The University of Basel is a research university with a high output of scientific publications and maintains strong partnerships.Thanks to its research achievements, the university is regularly listed in the world's top 100 higher education institutions in various global rankings.The University of Basel consists of seven faculties in which it engages with a broad range of research activities in all of the basic scientific fields. By placing a strategic focus on five thematic focal areas, the University of Basel is able to sharpen its scientific profile and bolster its international presence.
The life sciences represent the University of Basel's most important focal area; in this research field it belongs among the top fifty worldwide and the top ten European institutions. This excellent international ranking also reflects in numerous cooperations with research institutions and business partners.Within the life sciences, the University of Basel focuses on molecular and biomedical basic research, systems biology, integrative biology, stem cell and cancer research, neurosciences, infection biology, clinical medicine, nanosciences and pharmaceutical science. In these fields, the translational research model ensures that basic research connects with potential applications.The University of Basel is part of a unique network of research institutions, hospitals, clinics and industry. The Basel region is one of the most successful life science clusters in the world today with about 700 companies and an annual turnover of 100 billion dollars. Two of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world and leading life science companies have their headquarters in Basel. The region is also attractive to start-up companies: In the last ten years, over 100 young companies have emerged.
In a world where generating and communicating knowledge through images is becoming increasingly important, the questions concerning the particularities, functions and effect of images are of great importance. In recent years, the University of Basel has become an international point of convergence for academic discussion surrounding the image. This discussion addresses the issue of empirical and historical contingencies in visual communication while at the same time laying the theoretical groundwork for image criticism.One of the key tasks of visual studies is to reflect upon the conjecture in images. This involves examining images originating in various contexts such as art, business, the economy, urban planning, philosophy as well in the history of language and writing. Research in images studies is a cornerstone of the humanities in Basel and explores new perspectives in art, design and architecture. At the same time, this focal area uncovers connections to research topics in the cognitive neurosciences and imaging used in the natural sciences.The focus of visual studies is firmly rooted in the humanist tradition of the University of Basel and is characterized by an intensive partnership with research institutes and renowned regional cultural institutions such as the Schaulager and the Kunstmuseum Basel.
The nanosciences study objects on the smallest scale and offer a variety of practical applications. As an interdisciplinary field, the nanosciences provide new inspiration for the life sciences, medicine, energy research as well as information and communications technologies.Nanosciences in Basel combine basic and application-oriented research. The high level of international renown this research enjoys is due to the theoretical approaches, scientific instruments and technologies developed here. The University of Basel was the first Swiss higher education institution to develop a course of studies in nanosciences and also offers a PhD program in the field.Research priorities include nanobiology, quantum computing and quantum coherence, atomic and molecular nanosystems, molecular electronics as well as functional materials. There are plans to further expand this focal area by developing initiatives in the field of molecular systems, nanomedicine, imaging, materials science and sustainability research.Nanosciences at the University of Basel are closely connected with regional, national and international partners and are a converging point for the activities of higher education institutions, research institutions and industry partners. The Swiss Nanoscience Institute at the University of Basel has established itself internationally as a center of excellence in the nanosciences and coordinates basic research and applied research projects in northwestern Switzerland.
In the field of historical and social science research on Europe, the University of Basel has many years of experience to look back on. The focal area European and Global Studies expands this expertise by adding a global perspective – particularly for Africa and East Asia – and combines methods and concepts from various disciplines.The research focus addresses subjects of global importance such as demographic aging: by 2050, there will be more 60-year-olds than children under 15. This trend will have profound economic, social and political consequences not only for Europe but also for Asia and Africa. This raises questions that require interdisciplinary approaches.In studying the African continent, traditionally there is a strong emphasis on examining theological, historical, cultural and social science as well as health aspects. The University of Basel has recently begun examining urban development and economic issues as well.At the same time, China is moving more into the foreground. Contemporary Chinese culture, society and the economy are becoming more and more significant in the global context. The University of Basel's new research partnerships, which include the East China Normal University in Shanghai, serve to strengthen relationshipswith Asia.
The sustainable handling of resources and efficient use of energy are forward-looking topics of great political significance. The University of Basel supports the sustainable development of our society by paying particular attention to these approaches in its teaching and research. In sustainability and energy research, the University of Basel has a diverse range of expertise at its disposal – whether in the natural sciences, economics or social sciences.The challenges posed by the environmental and energy sectors demand answers that go well beyond disciplinary boundaries. The focal area of sustainability and energy research addresses this situation and fosters the dialog between the various scientific disciplines within the University.Current research projects span topics from the disciplines of economics, law and the social sciences in relation to the phasing out of atomic energy, questions concerning sustainable energy and water use, and applied research in the nanosciences, chemistry, materials science and physics. The University of Basel is the leading house of the Competence Center for Research in Energy, Society and Transition (CREST), one of seven centers of competence created by the Swiss Confederation.
Emil Abderhalden(1877-1950),瑞士生化学家和生理学家
Werner Arber(1929年),瑞士生化学家,1978年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖
Leonhard Euler(1707-1783),数学家和物理学家
物理系Christoph Gerber教授,原子力显微镜的共同发明人
Carl Gustav Jung(1875-1961),瑞士精神科医师和分析心理学的创始人
瑞士 - 以色列哲学家迈克尔·兰德曼(Michael Landmann)(1913-1984)
Yeshayahu Leibowitz(1903-1994),以色列公共知识和聚会
Paul HermannMüller(1899-1965),瑞士化学家,1948年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖
Friedrich Nietzsche(1844-1900)德国哲学家,24岁时在巴塞尔大学举办古典哲学主席
Tadeus Reichstein(1897-1996),波兰瑞士化学家,1950年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖
Rolf Zinkernagel(1944-),瑞士医师,1996年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖