


  An international atmosphere. One fifth of the student population and one third of the teaching staff come from abroad.Up-to-date facilities and technology. State-of-the-art laboratories for researchers: spacious, well-equipped lecture halls for teaching staff and students.Three faculties unique in their kind in Switzerland. Law, Criminal Justice and Public Administration; Biology and Medicine (FBM); Geosciences and Environment (GSE). New innovations require new synergies.Close collaboration with the University Hospital of the Canton of Vaud (CHUV) in order to remain at the forefront of advances in medical knowledge.The University and Cantonal Library - Lausanne (BCUL), with its two million documents, modern research tools and an ideal working environment overlooking Lake Geneva.A philosophy and work ethic expressed in a Charter of Values and precepts.An exceptionally green and spacious lakeside setting. In just a few minutes an excellent public transport network links the university campus to Lausanne, the capital of Vaud, noted for its varied cultural activities.A wide range of continuing education and interdisciplinary courses, as well as countless sporting and cultural activities in fields as varied as: language and IT courses, football (soccer), capoeira, fitness or underwater diving at the Sports Centre; societies, cinema, exhibitions or theatre at the Grange de Dorigny.



  1537:The University of Lausanne takes its origin from the Schola Lausannensis, which was, in turn, founded by the authorities of Berne after they had conquered the State of Vaud. It consisted of a college, with six progressive classes, and a chair of Theology. Its purpose was to educate the youth and train future ministers of the church.

  1537年:洛桑大学起源于Schola Lausannensis,反过来又由伯尔尼当局在征服沃州之后成立。它由一所大学组成,共有六个进修班,还有一个神学主席。其目的是教育青年培训未来的教会部长。

  1547: This codified all preceeding provisional or incomplete regulations. The High School now consisted of 7 progressive college classes in Latin, together with 4 chairs, one each for Theology, the Arts, Greek Philology, and Hebrew Philology.


  1559:The High School underwent its first major crisis when Pierre Viret, one of the Lausanne ministers and a key personality of the institution. challenged the government in Berne. Viret was dismissed and left Lausanne, taking with him a group of teachers who sympathised with his views.


  1602:The Rector's Book was initiated. Each student had to sign the book and, in so doing, undertook to respect the rules of the Academy.


  1616:The Reformation. An Academic Council was constituted in Berne. Its function was to supervise all the schools which together formed the Academy and to appoint a Rector every year. The length of studies was limited to 3 years for Philosophy and 2 for Theology. The role of the professors was strictly defined.


  1621:A sovereign mandate from the government in Berne authorised the Academy not only to train theologians, but also to appoint ministers of the Reformed Church. The Academy enjoyed this prerogative until 1838.


  1646 :Various laws and rulings were passed regulating the behaviour of "Students at the Venerable Academy of Lausanne"


  1757 :New statutes regulating the Academy were introduced, following an inspection by the curator, the Bernois Albrecht von Haller, who was himself renowned as a naturalist and doctor.


  1758 :The teaching of pure science was temporarily separated from the chair of Philosophy, and Louis de Treytorrens was appointed part-time professor of Mathematics and Experimental Physics.


  1766 :The renowned Dr Tissot was appointed professor of Medicine at the Academy. Although he did not teach on a regular basis, he nevertheless played a decisive role in the affairs of the Academy, and there was a regular and lively exchange of letters between himself and the curator, Albrecht von Haller.

  1766年:著名的天梭博士被任命为学院医学教授。虽然他没有定期教书,但他在学院的事务中发挥了决定性的作用,而且他和策展人阿尔布雷希特·冯·哈勒(Albrecht von Haller)之间定期和热烈地交换信件。

  1853 :Foundation of the Special School of Lausanne (later to become the Engineering School). The new school was founded on the personal initiative of 5 senior technicians, all engineers from Vaud, but educated in Paris, and professors of Mathematics and Chemistry at the Academy. It was modelled on the Central School in Paris.


  1869 :On the 12th May a law on higher education was passed. The Academy thereby acquired the legal status necessary for its transformation into a University a few years later. Four faculties now enjoyed equal status: Arts, Science, Law and Theology. The Special School became part of the Academy, with the title of Technical Faculty. As well as awarding first degrees, these five faculties of the Academy could now confer doctorate degrees. The high school or Gymnasium was divided into 2 sections (Arts and Science).


  1890 :On the 10th May a law on higher public education was enacted which conferred the name and status of University on the former Academy. The Faculty of Medicine was founded. Alexander Maurer, professor of Comparative Literature and Rector of the former Academy, was appointed Rector of the new University of Lausanne. A total of 300 students were enrolled.

  1890年:5月10日颁布了高等教育法,规定了大学在前学院的名称和地位。医学院成立。比较文学与前学院校长亚历山大·莫雷尔(Alexander Maurer)被任命为洛桑新大学校长。共有300名学生入学。


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  An international atmosphere. One fifth of the student population and one third of the teaching staff come from abroad.Up-to-date facilities and technology. State-of-the-art laboratories for researchers: spacious, well-equipped lecture halls for teaching staff and students.Three faculties unique in their kind in Switzerland. Law, Criminal Justice and Public Administration; Biology and Medicine (FBM); Geosciences and Environment (GSE). New innovations require new synergies.Close collaboration with the University Hospital of the Canton of Vaud (CHUV) in order to remain at the forefront of advances in medical knowledge.The University and Cantonal Library - Lausanne (BCUL), with its two million documents, modern research tools and an ideal working environment overlooking Lake Geneva.A philosophy and work ethic expressed in a Charter of Values and precepts.An exceptionally green and spacious lakeside setting. In just a few minutes an excellent public transport network links the university campus to Lausanne, the capital of Vaud, noted for its varied cultural activities.A wide range of continuing education and interdisciplinary courses, as well as countless sporting and cultural activities in fields as varied as: language and IT courses, football (soccer), capoeira, fitness or underwater diving at the Sports Centre; societies, cinema, exhibitions or theatre at the Grange de Dorigny.



  1537:The University of Lausanne takes its origin from the Schola Lausannensis, which was, in turn, founded by the authorities of Berne after they had conquered the State of Vaud. It consisted of a college, with six progressive classes, and a chair of Theology. Its purpose was to educate the youth and train future ministers of the church.

  1537年:洛桑大学起源于Schola Lausannensis,反过来又由伯尔尼当局在征服沃州之后成立。它由一所大学组成,共有六个进修班,还有一个神学主席。其目的是教育青年培训未来的教会部长。

  1547: This codified all preceeding provisional or incomplete regulations. The High School now consisted of 7 progressive college classes in Latin, together with 4 chairs, one each for Theology, the Arts, Greek Philology, and Hebrew Philology.


  1559:The High School underwent its first major crisis when Pierre Viret, one of the Lausanne ministers and a key personality of the institution. challenged the government in Berne. Viret was dismissed and left Lausanne, taking with him a group of teachers who sympathised with his views.


  1602:The Rector's Book was initiated. Each student had to sign the book and, in so doing, undertook to respect the rules of the Academy.


  1616:The Reformation. An Academic Council was constituted in Berne. Its function was to supervise all the schools which together formed the Academy and to appoint a Rector every year. The length of studies was limited to 3 years for Philosophy and 2 for Theology. The role of the professors was strictly defined.


  1621:A sovereign mandate from the government in Berne authorised the Academy not only to train theologians, but also to appoint ministers of the Reformed Church. The Academy enjoyed this prerogative until 1838.


  1646 :Various laws and rulings were passed regulating the behaviour of "Students at the Venerable Academy of Lausanne"


  1757 :New statutes regulating the Academy were introduced, following an inspection by the curator, the Bernois Albrecht von Haller, who was himself renowned as a naturalist and doctor.


  1758 :The teaching of pure science was temporarily separated from the chair of Philosophy, and Louis de Treytorrens was appointed part-time professor of Mathematics and Experimental Physics.


  1766 :The renowned Dr Tissot was appointed professor of Medicine at the Academy. Although he did not teach on a regular basis, he nevertheless played a decisive role in the affairs of the Academy, and there was a regular and lively exchange of letters between himself and the curator, Albrecht von Haller.

  1766年:著名的天梭博士被任命为学院医学教授。虽然他没有定期教书,但他在学院的事务中发挥了决定性的作用,而且他和策展人阿尔布雷希特·冯·哈勒(Albrecht von Haller)之间定期和热烈地交换信件。

  1853 :Foundation of the Special School of Lausanne (later to become the Engineering School). The new school was founded on the personal initiative of 5 senior technicians, all engineers from Vaud, but educated in Paris, and professors of Mathematics and Chemistry at the Academy. It was modelled on the Central School in Paris.


  1869 :On the 12th May a law on higher education was passed. The Academy thereby acquired the legal status necessary for its transformation into a University a few years later. Four faculties now enjoyed equal status: Arts, Science, Law and Theology. The Special School became part of the Academy, with the title of Technical Faculty. As well as awarding first degrees, these five faculties of the Academy could now confer doctorate degrees. The high school or Gymnasium was divided into 2 sections (Arts and Science).


  1890 :On the 10th May a law on higher public education was enacted which conferred the name and status of University on the former Academy. The Faculty of Medicine was founded. Alexander Maurer, professor of Comparative Literature and Rector of the former Academy, was appointed Rector of the new University of Lausanne. A total of 300 students were enrolled.

  1890年:5月10日颁布了高等教育法,规定了大学在前学院的名称和地位。医学院成立。比较文学与前学院校长亚历山大·莫雷尔(Alexander Maurer)被任命为洛桑新大学校长。共有300名学生入学。

