


  Chemistry Personal Statement 化学个人陈述(PS)

  Since studying Chemistry and Design & Technology at A level, my desire to develop my knowledge of chemistry, incorporating the use of computers with technology, has increased. I wish to study in greater depth the potential interrelations of these subjects and look forward to the unique creative possibilities that a greater knowledge and understanding of them will bring. I wish to study both theoretical and practical applications of chemistry, computers and computer aided technology at a higher level.

  I have pursued two work experience placements, which have confirmed my interest in chemistry and computer technology. They showed me, albeit in a limited way, the interface between pure science and computer systems. I worked in an analytical laboratory at I.C.I., analysing chemicals (e.g. using an infra red spectrometer and gas chromatograph) and using databases. This improved my computer literacy as well as developing other skills, such as responsibility, teamwork, communication, listening skills and working to deadlines. I have completed a CLAIT course and am interested in home computing and the Internet. I have also helped to build a web site. As part of my Design and Technology course I have been developing my CAD skills extensively by producing a range of 3D models in Pro-Desktop. I was also rewarded with an 'outstanding effort' certificate in Design and Technology, further outlining my passion and dedication for the subject.

  Out of school, I have a wide variety of interests. My main passions are skiing and table tennis. In table tennis I have achieved a creditable national ranking, and I am captain of the County team. In May 2001 I was given the opportunity to compete in Finland as part of the ISO games. I have competed in numerous national competitions and recently captained a team in the Junior British League. I am now commencing a course, which will leave me as a qualified Level Two Coach. Within school I have been school team captain. I am also in the school football team, and am part of the 6th form league winner's 5-a-side team. My involvement in sport has developed my leadership and teamwork skills as well as showing me the dedication that is required to learn and develop skills. I also enjoy music concerts and learning to play the bass guitar. I have also completed numerous courses in swimming, sailing, windsurfing, and snorkelling. I have travelled extensively around the world visiting Asia, The Middle East, America, South America, and Europe.

  I believe the courses I am studying, combined with the knowledge and skills I have gained out of school in work experience and sporting pursuits will be particularly useful for the challenge of degree level study at university.



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  Chemistry Personal Statement 化学个人陈述(PS)

  Since studying Chemistry and Design & Technology at A level, my desire to develop my knowledge of chemistry, incorporating the use of computers with technology, has increased. I wish to study in greater depth the potential interrelations of these subjects and look forward to the unique creative possibilities that a greater knowledge and understanding of them will bring. I wish to study both theoretical and practical applications of chemistry, computers and computer aided technology at a higher level.

  I have pursued two work experience placements, which have confirmed my interest in chemistry and computer technology. They showed me, albeit in a limited way, the interface between pure science and computer systems. I worked in an analytical laboratory at I.C.I., analysing chemicals (e.g. using an infra red spectrometer and gas chromatograph) and using databases. This improved my computer literacy as well as developing other skills, such as responsibility, teamwork, communication, listening skills and working to deadlines. I have completed a CLAIT course and am interested in home computing and the Internet. I have also helped to build a web site. As part of my Design and Technology course I have been developing my CAD skills extensively by producing a range of 3D models in Pro-Desktop. I was also rewarded with an 'outstanding effort' certificate in Design and Technology, further outlining my passion and dedication for the subject.

  Out of school, I have a wide variety of interests. My main passions are skiing and table tennis. In table tennis I have achieved a creditable national ranking, and I am captain of the County team. In May 2001 I was given the opportunity to compete in Finland as part of the ISO games. I have competed in numerous national competitions and recently captained a team in the Junior British League. I am now commencing a course, which will leave me as a qualified Level Two Coach. Within school I have been school team captain. I am also in the school football team, and am part of the 6th form league winner's 5-a-side team. My involvement in sport has developed my leadership and teamwork skills as well as showing me the dedication that is required to learn and develop skills. I also enjoy music concerts and learning to play the bass guitar. I have also completed numerous courses in swimming, sailing, windsurfing, and snorkelling. I have travelled extensively around the world visiting Asia, The Middle East, America, South America, and Europe.

  I believe the courses I am studying, combined with the knowledge and skills I have gained out of school in work experience and sporting pursuits will be particularly useful for the challenge of degree level study at university.
