s most vulnerable populations.Smart Farming:Smart farming – from predictive analytics to controlled environment agriculture – allows growers to increase the quality and quantity of crops using fewer resources. Working alongside producers, researchers are helping to increase agricultural productivity in sustainable ways.Policy and Regulation;Food security is dependent upon having food available, being able to obtain it, and being able to safely prepare it. Through partnerships with policymakers, researchers are examining ways to improve food availability, access and safety.


  到2050年,全球人口预计将达到96亿,世界将需要几乎现在的食物量的两倍。而近年来,由于复杂的科学、经济、社会、政治和环境因素,实现了已有70亿人生活在地球上的粮食安全问题变得越来越困难。Discovery Park研究人员与世界各地的研究人员和决策者合作,正在调查粮食不安全的原因和后果,并设法增加粮食生产。他们的工作重点在以下几个方面:食品安全:制定健全的政策来打击粮食不安全需要深入了解其复杂的原因。研究人员和决策者之间的跨学科研究与对话是理解的关键。植物科学:植物基因组学和遗传学的新发现具有提高作物产量,营养和抗病能力的前景,特别是在气候变化之后。营养:粮食短缺和分配问题不仅导致饥荒和饥饿,还导致营养不良。新技术 - 一些令人惊讶的简单和便宜 - 正在打击一些世界上最脆弱人群的营养不良。智能农业:智能农业 - 从预测分析到受控环境农业 - 允许种植者使用更少的资源提高作物的质量和数量。与生产者一起工作,研究人员正在以可持续的方式帮助提高农业生产力。政策法规:粮食安全取决于能够获得食物,能够获得食物,并能够安全地做好准备。研究人员通过与政策制定者的伙伴关系,正在研究如何改善食物供应,获取和安全。

  The Science of Climate and Resilience

  The challenge

  The complex interdependencies of social institutions, diverse natural ecosystems, and modern technology have produced a vast network of nested, hierarchical, self-organizing and adaptive systems that are pillars of modern civilization. Rapid global changes, including both long-term changes such as anthropogenic climate change as well as more short term changes such as natural disasters, terrorist attacks, or other sudden “shocks,” pose an increasing threat to these interdependent systems and the communities that rely on them. In addition, these agricultural, built infrastructure, ecological, and social systems interact in complex and unpredictable ways, increasing the importance of more scientific understanding of their coupled behaviors and potentially catastrophic failures in the face of large sudden or long term changes in the environment. Resilience is a system’s ability to maintain a desired level of functioning in the face of a wide range of perturbations, such as environmental changes or sudden crises. In this interconnected world facing rapidly changing conditions, understanding the factors that make systems more resilient is crucial.Scholars working on the science of climate and resilience bring specialized research in the areas of:Building Sustainable Communities:A new interdisciplinary research community focused on creating community resilience in the face of natural disasters collaborated as a part of the Building Sustainable Communities cluster hire and research initiative. The group concentrated on topics ranging from transportation infrastructure designs, the role of social networks, and how small businesses are able to respond to natural disasters effectively.Social Decision-making and Sustainability:A Purdue University-led survey of nearly 700 U.S. scientists from non-climate disciplines shows that more than 90 percent believe that average global temperatures are higher than pre-1800s levels and that human activity has significantly contributed to the rise.Coupled Natural-Human Systems Interactions:A mathematical model now allows researchers to better understand and plan infrastructure design to account for human factors in systems ranging from small-scale agriculture to urban infrastructure.Policy and Regulation;Purdue researchers traveled to the Paris Climate Summit (COP21) in 2015 to learn about groups who are often marginalized and underrepresented in international decision-making arenas. At the summit, they addressed pressing justice, equity, and rights issues within international environmental negotiations.


  挑战社会制度,多样化的自然生态系统和现代技术的复杂相互依赖关系已经形成了一个庞大的嵌套、分层、自组织和适应性系统网络,是现代文明的支柱。全球变化迅速,包括诸如人为气候变化等长期变化以及诸如自然灾害,恐怖袭击或其他突发“冲击”等短期变化的长期变化对这些相互依赖的体系和依赖社区构成越来越大的威胁在他们。此外,这些农业,建筑基础设施,生态和社会制度以复杂和不可预测的方式相互作用,增加了在面临大量突发性或长期环境变化的情况下,更加科学地理解其耦合行为和潜在的灾难性失败的重要性。弹性是系统在面对诸如环境变化或突发危机等各种扰动的情况下保持所需功能水平的能力。在这个相互联系的世界面临快速变化的条件下,了解使系统更有弹性的因素至关重要。从事气候与恢复力科学的学者在以下领域开展了专门研究:建设可持续社区:一个新的跨学科研究团体专注于在面临自然灾害时创造社区弹性,作为“建筑可持续社区”集群租用和研究计划的一部分。集团主要集中在交通基础设施设计,社会网络的作用以及小企业如何有效应对自然灾害等方面。社会决策与可持续发展:普渡大学主导的来自非气候学科的近700名美国科学家的调查结果显示,90%以上的人认为全球平均气温高于19世纪前的水平,人类活动显着增加。耦合自然 - 人类系统相互作用:数学模型现在允许研究人员更好地了解和规划基础设施设计,以解决从小型农业到城市基础设施的系统中的人为因素。政策法规:普渡研究人员于2015年前往巴黎气候峰会(COP21),了解在国际决策领域中经常处于边缘化和代表性不足的群体。在首脑会议上,他们在国际环境谈判中解决了紧迫的正义,公平和权利问题。

  Rapid Innovation and Training Ecosystem

  Defense and security organizations need the methodologies and skills to achieve this rapid innovation in a continuously changing landscape.The I-GSDI will build on strengths and integrate with other Purdue and Discovery Park Centers, Institutes, and Programs to more fully develop innovation ecosystems and associated education and training solutions.Purdue has already a rich set of resources, expertise, and programs in entrepreneurship and innovation ‘systems’ across Discovery Park, the Colleges, and the local/regional start-up communities. Likewise, education and training in STEM, advanced instrumentation, entrepreneurship, and complex systems management, to name a few, will be converged. These cross-cutting capabilities and offerings will be tailored to each customer and target emerging critical skill sets (at the organizational and individual level) such as: program management with business acumen appropriate for complex, adaptive, learning systems; system engineering of autonomous systems; decision-making in the context of socio-political dynamics.


  国防和安全机构需要在不断变化的环境中实现快速创新的方法和技能。在I-GSDI将建立在实力和与其他普渡大学和愉景新城中心,研究所和程序集成到更充分的发展创新生态系统及相关的教育和培训解决方案。学院以及本地/地区的初创社区已经拥有丰富的创业和创新体系资源,专业知识和计划。同样,STEM的教育和培训、先进的仪器仪表、创业精神以及复杂的系统管理等将会趋同。这些交叉功能和产品将针对每个客户量身定制,并针对新兴的关键技能(在组织和个人层面),例如:适合于复杂、适应性学习系统的商业头脑的计划管理; 自主系统系统工程; 在社会政治动态背景下的决策。

  Digital Health

  Healthcare is evolving rapidly, thanks in large part to the rise of digital health – the confluence of the technology and genomic revolutions, which is enhancing patient efficiencies, improving treatment and empowering individuals.Purdue researchers have already leveraged new technologies for advances in such areas as cancer treatment, traumatic brain injury diagnosis and patient safety. Now, the university’s $250 million investment in the life sciences over the next five years will provide increased opportunities for our researchers to coalesce and strengthen their impact.Working across disciplinary boundaries, Discovery Park faculty are focusing their research in the following key areas:Implantable and Wearable Devices;Implantable and wearable devices are enhancing real-time diagnostics in surgical environments and advancing our understanding of the biological processes associated with disease and health.Nanosensors and the Internet of Things (IoT):Nanosensors – devices that can sense nanoparticles, like individual cancer cells – are enhancing the diagnosis and treatment of disease. The Internet of Things (IoT) – an interrelated system of computers, machines and people – is improving patient care by giving healthcare professionals access to real-time, integrated data.Systems Engineering:In partnership with healthcare professionals, engineers and IT professionals are helping to improve patient care by bringing systems engineering to hospitals.Cognitive Computing:Cognitive computing – the ability of computers to simulate human thought – is bringing advanced healthcare training to remote areas like battlefields and small towns.Policy and Regulation:New ways to integrate data analysis with medical care are helping to improve healthcare quality and patient safety.


  医疗保健正在快速发展,这在很大程度上归功于数字健康的兴起 - 技术和基因组革命的汇合,从而提高患者的效率,改善治疗和赋予个人能力。普渡研究人员已经利用新技术在癌症治疗,创伤性脑损伤诊断和患者安全等领域取得进展。现在,该大学在未来五年投资2.5亿美元的生命科学将为研究人员提供更多的机会,以巩固和加强其影响力。探索公园的教师们跨学科界限,将研究重点放在以下关键领域:可植入和可穿戴设备、可植入和穿戴式装置正在加强手术环境中的实时诊断,并提高我们对与疾病和健康相关的生物过程的理解。纳米传感器和物联网(IoT):纳米传感器 - 可以感测纳米颗粒(如单个癌细胞)的装置正在加强疾病的诊断和治疗。物联网(IoT) - 一个相互关联的计算机,机器和人员系统 - 正在通过为医护人员提供实时的综合数据来改善患者的护理。系统工程与医疗保健专业人士合作,工程师和IT专业人员通过将系统工程引入医院来帮助改善患者护理。认知计算:认知计算 - 计算机模拟人类思维的能力 - 将高级医疗培训带到偏远地区,如战场和小城镇。政策法规:将数据分析与医疗保健相结合的新途径有助于提高医疗质量和患者安全。

  Social/Policy Innovations That Improve Security

  Global conflict and security issues have dimensions that are both technical and social in nature, and approaches that converge policy and technology innovations must be devised to find pathways to greater security. Issues ranging from evolving global terrorism to nuclear deterrence demand a greater contribution from world-class research universities that advance our understanding of security issues, how they may be prevented, and catalyze thinking on technologies best suited to deterrence. The I-GSDI will partner with the Purdue Policy Research Institute (PPRI) and other assets to promote new thinking at the nexus of technology and policy to enable the national security community to see over the horizon and beyond the current state-of-the-art and to evaluate the social and policy implications of new technologies.IMPACTING GLOBAL SECURITY"Third Offset" and Advanced TechnologiesRapid Innovation and Training EcosystemSocial/Policy Innovations That Improve Security


  全球冲突与安全问题本身就具有技术性和社会性两个方面,必须设计融合政策和技术创新的途径,以找到更大安全的途径。从全球恐怖主义演变到核威慑的问题需要世界级研究型大学的更大贡献,提高我们对安全问题的理解,如何防范这些问题并催化对最适合威慑的技术的思考。在I-GSDI与意志的合作伙伴普渡大学政策研究所(PPRI) 和其他资产,促进技术和政策关系的新思维,使国家安全部门能够看到超越现有的最新技术,评估新技术的社会和政策影响。



  A Midwestern hotspot where art, culture, and recreation come together

  Indianapolis is the capital city and the economic and government center of Indiana. And IUPUI is located in the center of it all. Sure—Indy is great for internships (who doesn’t want to walk to their internship between classes?), and developing some great career connections, but it’s also a place where there’s always something to do.Dining and cuisine:Dine at dusk on a patio where tonight’s entrée is made from local, farm-fresh ingredients. Looking for lunch? Shapiro’s Kosher-style Delicatessen serves a mean Reuben. And make sure you stop by the International Marketplace where over 70 languages are spoken and you’ll find tasty fare from around the world.Art and culture:Find global premiers of a never-before-seen art exhibit at the Indianapolis Museum of Art. Or attend an outdoor concert at the Farm Bureau Insurance Lawn at White River State Park. Interested in theater and Broadway? Then you’ll want to spend some time in Mass Ave, which features five performing arts theatres.Whether you’re travelling by foot, bicycle, bus, or car, you’ll always have access to one of Indianapolis’s six designated Cultural Districts—where you’ll encounter thriving pockets of international and local talent, music, and art.Shopping and recreation;Stop by the local comedy club after spending the day at Fountain Square, where boutique shops and local galleries line the streets. Not the shopping type? Spend an outing on the water with your friends at the local marina, or take a walk through White River State Park—America’s only urban state park.


  印第安纳波利斯是印第安纳州的首府和经济和政府中心。而IUPUI位于它的中心。Sure-Indy对于实习(谁不想走上课程之间的实习)是非常好的,并且开发一些伟大的职业联系,但它也是一个总是有事情要做的地方。餐饮和美食:在黄昏的一个露台上用餐,今晚的内脏由当地的农产品制成。寻找午餐?Shapiro的犹太风味的熟食店是一个平均的指数。并确保您在国际市场上停止使用超过70种语言,您会发现世界各地的美味佳肴。艺术与文化:在印第安纳波利斯艺术博物馆找到从未见过的艺术展览的全球总理。或者在白河州立公园的农场局保险草坪参加户外音乐会。对剧院和百老汇有兴趣吗?那么你会想在Mass Ave度过一段时间,那里有五个表演艺术剧院。无论您是徒步旅行,骑自行车还是乘汽车,您都可以访问印第安纳波利斯六个指定的文化区之一,在这里您将会看到丰富的国际和当地人才,音乐和艺术品。购物和娱乐:在当地的喜剧俱乐部度过了一天,那里是喷泉广场,那里是精品店和当地画廊。不是购物类型?在当地的码头和您的朋友一起度过郊游,或者步行穿过白河州立公园美国唯一的城市国家公园。


  Two Campuses…One University

  Purdue University Northwest offers world-class educational opportunities at an excellent value on our two student-centered campuses in Northwest Indiana.Hammond Campus:Located in Hammond, Indiana, less than 25 miles southeast of downtown Chicago, near the shores of Lake Michigan, 3 miles east of the Indiana-Illinois state line off Interstate 80/94A residential campus offering apartment-style, private bedroom living for nearly 750 students.17-building, 167-acre neighborhood campusWestville Campus:Located in Westville, Indiana, an hour’s drive from both Chicago and South Bend, at the junction of U.S. 421 and the Indiana Toll Road (I-80)A commuter campus offering a private apartment housing development across from campus on U.S. 421 4-building, 269-acre rural campus

  一所大学的两个校区,普渡大学西北部为我们位于印第安纳州西北部两个以学生为中心的校区提供世界一流的教育机会,价值极高。哈蒙德校区:位于印第安纳州哈蒙德,距离芝加哥市中心东南不到25英里,靠近密歇根湖岸,距离印第安纳州 - 伊利诺伊州州立线以东3英里处80/94号州际公路,住宅校园提供公寓式私人卧室,可容纳近750名学生,17个建筑,167英亩的社区校园。

  韦斯特维尔校区:位于印第安纳州西维尔(Westville),距离芝加哥(South Bend)和南本德(South Bend)均有一个小时的车程,在美国421号和印第安纳州收费路(I-80),一个通勤校园,在美国421号校园内提供私人住宅开发,4栋建筑,269英亩农村校区。



  根岸英一(Ei-ichi Negishi,ねぎし えいいち,1935年7月14日-),日本化学家,普渡大学教授。因在“有机合成中的钯催化交叉偶联反应”方面做出贡献,瑞典皇家科学院于2010年10月6日宣布其与理查德·赫克(Richard F. Heck)、铃木章(Akira Suzuki,曾于1960年代在普渡大学做博士后研究,师从Herbert C. Brown教授)共同获得2010年诺贝尔化学奖。

  Herbert C. Brown, 1979年诺贝尔化学奖得主,时任(1947──2004)普渡大学化学系教授

  Benjamin Roy Mottelson,1975年诺贝尔物理奖得主,该校1947年物理学士

  Julian S. Schwinger, 1965年诺贝尔物理学奖得主,曾任普渡大学物理系教授

  Edward Mills Purcell,1952年诺贝尔物理奖得主,该校电机工程学学士、硕士

  Vernon Smith,2002年诺贝尔经济学奖得主,普渡荣誉博士,该校Krannert学院教授,曾在普渡开始其学术职业生涯并工作12年

  尼尔·阿姆斯特朗(Neil Armstrong),第一个踏上月球的宇航员,1955年航空工程学学士张益唐,华人数学家,在孪生素数研究中取得突破性进展,证明了孪生素数猜想的弱化形式,于1992年获得该校数学博士学位

  Thomas B. Sheridan,MIT教授,机器人学和遥控技术创始人,该校1951级工程学士

  傅京孙(King-sun Fu),美国工程院院士,著名华裔科学家,模式识别之父,机器智能学科的奠基人,国际模式识别协会第一任主席,1960-1985普渡大学电子及计算机工程系教授

  沃德·坎宁安(Ward Cunningham),Wiki之父,该校电机工程与计算机科学学士、硕士




  Ian Murdock,类Unix系统Debian[26] 的创始人

  Edwin T. Mertz[27] ,美国科学院院士,著名化学家和生物学家,高赖氨酸谷物的创造者之一,这一发现极大提高了谷物和豆类中的蛋白质含量

  Elwood Mead,美国最大的水利工程人造湖胡佛水坝(Hoover Dam)首席工程师,1882年普渡大学农业学士,1884土木工程硕士,1904被授予普渡大学第一个荣誉博士称号。



  Robert Forney,光纤技术的主要革新家,普渡大学BSChE '47, MSChE '48, PhD '50,1981年被授予荣誉博士,杜邦公司执行副总裁。

  Charles Ellis,美国著名的金门大桥设计者,普渡大学土木工程教授。

  Robert Batts,车载(警车)无线电发明人,1920年代在普渡电子工程系学习。

  Reginald Fessenden,无线电广播之父,普渡大学电子工程第一个教授。

  Roscoe George,世界上第一台全电子电视接收机发明者,普渡大学1922年EE学士, 1927年EE硕士学位。

  Reinhardt Schuhmann,现代冶金学奠基人,1954-1980普渡大学冶金学教授。

  Chesley B. Sullenberger III,英雄飞行员,2009年1月15日将受损飞机紧急迫降在纽约的Hudson冰河上,挽救了全美航空1549航班155人生命,1973年在普渡大学industrial and organizational psychology专业获得硕士学位。[28]

  Joe Forehand,Accenture前总裁兼CEO (埃森哲,世界三大管理咨询公司之一)

  John Krenicki,GE Energy 前总裁兼CEO ,通用电气副总裁

  Paul Varga,Brown-Forman 总裁兼CEO(百富门公司,美国最大的酒业公司)

  Marshal Larsen,Goodrich 总裁、董事长兼CEO (全球领先的航空航天业及国防业供应商)Jack Hockema,Kaiser Aluminum 总裁、董事长兼CEO (美国凯撒铝业)









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